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Database Management System

Prof Monika Shah

Nirma University
• Course Overview
• Objectives
• Course Outcomes
• Teaching Scheme and Evaluation Scheme,
• Reference Books, Other Reference Materials
• Introduction
• Application
• Significance
• Database vs Paragraph
Course Overview
• As a end user : to introduce basic concepts of DBMS, RDBMS
• As a Programmer / Database Designer :
• To familiar with database designing process for given Application
• To accustomed with structural query languages
• As a Database Admin :
• To introduce with Transaction Processing, Database Recovery
• To introduce Understand Query Processing and Optimization
Course Overview
Course Learning Outcomes
Course Learning Outcomes :
1. Describe the various aspects of the database models and integrity
constraints (BL-2)
2. Apply the normalization concepts for relational database design (BL-3)
3. Make use of indexing techniques for various storage and retrieval
operations (BL-3)
4. Design queries with various clauses and constructs of SQL (BL-6)
Course Overview

• Teaching Scheme : 2 Hr Lecture + 2 Hr Practical’s

• Software for Practical : Oracle SQL*PLUS
• Evaluation Scheme :
• 20% Class Test
• 30 % Sessional Exam
• 50% Innovative Assignment : Project
• Pre-requisite :
• Set Theory (Base of Relational Database )
• Data Structure Algorithms (i.e. Merge Sort, B+ Tree to understand Query Optimization)
Course Overview
• Course Material : on Moodle LMS
• Text / Reference Books:
• Database System Concepts by Silberschatz, Korth, Sudarshan
• An introduction to Database Systems, C J Date, Addition-Wesley
• Database System using Oracle by Nilesh shah, PHI.
• Fundamentals of Database Systems, Ramez Elmasri & Shamkant B. Navathe, Addison-Wesley
• SQL, PL/SQL by Ivan Bayross -> For Practicals
• Oracle9i PL/SQL programming by Scott Urman -> For Practicals
• Prime component of specialized computer application to modern computing environment
• Database Applications:
• Banking: transactions
• Airlines: reservations, schedules
• Universities: registration, grades
• Sales: customers, products, purchases
• Online retailers: order tracking, customized recommendations
• Manufacturing: production, inventory, orders, supply chain
• Human resources: employee records, salaries, tax deductions
• Databases can be very large - UID (Aadhar).
DBMS : Database + Management System
• DBMS is a collection of interrelated data and a set of programs to access
• Main Purpose of DBMS : Make storage and access procedures both
convenient and efficient
• Database : Organized collection of interrelated data(persistent)
DBMS : Database + Management System

Database Paragraph
Teacher Student Course Prof Monika teaches dbms to
Pranay and Jay.
Prof Monika Pranay DBMS Prof Manali teaches WD to Jay
Prof Monika Jay DBMS and Dev.
Prof Manali Jay WD
Prof Manali Dev WD
Collection Yes Yes
Inter-related Yes Yes
Same logical Yes even after shuffling columns No, if words are shuffled
relation even
after shuffling
Database Management Alternatives
1. Using FMS File Management System
2. Using DBMS
File Management System
Case Study : Student Information system
Student Fees Mgt System

File System

Examination System Admission System

Student.dat Fees.dat

File System File System

Student.dat Result.dat Student.dat HSC_result.dat

Registration.dat Program.dat Preferencs.dat Program.dat
Database Management using DBMS
Case Study : Student Information system
Examination System Student Fees Mgt System Admission System

DBMS : Student Result Registration Program Fees Preference HSC_result

File System

A.dbf :Student + HSC_result. Registration.dbf c.dbf: Program + Result

Redundancy Centralized  So, Optimized More
Consistency Maintained High probability of inconsistency. Coding
care required for multiple update
Security Database level, Table level, Record File level
Granularity level, Field level
Access Control Read, Insert, Delete, Update Read, Write(Insert/Delete/Update)
Difficulty in Access NO (B’caz standard Query Language) Difficult( B’caz different storage format+
separate coding required)
Integrity Easy to achieve Difficult(Separate code require for new
constraint, difficult to enforce constraints)
Atomicity Taken care Difficult due to inconsistency
Concurrency Achieved through Centralized system. Difficult due to synchronization issue
among different programs
Self Evaluation
• Can we say a paragraph (collection of Data) a Database?
• What are advantages to use DBMS for data management?

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