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“Special Delivery”

Equipment Shop

Brado is the owner of the

Equipment Shop.
As you open the door to the
shop, Bardo is stirring a potion.
Bubbles popped, sending green
gases through his bushy, brown

“My bravest adventures! What

quest brings you to me on this
fine Starport morning?”

How do you proceed?

“I have only heard stories,
legends really, about the Dragon
Realm. It’s a land filled with
thick jungles, tall mountains,
horrid swamps, winding rivers,
and creatures with wild powers.

I have heard of Lynthia of the

Jungle too, and she is indeed
peaceful,” Brado continues.
“However, she is not the only
dragon that lurks within the
Dragon Realm.”
“You are courageous adventures
indeed, but you’ve never stood
at the feet of a full-grown
Crystal Dragon. Their scales are
stronger than the roughest
armor, their claws are as sharp
as crystals, and their breath can
crystallize most creatures in a
matter of seconds. This is a
dangerous quest, but a noble
one. I’m glad it was delivered to
Brado begins shuffling through
some drawers. “Let’s see, let’s
see,” he mumbles. “Ah, here it is.
The Map of the Dragon Realm.”

He carefully lays the map out on

the countertop. It was painted on
paper that looked like it could
have been a thousand years old,
but the colors are still bright and
vibrant. Brado points his lumpy
finger as he speaks.
“The Dragon Realm is past the Starport Mountains, which means you will need rope and a grappling hook. Once
you arrive, you will need to travel through the Jungle until you reach the shores of the Mystic River. On those
shores, you will need to find a passage on a boat to the Crystal Mountains. Once you reach the mountains, you
must enter the Dragon’s lair uninvited, which will not be an easy task! You’ll have to be well-prepared.”
Just when you are about to leave the shop, Bardo
calls out, “Wait! Come here.” He motions with his
hand for you to follow, and he leads you to the
potion he was making when you first arrived.

“Take this too,” he says, pouring the bubbly green

liquid into a vial. “I call it the Potion of Slow
Motion. I’ve just created it. Pour a drop on your
head and smash the rest of the potion on the ground.
Green smoke will appear, and within seconds,
everyone and everything around you will move in
slow motion, except you!”
“Remember that the
Crystal Dragon’s
breathe is said to
crystalize any creature
except for their own
kind. You will have to
retrieve the egg without
getting noticed and
being sneaky.”

“Farewell and good

luck,” Brado says as
you exit the shop.
Starport Mountains
Dust often swirls up and around you,
and though you do not see any plants,
there are plenty of rocks, pebbles, and
dirt to examine as you climb over
boulders. The largest peek in the
mountains glows with hot lava and
threatens to spill at any time.

Characters that travel this way are

advised to be prepared with rope and
grappling hooks in order to climb
over the barren and rocky place.
Tough Roll to begin your hike
up the mountains to the Dragon

Your grappling hook and rope

are needed to ascend the
mountain any further.

Sneaky Roll to attach the

grappling hook to a crevice.

Tough Roll to climb up the

Solve the following puzzle to determine make it the rest of the way over the Starport Mountains.
You have finally reached the
edge of the jungle. It is
beautiful, filled with tall trees
and bright colors.

Because of its beauty, you know

it must be home to many exotic
creatures and plants.

In fact, already you can see that

plump megaberries are growing
on a nearby bush, of which you
pluck one to eat.
The ground begins shaking and a creature suddenly emerges. It is
tall and slimy with ten legs and a long, spiked tail. On top of his
head is what looks to be bicycle horns only much more
disgusting. There is one big eye that is staring at you.

“Those berries were meant to stay, so now you must pay.”

An ear-piercing sound comes out of his horns.

Roll a d20 to determine damage.

“I’m a Rip-Rappin’ Deca-Slug,

Best rappin’ creature than ever lived in the mud.

I let my ten legs wiggle while I rhyme,

It gets me moving ALL the time.

Creatures come to hear me spit,

And once they leave, they know I’m legit.

Hands down the best, so bow to me,

I’m the king of sound, and soon you’ll see!”

An ear-piercing sound comes out of his horns.

How do you want to proceed?

With the Deca-Slug defeated, you travel further into the jungle.

Solve the following puzzle to make your way through the tangled mess of vines, leaves, and undergrowth.
After several hours, you finally emerge
from the jungle clutches.

