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Social Marketing

JCU CP3401/5636 1
Readings / Preparations

Pre-lecture Preparation:
Case Studies
• Fairmont Hotels: Using Google Analytics to Optimize Social and
Mobile Marketing (Laudon p475-476)
• Video Case: The power of like

Extended Readings:
• Laudon Ch 7 460-488
• The beginner guide to social media https://
• Creative Guide for Promoted Pins
• https://
pins-guide-en.pdf CP3401/5636 2
Learning outcomes
By the end of this topic, you should be able to

• Understand the social marketing process from fan acquisition to

sales and the marketing capabilities of social marketing
platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.

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Introduction to Social, Mobile,
and Local Marketing
• Impact of smartphones and tablets
• Social-mobile-local nexus
• Strong ties between consumer use of social networks,
mobile devices, and local shopping

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Social Marketing

• Traditional online marketing goals

• Deliver business message to the most consumers
• Social marketing goals
• Encourage consumers to become fans and engage and enter
• Strengthen brand by increasing share of online conversation

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Social Marketing Players

• The most popular sites account for 90% of all social

network visits
• Facebook, Google+, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Instagram,
• Unique visitors vs. engagement
• Engagement measures the amount and intensity of user
• Facebook dominates in both measures
• Dark social – sharing outside of major social networks (e-
mail, IM, texts, etc.)

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Engagement at Top Social Sites

Figure 7.3, Page 424 SOURCE: Based on data from Miller, 2014a; eMarketer, Inc., 2013a.
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The Social Marketing Process

• Five steps in social marketing, also applicable to local

and mobile marketing

Figure 7.5, Page 419

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Basic Facebook Features

• Profile
• Friend search
• Timeline
• Tagging
• News feed
• Trending
• Status update
• Like button
• Apps
• Open graph
• Graph search
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Facebook Marketing Tools

• Like Button
• Brand Pages
• Facebook Adverts
• News Feed Page Post Ads
• Right-Hand Column Sidebar Ads
• Mobile Ads
• Facebook Exchange (FBX)

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Facebook Marketing Tools

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Different Types of Facebook
• Page Post Engagement • Video Views
• Page Likes • Local Awareness
• Clicks to Website • Slideshows
• Website Conversions • Carousel Adverts
• App Installs • Dynamic Product Adve
• App Engagement rts
• Lead Adverts
• Event Responses
• Offer Claims

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Facebook Adverts Targeting
• Basic Targeting: location, demographics,
interests, behaviors, connections.

• Advanced Targeting:
• Custom Audiences
• Lookalike Audiences

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Typical Facebook Marketing
• Establish Facebook brand page
• Use comment and feedback tools to develop fan
• Develop a community of users
• Encourage brand involvement through video, and rich
• Use contests and competition to deepen involvement
• Use display ads for other Facebook pages and social
• Display Like button liberally

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Case Discussion 1
Strategies for Facebook Marketing

• Review this web reference https

• Give the following marketing objectives, describe your
Facebook marketing strategies?
• What Facebook features you are going to use ? How to
use the features?
• What are you going to measure?

• Drive Online Sales in your website

• Increase local Sales in your store
• Promote your mobile app
• Raise brand awareness
JCU CP3401/5636 15
Guidelines of Facebook
• Content: Everything you post on Facebook is
content. As we now know from the News Feed
algorithm, how users interact with that content
is important.

• Don't spam: This is a big no through all of marketing.

Always be tactful, classy, and do not spam.

• Don’t clustered updates: With the notable exception of

image albums, avoid making multiple updates within a
short time span.
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Guidelines of Facebook
• Post timing: Also related to the ingredients of
your content is when and how you post it. Be
sure you're tracking what time of day your fans
are most active.
• Facebook does allow scheduling of posts directly in their

• Moderation: Companies have increasing levels

of responsibility for user-generated content
posted on their walls or in comments.

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Guidelines of Facebook
• Engagement: Companies can join in the
conversation with customers

• Messages: People can send your page private

messages. You'll find the most of these
messages will be customer service-related, so
make sure to check them. The messages section
functions like an email inbox.

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Guidelines of Facebook
• Community: Make your audience's experience
on Facebook about their experience and their
connections rather than your CTR and
conversion rates. Turn your audience into a
community that thrives, grows, and supports
one another.

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Strategies and Tactics Facebook
Guidelines of Facebook Marketing
• Respond: Response times are going to vary
based on the issue and the product in question,
but in social media timeliness is critical.
• Users expect things to happen much faster on
social channels than on more traditional web
channels like email.
• In most cases, same-day responses are

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Measuring Facebook Marketing

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Measuring Facebook Marketing

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Facebook analytics tools

• Facebook Page Insights

• Facebook Pixel
• Social media management systems (HootSuite)
• Analytics providers (Google Analytics,

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Basics of Facebook Page
• Likes, Reach, Visits, Posts, People

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Facebook Pixel

• The Facebook pixel is a piece of code for your

website that lets you measure, optimise and
build audiences for your advertising campaigns.

