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By Weiss, Melissa, Kate, and
• Slide 1- Introduction
• Slide 2- Location
• Slide 3- Timeline
• Slide 4- Transportation
• Slide 5- Civilization on the Nile
• Slide 6- Social Structure
Contents • Side 7- Laws and Government
• Slide 8- Basic Needs
• Slide 9- Culture
• Slide 10- Food and Water
• Slide 11- A small History of Egypt
• Slide 12- Ancient Egypt's Legacy
• Slide 13- Fun Facts
•Egypt is officially called
the Arabic republic of Egypt​
•Their main language is Arabic​
•They are famous for
their pyramids,
mummies tombs, and pharaohs​
•One of Africa's
most advanced civilizations​
• Northeast of Africa ( Modern and
• Goes along the Nile River
• Southwest corner of Asia
• Capital- Cairo

Pyramids are
built Late Period
Settlement of First IP ends Second IP ends Assyrians from Ends
the Nile valley Hieroglyphics Lots of trade Middle New Kingdom Mesopotamia The Persian
happens Greco-Roman
begins are made Kingdom Starts Starts conquer Egypt Conquest Period Begins

~3100 BC ~3000 BC ~2181 BC ~1650 BC ~1070 BC ~650 BC 332 BC ~30 BC

~7000 BC - ~3050 BC ~2500 BC ~2100 BC ~1550 BC 669 BC 525 BC ~320 BC

Early Period
Upper and Alexander the
Early Period Lower Egypt Old Kingdom Middle New Kingdom Third IP Ends Great Egypt comes
ends unite Ends Kingdom Ends Ends conquers under Roman
Late Period Egypt and
Old Kingdom Lots of First IP starts Second IP Third IP Starts starts rule
Starts cultures are starts founds
made Alexanderia

*IP is intermediate Period

• They rode donkeys and used
papyrus boats
• They also carried stuff on their
• Their roads were more like paths
• Camels did not exist until ~650
Civilization on
the Nile
• The Nile river was essential to Egypt.
• The river provided the ancient Egyptian
people with fertilizer, soil and water.
• People that lived along the banks had to
deal with the river's annual flooding.
• They developed new skills and
technology from agriculture and created
boats and ship buildings.
• The burst of water and nutrients turned
The Nile into a rich farmland.

This Photo by Unknown author is licensed under CC BY.

Social structure

Viziers, Nobles
, Priests

Pharaoh controls everything Soldiers

The pharaoh is like the prime
minister or queen Scribes

Pharaoh is the representative of Merchants

Government was theocratic Craftsmen


Laws • Pharaoh is the dominant power
• Laws were built on ma 'at (harmony).
• Criminals were considered guilty until proven innocent
• Serious crimes had much worse punishments than light crimes
• King Menes made the first laws

Food and water

•The Nile helped produce most if

not all of Egypt's food and water. It
directly produced all of Egypt's
water based crops and food.
•Water came from the Nile
•Food came from hunting and
Basic Needs

• Ancient Egypt thrived mainly

because of farming.
• The basic needs include shelter
from the weather.
• Clothing was made from plants
and fibers.
• They needed food and water.
• The ancient Egypt made wall
hangings, wall paintings, pottery,
fabric, tools of stone and metal,
and luxury goods.
• Language-Arabic
• Muslim
• Loved Egyptian folk song
• Rice was the main dish
A small history
of Egypt
• Nile river covered banks
• Covered their land
• Left silt (fine, fertile soil)
• Silt helped desert have greens
• Helped Egypt last thousands of
Ancient Egypt's
• First civilization to invent armies
• First civilization to have theocracy in
their government, meaning that a divine
being would rule and give them advice.
• Pyramids, the sphinx, and temples were
developed to the architecture that
is used today
• Egypt had equality. Woman had the
same rights as men.
• Invented the calendar
• Invented surgeries and disease cures
• Egypt has one of the longest histories of all
• They liked cats
• They were one of the most important
Fun Facts civilizations of all time
• The Great pyramids were not built by slaves
• Temperatures can go up to 50 degrees
• Egypt has been successful for more than
5000 years
• Egypt invented the 365 days a year calendar.
References •

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