Now a swamp sits in front of you, but in

the distance, you can see the crystal-clear
water of the Mystic River winding
towards the tall mountains. The sun
reflects through the fog rising from the
water, casting the most beautiful rainbow
you have ever seen.
But as you stare at the beautiful scene in awe until something else
grabs your attention: a terrible smell fills your nose like rotten food
that has been sitting in the garbage can too long.

As you gag out the words, “It smells like … like… somebody just
passed gas,” a scratchy voice echoes from the corner of the swamp:
“Did someone call me name?
You turn to see a green creature that resembles a frog but walks on
two legs. It has spiked fins and webbed hands. Two long tongues
slither across its pointed, dragon-like teeth.

Is it a dragon? Is it a frog? Is it human? You can not tell.

As the creature approaches, the powerful stench grows worse and

worse – much worse.
The creature’s webbed feet splash in the disgusting brown swamp
water as he takes the last few steps towards you. Now it is clear
that the smell is definitely coming from him, not the swamp below.

“I’m Gassy, the Frog Dragon,” he says as he lifts one leg high in
the air and lets out a loud, rumbling fart. It is so powerful that it
makes the swamp water shoot back behind him. “I work very hard
to make sure I have the most powerful gas in Starport. That’s why
they call me Gassy!”
“Most Frog-Dragons spend all their time eating tarantula-flies and
hiding from bigger dragons. I, on the other don’t have to hide
because I have fart defense! One whiff and my enemies decide to
chase a better smelling creature.”

“I eat these!” The creature held his palm out, and you gaze upon a
hideous, slimy slug that slithered along his hand. “They are called
Fart Slugs. Shallow one of these and… Well, I’ll show you.”
Gassy throws the Fart Slug in his mouth and swallowed. A slow
rumbling sound comes from his stomach, eventually growing
louder and louder. Then, his belly pushes outward like a bubble
was stretching it out. Suddenly, it popped! An incredible gust of
wind shoots out of his backside, sending him five feet into the air!
The smell that follows is putrid.
Once the terrible smell starts to fade, Gassy looks at you seriously.
“I would be more than willing to part with some if you were to do
me a small favor. Since early this morning, there has been a
disturbance just beyond my swamp. Banging sounds, shaking
trees, screeching noises… It has been utterly annoying. Would you
mind investigating the problem for me? If you are able to take care
of the problem, I’ll give you each a Fart-Slug.”

Solve the following puzzle to locate the source of the noise.

When you reach the location of the sound, you
stop immediately.

It is a dragon in a Deltaedron!
The dragon is small with all the usual dragon
characteristics – pointy horns, broad wings, and
sharp teeth – though it doesn’t really look scary.
It looks frightened. Tears stream down its aqua-
colored cheeks, and its scaly chest rose and sank
over and over. It seems utterly exhausted.

The dragon notices you as you approach and

scrambles away, pushing against the farthest
triangular wall. It is too frantically trying to claw
its way out but is too exhausted to continue.

Demonstrate the following breathing exercise to

calm the dragon down enough to speak.
Which flower will you pretend to use?

A rose? A dandelion? A tulip?

Be as creative as you desire.

The dragon takes a few more breaths before
telling you all his story.

“I emerged from my egg a few weeks ago, but

my mother was nowhere to be found. After two
long days of waiting, I knew I was on my own,
so I left the bottom of the tall mountain where I
hatched and flew out in search of food.

I’ve been living here and eating jungle leaves

ever since. Just when I was starting to think that I
had found a nice home, I was tricked by a jungle
“Yesterday, a very convincing trickster told me
that this Delahedron had magical powers that
would show me where my mother was. I traded
him all my jungle leaves for a look inside, but
when I crawled inside, I became trapped. He
bounced off with all of the food I had collected
laughing. I can’t believe I fell for such a foolish
trick! I just want to meet my mother so badly that
I wasn’t thinking clearly.”
At this point, the dragon’s eyes fill with tears.

To release the dragon, you must answer the

following question.

There are three rooms in a building. One of them

contains a lot of gold. The second one contains
many toys. The last room contains many bottles
of water. One day, all three rooms caught fire. In
which room did the policeman out the fire first?

none – policemen do not put of fires

The shape begins to glow a dark green, then
orange, and finally a fluorescent pink. Brighter
and brighter, they shine until – all at once – the
triangles separate from each other. They come
together in mid-air before exploding up into the
sky as an incredible display of fireworks.
Explosions of color fill the world above with
light and booming sounds, and the dragon is set

“Thank you, thank you,” the dragon says. “You

are the nicest people I’ve met in my short life.
Can I join your group to repay the favor?”

