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Week 1 - Class 0

Presented By
Md. Fahim Faisal
Lecturer, Dept. of CSE, AMUST
Course Plan - Week 1-2: Fundamentals of OOP
• Class 1:
• Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming
• Principles of Object-Oriented Design
• Procedure Oriented Programming (POP) & Object Oriented Programming
• Class 2:
• Project Kick-off: Discuss the "Mobile Banking Software" project
• Assign project roles and responsibilities
• Initial brainstorming and design discussions
• Structure of a C++ program
Course Plan - Week 1-2: Fundamentals of OOP
• Class 3:
• namespace, Data types, C++ tokens, Identifiers
• Variables, Constants, Operators,
• Control structures & Loops.
• Basics of Encapsulation and Information-hiding

• Class 4:
• Understanding Data Binding
• Static and Dynamic Binding
Recommended Text Books
• Teach Yourself C++, Herbert • The complete reference Java,
Schildt Herbert Schildt

Images taken from

Recommended Links
• C++ Language Tutorial

• C++ Tutorial from

• C++ Tutorial from

• Java Tutorial from

Google Classroom Code
• k6hbuu6
Some popular applications of C++
• Operating Systems:
• Microsoft Windows
• Apple Mac OS X
• Games:
• World of Warcraft Counter-Strike, and game engines like Unreal Engine
• GUI Based Applications:
• Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator

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