5-Mobile Presence and Marketing

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Mobile Presence

JCU CP3401/5636 1
Readings / Preparations

Pre-lecture Preparation:
Case Studies
• Building a Mobile Presence(Laudon p223-224)
• Land Rover Seeks Engagement on the Small Screen(Laudon p500-501)
• Building Websites for the Multi-Screen Consumer
• https://www.google.com/think/multiscreen/whitepaper-multiscreenconsumer.html

Extended Readings:
• Laudon Ch 3 pp217-230, Ch 7 pp488-513
• Principles of Mobile Site Design: Delight Users and Drive Conversions
• http://
• Native, web or hybrid mobile-app development, IBM whitepaper
• ftp://public.dhe.ibm.com/software/pdf/mobile-enterprise/WSW14182USEN.pdf

• Google Multi-Screen Resources
• https://www.google.com/think/multiscreen/
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Learning outcomes
By the end of this topic, you should be able to

• Understand the important considerations involved in

developing a mobile Web site and building mobile applications.

• Understand the difference between traditional online marketing

and the new mobile-local marketing platforms and the
relationships between mobile and local marketing.

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Multi-screen Consumer

• People use the device that’s handiest for them

at the moment.

• It’s a real challenge for businesses to deliver a

great experience for all these screens and

• People who are used to desktop screens want

to find the same basic content and user
experience on other screens, too.
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Google is changing how you see ads on your computer

Google claims that their intent to remove all RHS ads is to

make their appearance to be consistent across their desktop
and mobile search results page. (Feb 2016)

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Unique Features of Mobile Web

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Planning and Building a Mobile
• Prepare to go mobile
• Define your values proposition for mobile/tablet users
• Create a familiar experiences, an experience that works on
mobile screens and tablets
• Think about the users’s context, when and where the users
will use the mobile devices, what are the needs of the users
at the moment
• user might even be in your store, looking for reviews on the
lawnmower they’re considering.
• Use the full power of mobile
• how can we support our value proposition with device-specific
• GPS, easy video / photo uploads ?

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Planning and Building a Mobile
• Choose the technology that best suits your needs
• Mobile web / app ?

• Mobile first design

• Mobile Web site:
• Responsive Web design (RWD)
• Adaptive Web design (AWD)
• Mobile Web app:
• Native app:
• Hybrid app

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Case Discussion 1
Building a Mobile Presence

• What are the key differences between user experience

on a Web site and on a mobile device?
• Why would a mobile Web site or app from the same
merchant need different content or functionality?
• In which cases would a merchant want to develop a
mobile app over a mobile Web site?
• Try to fill in the boxes for the pros and cons of various
approaches for mobile presence in the next few slides.

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Mobile First Web Design

• What are the advantages for this approach ?

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Responsive Web Design

• Pros • Cons

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Adaptive Web Design
(Dynamic Serving)
• Pros • Cons

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Mobile Web App
(separate to the desktop version)
• Pros • Cons

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Native App

• Pros • Cons

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Hybrid app

• Pros • Cons

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Mobile Marketing

• Mobile marketing formats

• Banner ads, rich media ads, and video ads
• Games
• E-mail and text messaging
• In-store messaging
• Quick Response (QR) codes
• Couponing

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How People Use Their Mobile Devices

SOURCE: Based on data from AOL/BBDO, 2012.

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In-App Experiences and Ads

• Mobile use
• Apps—85% of smartphone time
• 75% of app time spent on user’s top 4 apps
• Social networking—25%
• Games—16%
• Radio—8%

• Most effective in-app ads

• Placed in most popular apps
• Targeted to immediate activities and interests

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The Multi-Screen Environment

• Consumers becoming multi-platform

• Desktops, smartphones, tablets, TV
• 90% of multi-device users use multiple devices to complete
• View ad on TV, search on smartphone, purchase on tablet

• Marketing implications
• Consistent branding
• Cross-platform design
• Responsive design

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Mobile Marketing Features

• 35% of all online marketing

• Dominant players are Google, Facebook
• Mobile device features
• Personal communicator and organizer
• Screen size and resolution
• GPS location
• Web browser
• Apps
• Ultraportable and personal
• Multimedia capable

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The Top Mobile Marketing Firms
by Revenue

SOURCE: Based on data from eMarketer, Inc., 2014a.

