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Victorio Candido

Group 5
Virtual presentation by:
Jan Mark R. Ragudo
Roy Joshua E. Retuta
Personal Information
about Victorio Edades
Born on December 23,1895
Dagupan, Pangasinan,Captaincy General of the Philippines
Died on March 7,1985 (aged 89) Davao City Philippines
Nationality: Philippines
Notable work : The Builders, the sketch
Victorio Edades
Victorio Candido Edades (December 23,1895 - March
7,1985) was a Filipino painter. He lead the Revutionary
Thirteen Moders, who engaged their classical
compatriots in heated debate over the nature of
function of art. He was named a NATIONAL ARTIST in
1976. The history names Victorio Edades "The father
of modern Philippine art". Schooled in the US upon his
return he introduced at entirely new way of thinking
about art. He argued that are can be more than
representation of reality, it can be representation of
reality has seen through the mind and emotions of the
The sketch
Edades received the "pro patria award during the Rizal
Centennial Celebration in 1961 and the Patnubay ng Sing sing
at Kalinangan Award from the city of Manila in 1964". He was
proclaimed National Artist in painting inin 1976. Edades
retired to davao city in his family.
The Builders
The Builders is one of Victorio Edades' major works
that he exhibited in 1928 during his one-man show.
Edades executed this upon his return to the
Philippines from studies in the United States. In his
campaign for modernism, this is one of his paintings
that shows his enhanced knowledge and skill in
modern art.

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