How do you proceed?

Gassy is more than happy to
give you each a fart slug for
your trouble, which you can
keep or sell, and you with your
new dragon friend Darya
continue the rest of the way to
the Mystic River Port.

From there, you should be able

to get a boat to take you the rest
of the way to the Crystal
Mystic River Port City,
Dragon Realm
The shores of the
Mystic River are

Boats take off and come

into port; creatures are
selling Goo Fish and
Speedy Toads.

It is an exciting place,
and it is easy to see why
so many people and
creatures live here.
Mystic Riverside Market, Dragon Realm
The Mystic River is
gorgeous. The view you
saw from the swamp
only got better as you
drew closer. A vibrant
rainbow of mist
disappears as boats sail
through it before

The water is so clear

that you can see right to
the sandy bottom of the
You see a pointy-eared girl sitting next to a boat that
looked large enough to carry all of you and the dragon.
She appears to be working on a golden metallic sphere.

After a few cranks with her wrench, a blue light begins

to glow within the sphere.

“Fixed,” she says, looking up at you. Her voice is gruff,

and her bushy black hair shakes as she speaks. “My
name’s Spunky. I’m happy to help you, as long as
you’re worthy of helping. Are you looking for a boat?”

How do you want to proceed?

“The Mystic River only
rewards knowledge,” she goes
onto explain. “The Rainbow of
Knowledge floats above the
Mystic River. It keeps the
water clean, the fish healthy,
and it powers our boats. When
the rainbow is happy, our lives
our good! If you truly are
knowledgeable, the boat will
take you where you need to go,
and our waters will benefit.”
“This,” Spunky continues, holding up the golden sphere,
“is a knowledge sphere. It rests inside the boat so the
Rainbow of Knowledge can use it to ask questions of the
passengers. The rainbow is thirsty for answers and
information. If the passengers answer correctly, the
rainbow guides them on their trip. Incorrect answers,
however, will bring the boat to a halt.”
To begin your journey, use the following letters to answer the The first word you might write in a letter,
questions: to address it to someone. (4 letters)

A single piece of sand is called this. (5 letters)

This is water that falls from the sky.
(4 letters)

After a while, the boat begins to move in a circle. The waters
beneath the boat swirl in what looks like a gigantic tornado.

The dragon rises and spreads out her wings wider than it ever has
before. Beating its wings in the opposite direction of the water
flow, the powerful winds hit the swirling water with tremendous

Tough Roll to help Darya steer the ship on the correct course.
Faster and faster the wings flap, and the stronger and stronger the wind blows. Finally, with one more powerful
gust of wind towards the water, the whirlpool stops altogether, and the boat starts moving once more.
The boat begins steadily slow down; another set of correct You can touch me, but I can’t touch back.
answers to the Rainbow of Knowledge's questions is needed. You can see me, but I only reflect you and
never reject you.
Are you ready to begin?
What am I? (6 letters)


I have a head much smaller that my long

neck. People who play with me pick at
me, and that’s fine.
What am I? (6 letter)

Upon hearing the correct answer, the boat lunges forward yet
again. You are getting closer. The Crystal Mountains seem to
tower over your boat in a gleaming sea of sparkling crystals.

The Rainbow of Knowledge is now asking each of you to tell an

interesting fact. Who will go first?
Upon hearing the interesting
facts, the boat lunges forward
yet again. You are getting closer.
The Crystal Mountains seem to
tower over your boat in a
gleaming sea of sparkling
Huge Mountains surround the shoreline. There are shards of purple crystal sticking out in all directions.

A wide trail stretches out in front of you, disappearing behind a shiny wall of glass.
A wide trail stretches out in front of you, disappearing behind a shiny wall of glass, and you wonder how
something this beautiful can be so intimidating at the same time.
Careful to follow the winding trail, each step brings you closer to the most ultimate challenge you have ever
faced. You press forward, turning corner after corner until –
You fall into what appears to be
a shallow ditch.

More ditches lay out in front of

you, each made of the same odd
shape: a large circle with five
long crevasses in the ground.

Wait – these are not ditches at

all but rather tracks… the tracks
of a very large Crystal Dragon!
You follow the enormous tracks
up the mountain, the crystals
changing colors and textures the
higher you ascend.

With every step, Darya the

dragon whispers, “How
marvelous, how stunning, how
incredible.” It seems completely
overwhelmed by your
The Crystal Mountains have
thousands of cave, filled with all
kinds of interesting creatures.