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Mobile Ad Spending by Format

SOURCE: Based on data from eMarketer, Inc., 2014a.

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Mobile Marketing Campaigns

• Mobile Web site

• Facebook and Twitter brand pages
• Mobile versions of display advertising
• Ad networks
• Interactive content aimed at mobile user
• Tools for measuring responses
• Key dimensions follow desktop and social marketing metrics

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Local and Location-Based
• Location-based marketing
• Targets messages to users based on location
• Marketing of location-based services
• Location-based services
• Provide services to users based on location
• Personal navigation
• Point-of-interest
• Reviews
• Friend-finders, family trackers

• Consumers have high likelihood of responding

to local ads
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The Growth of Local and
Location-Based Mobile Marketing
• Prior to 2005, nearly all local advertising
was non-digital
• Google Maps (2005)
• Enabled targeting ads to users based on IP
address and general geographic location
• Smartphones, Google’s mobile maps app (2007)
• Enabled targeting ads based on GPS

• Location-based mobile marketing

• Expected to triple over next five years

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Location-Based Marketing
• Google
• Android OS, Google Maps, Google Places, AdMob, AdWords
• Facebook
• Apple
• iOS, iAd
• Twitter
• Others: YP, Pandora, Millenial

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Location-Based Mobile
Marketing Technologies
• Two types of location-based marketing techniques
• Geo-aware techniques
• Identify location of user’s device and target ads, recommending actions
within reach
• Proximity marketing
• Identify a perimeter around a location and target ads and
recommendations within that perimeter

• Identifying locations
• GPS signals
• Cell-tower locations
• Wi-Fi locations
Location-Based Mobile
Marketing Technologies
Why Is Local Mobile
Attractive to Marketers?
• Mobile users more active, ready to purchase than
desktop users

• 80% of U.S. smartphone users use mobile devices to

search for local products, services
• 50% visit a store within 1 day of local search
• 18% make a purchase
Location-Based Marketing Tools

• Geo-social-based services marketing

• Location-based services marketing
• Mobile-local social network marketing
• Proximity marketing
• In-store messaging
• Location-based app messaging
Location-Based Marketing
• Location-based considerations
• Consider action-based, time-restrained offers and
• Consider target demographic and location-aware mobile
user demographics
• Measuring marketing results
• Same measures as mobile and Web marketing
• Metrics for measuring unique characteristics
• Reservations
• Click-to-call
• Friend
• Purchase
Location-Based Marketing
Campaigns Effectiveness
Case Discussion 2
Land Rover Seeks Engagement on the Small Screen

• Why do mobile devices represent such a promising

opportunity for marketers?
• Have you ever responded to mobile marketing
• What are some of the new types of marketing that
mobile devices have spawned?

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We have discussed,

• the important considerations involved in developing a mobile

Web site and building mobile applications.
• the difference between traditional online marketing and the
new mobile-local marketing platforms and the relationships
between mobile and local marketing.
• the key elements of a mobile marketing campaign.
• the capabilities of location-based local marketing.

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Quiz Question 1

Which of the following is a server-side technique that detects the

attributes of the device making the request, and using predefined
templates, loads a version of a site that is optimized for the
C) mobile first design

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Quiz Question 2

A native app is one designed to specifically operate using a mobile
device's hardware and operating system.

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Quiz Question 3

________ involves using the inherent strength of social networks

to encourage visitors and fans to share their Likes and comments
with friends.

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Quiz Question 4

________ uses less battery power than GPS and is more accurate
than targeting through Wi-Fi triangulation.

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Quiz Question 5

Describe what technologies and techniques are employed by

location-based mobile marketing.

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