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A Voucher is a document that contains

information about a financial
transaction and is used to record that
information in the books of accounts.
The user can use the appropriate Tally
Voucher to enter the details into the
ledgers and update the company’s
financial position for each transaction.
There are 24 pre-defined voucher
types in Tally Prime for accounting
inventory, payroll and orders.
Types of Voucher
The Standard Accounting Voucher are:-
• 1- contra voucher (f4)
• 2- payment voucher (f5)
• 3- receipt voucher (f6)
• 4- journal voucher (f7)
• 5- sales voucher (f8)
• 6- Credit Note (Alt+f6)
• 7- Purchase Voucher (f9)
• 8- Debit Note (Alt+f5)
Contra voucher (f4)

• Fund transfers within different

accounts of a company, such as
transfer from on bank account to
another, the deposit of cash to
bank account, cash withdrawals
from ATMs or withdrawals from
banks using Cheques or DD, can
be recorded using Contra
voucher in Tally Prime . Such
fund transfers from one account
to the other-say Cash Account to
Bank Account or vice versa-
appear on the same side of the
company’s balance sheet and do
not impact the company’s books.
Recording the Transfer of fund within the
User’s Accounts
• When a user wishes to record the transfer of
money to the bank account, Tally Prime
internally keeps a record of such deposits. The
user can print these deposit slips, as needed.
• The step required for creating Vouchers
I. Open Tally
II. Gateway of tally
III. Create Voucher
IV. F4
Payment voucher (f5)
• The step required for creating Payment
I. Open Tally
II. Gateway of tally
III. Account info
IV. Accounting Voucher
V. F5
Receipt Vouchers(f6)
• The step required for creating Receipt
I. Open Tally
II. Gateway of tally
III. Account info
IV. Accounting Voucher
V. F6
Journal voucher (f7)
The step required for creating Journal voucher
I. Open Tally
II. Gateway of tally
III. Account info
IV. Accounting Voucher
V. F7
sales voucher (f8)
The step required for creating Journal voucher
I. Open Tally
II. Gateway of tally
III. Account info
IV. Accounting Voucher
V. F8
Credit Note /Sales Return (Alt+f6)
• The step required for Credit Note /Sales
Return (Alt+f6)
I. Open Tally
II. Gateway of tally
III. Account info
IV. Accounting Voucher
V. Alt+F6
Purchase Voucher (f9)
• The step required for creating Purchase
I. Open Tally
II. Gateway of tally
III. Account info
IV. Accounting Voucher
V. F9
Debit Note (Alt+f5)
The step required for Debit Note (Alt+f5)
I. Open Tally
II. Gateway of tally
III. Account info
IV. Accounting Voucher
V. F9
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