Empowerment Technologies - Ict

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Information and
Importance of
information and
Essential Understanding
 ICT is a useful tool that offers a wide range of applications.
The ability to assess its content and purpose can help to best
address situational challenges in a specific professional track.
Essential Questions
 What is the different ICT’s of today?
 How are these technologies applied in the different
areas in the community?
 How can you identify the best tool to
address specific situations?
Learning Targets
 I can improve my knowledge on how ICT affects their
everyday lives and the state of our nation.

 I can compare and contrast the differences between online

platforms, sites, and content.
Learning Targets
 I can familiarize the features of Web 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0.

 I can learn the different trends in ICT and use them to their
As the popular saying goes, "Love makes the world go round."
But before you start looking for someone to fall in love with, you could
argue how the Internet has made the world go round for decades.
Likewise, in the motivation activity, the Internet has probably made your
world go round. In this lesson, we will understand how Information and
Communication Technologies have improved our lives in such a short
period of time.
Definition of Terms
 Web 1.0 - static websites without interactivity.
 Web 2.0- websites that contain dynamic content.
 Web 3.0- a concept of the World Wide Web that is designed to cater to the
individual user.
 Static - refers to web that are the same regardless of the user.
 Dynamic- refers to web pages that are affected by user input or
 Folksonomy- allows users to categorize and classify/arrange
 Hashtag- used to “categorize” posts in website.
 Convergence- the synergy of technological advancements to work on
a similar goal or task.
 Social Media- websites, applications, or online channels that enable
users to create, co-create, discuss, modify, and exchange user-
generated content.
What do you need
to know?
Information and
Communication Technology
• It refers to the use of communication
technology such as laptop, smart phones,
tablet, telephone, internet and etc. to send,
save, and edit information.
When we make a video call, we use the Internet. When we send a text
or make a call, we use cellular networks. When we run out of load or battery, we
use payphones which use a telephone network. Having a unified way to
communicate is one of the goals of ICT. In terms of economics, ICT has saved
companies a lot of resources (time and money) with the kind of communication
technology they use, nowadays. In a similar way, we spend less because of ICT.
As it normally costs us a peso to send a text message or SMS, with the Internet,
we can send multiple messages and only be charged by a fraction.
ICT in the Philippines
The use of communication technology spread in
the entire country now a day even in rural areas.
According to Rappler blog site there are 119
million mobile phone subscriptions from a total
population of 101 million and 47 million active
Facebook accounts.
The Philippines is the fastest growing app market in
Southeast Asia and the highest digital population in
the world. The top online activities are social media,
videos, online mobile games, location-based
search and online shopping. Staying connected with
loved ones, friends, and relatives is a fundamental
need for Filipinos.
Several international companies dub the
Philippines as the "ICT Hub of Asia" It is
no secret that there is a huge growth of
ICT-related jobs around the country, one
of which is the call center or BPO
(Business Process Outsourcing) centers.
According to the 2013 edition of Measuring the
Information Society by the International
Telecommunication Union, there are 106.8 cellphones
per 100 Filipinos in the year 2012. That would mean
that for every 100 Filipinos you meet, there is a high
chance that they have a cellphone and approximately
for the seven of them, they have two.
Activity 1: Visiting Websites Part 1
Directions: List down three (3) websites that you have browsed.

No. Website



What is it?
• Activity 1 shows the different websites in World
Wide Web. The behavior and characteristics of a
website depends on what version of the
development of WWW it was created.
World Wide Web

• It is also known as WWW or W3 introduce by Tim Berners-Lee. It

consists of different pages that are formatted in a markup language
called HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) and linked to each other
that contain text, graphics, multimedia files, hyperlinks and etc.
Web 1.0

• The first development of World Wide Web where

web pages are static. It also known as flat or
stationary page and it cannot be manipulated by
Web 2.0

It is a dynamic web page where user can interact

with page like creating a user account, posting
comments, uploading files and images, and others.

Example: Blog sites, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram,

Features of Web 2.0
1. Folksonomy – users can classify and arrange information by adding tag or label.
Pound sign (#) is used in Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and other social networking sites.

Example in tagging on Facebook: #TeamKawayan, #Single

2. Rich User Experience – user can have high interaction with the content of the
page and can achieve level of expertise.

3. User Participation – user can put content on their own in web page like
comment, evaluation, and etc.
4. Long Tail – A site that offers services and brings individual and
businesses into selling different goods and commodities such as shopping site like
OLX, Lazada, Shopee, Zalora and others.

5. Software as a service – users can subscribe to a software when they

need it instead of purchasing them.