• Building Custom Audiences from your website for

• Optimizing ads for conversions.
• Tracking conversions and attributing them back to your ads.
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Facebook Pixel
JCU CP3401/5636 26
Facebook Pixel
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Examples of Facebook

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Case Discussion 2
The Power of Like

• What is different about the analytics demonstrated in

this video and the analysis a company can derive itself
from its own Facebook data?
• What is the video’s demonstration of viral influence
based on? Is this a viable measurement?
• One of the central advantages promoted of using the
combined research capabilities of comScore and
Facebook is in the ability whether Facebook messages
are an effective means of marketing and whether
Facebook fans translate into more products sold. Do
you think the information in this video supports this?
Why or why not?
JCU CP3401/5636 29
Twitter Marketing

• Real-time interaction with consumers

• 270 million active users worldwide
• Over 75% access Twitter from mobile device
• Will Twitter become the next Google?
• Basic features
• Tweets and retweets
• Followers
• Hashtags

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Twitter Basic Features

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Twitter Marketing Tools

• Promoted Tweets
• Promoted Trends
• Promoted Accounts
• Enhanced Profile Page
• Amplify
• Television Ad Retargeting
• Lead Generation Cards
• Mobile Ads

JCU CP3401/5636 32
Typical Twitter Marketing
• Establish a Twitter account
• Follow others relevant to your content and
• Experiment with simple Promoted Tweets
• For larger budgets, use Promoted Trends and TV ad
• For retail business local sales, build Lead Generation

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Twitter Ad (Website Card)

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Website Card Design Guidelines


If you’re trying to reach new customers, don’t assume
they already know how your product or service works.
A quick 1, 2, 3 diagram or concise sentence
communicates your value proposition at a glance.

JCU CP3401/5636 35
Website Card Design Guidelines


WANT: Be specific to give users as much context as
possible. Try a call to action of Read more for a Card
that links to a blog post or case study, or Register
now if your goal is sign-ups.

JCU CP3401/5636 36
Website Card Design Guidelines

• ASK A QUESTION: When you ask a question in a Tweet, it helps

people feel like they’re part of a conversation and it can compel
them to click through. When the copy in a Website Card
includes a “?”, it gets 25% more clicks

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Twitter Ad Targeting Options

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Measuring Twitter Marketing

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• Pinterest is the social network site that provides

users with an online board to which they can
“pin” interesting pictures

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Pinterest Features

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Pinterest Features

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Pinterest Marketing Tools

• Promoted pins
• Add Pin It and Follow buttons
• Pin as display ad
• Theme-based (lifestyle) boards
• Brand pages
• URL link to stores
• Retail brand Pins
• Integration with other social sites
• Network with users, followers, others
JCU CP3401/5636 43
Typical Pinterest Marketing
• Create Pinterest brand page and multiple
lifestyle-themed boards
• Improve quality of photos
• Use URL links and keywords
• Utilize Pinterest product pins, Pin It buttons
• Integrate with Facebook and Twitter
• Measuring Pinterest Marketing Results
• Same dimensions as Facebook, Twitter

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Pins Design

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Pins Designs

Building Building Increasing Click

Awareness (CPM) Engagement (CPE) (CPC)
• Compelling • Compelling • Compelling
images images images
• Text overlays • Text overlays • Text overlays
• Detailed • Detailed • Detailed
descriptions descriptions descriptions
• Vertical aspect • Vertical aspect • Vertical aspect
ratio ratio ratio
• Novelty • Lists • Call to action
• Tasteful branding • How-tos • Tasteful branding
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Social & Email Marketing Metrics

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The Downside of Social
• Loss of control
• Where ads appear in terms of other content
• What people say
• Posts
• Comments
• Inaccurate or embarrassing material
• In contrast, TV ads maintain near complete control

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Social & Email Marketing Metrics

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Case Discussion 3
Fairmont Hotels: Using Google Analytics to Optimize Social and
Mobile Marketing

• How do social technologies help identify and attract

loyal customers?
• What are the challenges in measuring the
effectiveness of social campaigns?
• What were the advantages Fairmont Hotels found in
using Google Analytics?

JCU CP3401/5636 51

• Understand the difference between traditional online marketing

and the new social- mobile-local marketing platforms and the
relationships between social, mobile, and local marketing.
• Understand the social marketing process from fan acquisition to
sales and the marketing capabilities of social marketing
platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.

JCU CP3401/5636 52
Quiz Question 1

Which of the following is a history of your actions on Facebook?

A) News Feed
B) Timeline
C) Ticker
D) Social Graph

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Quiz Question 2

____involves using any of a variety of means to attract people to

your Web site and other social marketing platforms, such as
Facebook and Twitter.

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Quiz Question 3

________ is a Facebook feature that allows app developers to

integrate their apps into the Facebook pages of users who sign up
for the app.

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Quiz Question 4

• What is meant by the social marketing term

‘amplification’ and how is it created and

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Quiz Question 5

Describe Twitter’s Lead Generation Card feature and

how it differs from a display ad.

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