Answer Darya’s three favorite

jokes to find the correct passage
to the Crystal Dragon’s lair.

How do dragons plan for

Starport adventures?

They don’t – they ‘wing’ it

Why is it easy to know the
weight of a dragon?

Because it has scales

What kind of cake does a

dragon eat at home?

A ‘Lair’ cake
Suddenly, you hear a
voice boom from just

“My egg! That jungle

dragon doesn’t deserve
my beautiful egg. It is
mine, and I will never
leave its side again! Rest
little egg, you are home.”

Sneaky Roll to peer over

a crystal shard without
being detected.
You see the biggest
creature you have ever
laid eyes on.

Each of her metallic

purple scales is the size of
a whole person. Horns the
size of a building stick out
the back of her head.
Wings like trees, a tail like
a serpent, and eyes that
glow a fiery yellow. She is
amazing and terrible at the
same time.
The giant dragon turns her
back on the egg and
begins to sharpen her
claws on a piece of crystal
causing purple dust to rise
into the air.

Her back is to the egg.

You look
inside your
backpack and
look through
your supplies
you might be
able to use.

How did you

want to
proceed in
retrieving the
As you are making your
escape, you hear the
echoing sound of the
Crystal Dragon’s roar.

“Who dares enter my lair!


The ground shakes as the

dragon takes giant steps in
your direction.

How do you proceed?

You have almost made it down the mountain to the boat when –


The Crystal Dragon lands between you and the boat.

“Lynthia the Jungle Dragon is a liar! She stole my egg, and I only
took back what was mine!”

Her neck begins to turn a bright purple as she roars, “Now feel
the wrath of my Crystal Dragon beath!”

The dragon inhales slowly and unleashes a spray of crystalize

breath in your direction.
A second before the breath can reach you, the baby dragon wraps
its wings around you and the egg just before you are engulfed by
a sea of sharp crystalized breath that attacked its scaled body
from all sides!
Once the crystal breath stops, you are certain that your new
friend will be crystalized forever.

But when you look, it has changed color: she is the same vibrant
color as the beautiful walls of the Crystal Mountains.

She has not been crystallized either and is moving her wings and
admiring her new color.

“If you didn’t turn to crystal, that means that…

She is a Crystal Dragon.” The giant dragon’s voice sounds softer.

“She’s MY Crystal Dragon!”
“I thought you had been stolen from me, so I searched and searched
for you. When I saw an egg in the jungle, I thought it was my egg,
so I took it. I was wrong, and I’m sorry. You must have rolled down
the mountain before you hatched. I’m so sorry!”

“Mother!” the baby dragon screams, and she runs over to the
Crystal Dragon and wraps her wings around her.

“I am Coretta, the dragon of the Crystal Mountains. I must thank

you for taking care of my daughter. Can I offer you a ride on my
back to return the egg to Lynthia the Jungle Dragon?”

How did you want to proceed?

Lynthia the Jungle Dragon is thrilled to
have her egg back. “Thank you so much
for bringing back my egg.”

She offers you each two Dragon Crystals

in reward for returning her egg. “It is all I
have to offer, but you can sell it for coins
at Mystic River Port.”

You are now teleported (either by the

Jungle Dragon or your own special
Mystic River Port City,
Dragon Realm
Mystic Riverside Market, Dragon Realm
There Be Dragons Pet Shop, Mystic River Dragon Realm
A very particular looking clerk
introduces himself as Mordor and
shows you the different pets his has
around the store.
Rangers R Us Equipment Shop, Mystic River Dragon Realm

Rangers R Us
Black Spider Shoes Grappling Hook Bow

A ranger by the name of Gloria asks Helps keeps Used to attach

your grappling hook
to any surface
you if you needed assistance, but you balance on
(grappling hook
all surfaces
including and rope not
decided just to browse around to see included)
what the store has.
Amazing Tales by Martin Lloyd (
Awesome Riddles (Riddleland, 2020)
Big Book of Silly Jokes for Kids by Carole P. Roman (Rockridge Press, 2019)
Brain Games for Clever Kids by Dr. Gareth Moore (Buster Books, 2014)
Starport by Kevin Ferrone (Wilder Path, 2019)
Totally Awesome Book of Useless Information by Noel Botham (Penguin Group, 2012)

* The images are used for background effect only and not to be used for individual artwork or public
display. Forgiveness is requested if I have in anyway over-reached.

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