Respiration - J G

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Grade 7
Lesson - 1

In this topic you will -

● Define and differentiate breathing and respiration
● Learn the names of the different parts of the human respiratory system
● Observe carefully and record your observations, as the structure of lungs is demonstrated
Why we need oxygen ?
What happens when we do not get enough oxygen ?

Extra - Not included
Workbook Exercise
1.1 - Structure and function of the respiratory system.
Lesson - 2
Lesson - 3
Some Videos to watch -
● Human Respiratory System part 1 [ 6mins]

● Human Respiratory System part 2 [ 5mins ]

● How does your lungs work [ 7 mins]

● 3D Mechanics of breathing [4mins]

Lesson 4 & 5 - Gas Exchange
In this lesson you will -
● Find out how oxygen gets into your blood from the air, and how carbon dioxide goes
in other direction.
● Draw the structure of an air sac and show the diffusion of gases.
Air sacs
● The photograph shows a tiny part of the lungs, which is only seen through the
● You can see lungs are mostly holes and these holes are called air sacs.
● Another name of air sac is alveoli.
● There are lots of tiny blood vessels in the lungs, wrapped around the air sacs.
● These blood vessels are called capillaries.
Gas exchange in air sacs
● The air sac has a wall made of one layer of cells. These cells are very thin.
● The blood capillary is around the outside of the alveolus [sing] . The capillary is pressed
tightly against the alveolus. The wall of the capillary is also made of a single layer of
very thin cells.
● The process by which gas exchange takes place is called diffusion.
● The process of diffusion is shown in the diagram in the next slide.
Workbook - CW
Exercise - 1.2 [ CT1]

Exercise- 1.3A [PS1]

Lesson 6 - Respiration

● Our body need energy for many different reasons. Example - to move around, we use
energy to send electrical impulses along neurons, to keep our body warm.
● We get energy from glucose. The glucose goes into our blood. The blood delivers
glucose to energy cell in the body. The cells use the glucose to get energy that they
● Equation of respiration

Glucose + oxygen → water + carbon dioxide + heat

● Site of respiration - mitochondria inside the cell.

Classwork - Workbook Exercise

Exercise - 1.3B [PS 2]

Exercise - 1.4 [ CT -2]

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