6. Mass Participation – sharing of diverse information through universal

web access.
Web 3.0 the Semantic Web

A new paradigm in web interaction extension of led by World Wide Web

Consortium (W3C) where it provides framework that allows data to be shared and
According to the W3C, "The Semantic Web provides a common framework
that allows to be shared and reused across application, enterprise, and community
boundaries or web 3.0 is to have machines (or servers) understand the user’s
preferences to be able to deliver web content specifically targeting the user.
For example, when doing the web search in Web 2.0, the topmost result is based
on the preference or several users who already searched for the item.

The search engine then labels it the most common answer to the search query.
Though there are instances wherein several preferences are considered like geographic
location, Web 3.0 aims to do better. This is through studying personal preferences of an
individual user and showing results based on those preferences. The Internet is able to
predict the best possible answers to your question by "learning" from your previous choices
that the Semantic Web is a component for Web 3.0.
For example, if you search the Internet for "Where is the best place to go
shopping?" Web 3.0 will aim to give you results depending on how you have made choices
in the past. If you have purchased several shoes online, the internet will give you results on
the best place with the highest rated shoes around your vicinity.

Another example is when you search for the best restaurant to visit in a specific
area. First, it may look for your previous visits from other restaurants and if you have rated
them whether good or bad. In return, Web 3.0 will search for restaurants that have a similar
menu, good rating, and budget that fit your preference in the past.
Web 3.0 is yet to be fully realized because of several problems:

1. Compatibility. HTML files and current web browsers could not support Web 3.0.
2. Security. The user's security is also in question since the machine is saving his or her preferences.

3. Vastness. The World Wide Web already contains billions of web pages.

4. Vagueness. Certain words are imprecise. The words "old" and 'small" would depend on the user.

5. Logic. Since machines use logic, there are certain limitations fora computer to be able to predict
what the user is referring to at a given time.
Activity 2: Visiting Websites Part 2

Directions: Based on the list of websites you have written in

activity 1, identify the version of the web of each website and
defend your answer by writing on the Reason column.

No. Website Web Version Reason

What do you need
to know?
Technology keeps rising and improving every time. The
use of technology connects us to the people around the globe
and gives us current information on the trends in information
and communication. As what you have written in the activity
above, it shows that social media is mostly used by people and
one of the current trends in information and communication
Trends in ICT
1. Convergence – it refers to fusing of
technological advancement to work on a similar task.
Technological convergence is the synergy of technological
advancements to work on a similar goal or task. For
example, besides using your personal computer to create
word documents, you can now use your smartphone.
It can also use cloud technologies to sync files from one device to another
while also using LTE technology which means you can access your files anytime,
anywhere. Convergence is using several technologies to accomplish a task conveniently.

Example. Using smartphone as camera in taking pictures instead of DSLR camera.

2. Social Media – an application and website where user can communicate,
create and share content, and participate in online communities.
Type of Social Media
A. Social Network – A website where people with the same
come together to share information.
Examples: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook
B. Social News – A website where user can post stories and are ranked
based on the popularity through voting.

Examples: Digg, Reddit, Propeller, Slashdot, Fark

C. Bookmarking Sites – A website that allows you to share and store
internet bookmarks, articles, posts, blogs, images and others.
Examples: Pinterest, StumbleUpon, Dribble
D. Media Sharing – A website that allows you to share and store multimedia files such as video,
photos and music.

Examples: Instagram, YouTube, Flickr

E. Microblogging – a website that allows you to broadcast short message.

Examples: Twitter, Tumblr, Meetme

F. Blogs and Forums – a discussion website that allows user to ask questions and comments
on a journal posted by an individual or group. Examples: Wordpress, Blogger.
3. Mobile Technologies- The popularity of smartphones
and tablets has taken a major rise over the years. This is
largely because of the devices capability to do tasks that
were originally found in personal computers. Several of
these devices are capable of using high-speed Internet.
Today, the latest mobile devices use 4G Networking
(LTE), which is currently the fastest mobile network.
Also, mobile devices use different operating systems:
a. iOS - used in Apple devices such as the iPhone and iPad

b. Android - an open-source operating system developed by Google. Being open Source means
several mobile phone companies use this OS for free.

c. Blackberry OS - used in Blackberry devices.

d. Windows Phone OS - a closed source and proprietary operating system developed by Microsoft.

e. Symbian - the original smartphone OS; used by Nokia devices WeboS - originally used for
smartphones; now used for smart TVs g. Windows Mobile - developed by Microsoft" for
smartphones and pocket PCs.
4. Assistive Media - It is a nonprofit service designed to help people who have
visual and reading impairments. A platform that assist people with disability.
It will guide the individual like a blind person by using an audio recording. A
database of audio recordings is used to read to the user. You may visit
http://www.assistivemedia.org/ for several of their audio recordings.
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Slidesgo, including icons by Flaticon, infographics &
images by Freepik and illustrations by Storyset

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