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Introduction to Cybercrime and

Environmental Laws and

Rashelle J. Baro

• To become familiar with various definitions and

typologies of cybercrime and environmental laws and
• To understand the contribution of hackers, victims, and
IT managers to cybercrime;
• To apply criminological theories in the study of
cybercrime and environmental laws;
• To become familiar with technological tools allowing
the collection of data in cyberspace;

• To explain the role of both the private sector and law

enforcement agencies in investigating, prosecuting,
and preventing cybercrime;
• To apply environmental aspects in the analytical,
conceptual, and implementation stages of dealing with
a specific problem;
• Conceptual solutions to regional developmental issues;
• To apply the research process of cybercrime,
environmental laws, and protection.

⮚Cybercrime research has grown in visibility and

importance during the last two decades.
⮚The purpose of this subject is to introduce students to
the technical, social, and legal aspects of cybercrime as
well as expose students to theories and tools that enable
scientific exploration of this phenomenon.
⮚Environmental Laws and Protection will provide students
with an understanding of the major environmental
statutes and the common and constitutional laws that are
relevant to environmental protection in the Philippines.

⮚Computer Crime refers to criminal activity involving

⮚Net-crime refers to criminal use of the Internet.
⮚Cybercrimes refers to offenses that are committed
against individuals or groups of individuals with a
criminal motive to intentionally harm to the victim
directly or indirectly using modern telecommunication
networks such as the internet.

⮚ Cybercrime refers to any illegal activity that uses a

computer as its primary means of function.
- any illegal activity that uses a computer as its primary
means of function.
- refers to offenses including criminal activity against
data, infringement of content and copyright, fraud,
unauthorized access, child pornography and cyber-

Two main categories define the makeup of

1. Those that target computer networks or devices
such as viruses, malware, or denial of service
2. Those that relate to crimes that are facilitated by
computer networks or devices like cyber-stalking,
fraud, identity-theft, extortion, phishing (spam) and
theft of classified information.
The five developmental trends of Environmental Law
that have been identified since the 1980s are now
grouped into three focuses of development:
• Integrated environmental strategies for the internal and
external integration of environmental care using the
further ecological development and harmonization of
environmental law.
• Indirect environmental strategies for the indirect
guidance of environmental care conduct using
corresponding economic and other incentives and
instruments and
The five developmental trends of Environmental
Law that have been identified since the 1980s are
now grouped into three focuses of development:

• International environmental strategies to link national

supranational and international environmental law
using the promotion or adoption of supranational and
international developments.
Five Ways Students Can Help Save the Environment

1. Use Reusable Bags. Plastic Grocery

2. Recycle
3. Save Electricity
4. Save Water
5. Walk or cycle
Chapter 1
The Computer and the Internet
The Computer and the Internet

Analytical Engine by
Charles Babbage. This is
a portion of the mill with a
printing mechanism
History of the Computer
History of the Computer
What does computer mean?

A computer is a machine or device that

performs processes, calculations, and operations
based on instructions provided by a software or
hardware program. It is designed to execute
applications and provides a variety of solutions by
combining integrated hardware and software
History of the Computer
A Computer has primary categories:

1. Hardware – a physical structure that houses a

computer’s processor, memory storage,
communication ports, and peripheral devices.
2. Software – Includes operating system (OS)
and software applications
History of the Computer
Computer Fundamentals
A computer is an electronic machine that
accepts data, stores, and processes data into
information. The computer can work because
there are instructions in its memory directing it.
The parts of the computer that you can see and
touch, such as the keyboard, monitor, and mouse
are called hardware. The instructions that direct
the computer are called software or computer
History of the Computer
Computer Fundamentals
Data which is raw facts that the user enters
into the computer is called input.
Ex. Words, numbers, sounds, and pictures

When the data is entered into the computer,

the computer processes the data to produce
information which is output.
Ex. Enter 2 + 2 and it will process into 4
History of the Computer
Computer into three general categories.
1. Supercomputer – The fastest, largest, most
powerful, and most expensive computer.
2. Mainframe Computer – This is a little smaller and
less powerful than the supercomputer, but, like the
supercomputer, it is also expensive.
3. Personal Computer (PC) – This is a computer that
most people use in their daily lives. This computer is
much smaller, less powerful, and less expensive than
the supercomputer and the mainframe computer.
History of the Computer
Computer into three general categories.
1. Supercomputer
History of the Computer
Computer into three general categories
2. Mainframe Computer
History of the Computer
Computer into three general categories
3. Personal Computer
History of the Computer
Computer into three general categories
3. Personal Computer

Macs – Macintosh
PC compatibles
Mobile Computers
Handheld Computers

The operating system and the processors they use.

History of the Computer
Computer Hardware
Hardware also includes input devices, output
devices, system units, storage devices, and
communication devices.

Input Devices – An input device is any hardware

component that allows
History of the Computer
Six of the most widely used input devices are:

1. Keyboard - you use the keyboard to type

letters, numbers, and symbols into the computer.
2. Mouse – The mouse is a pointing device that
has a pointer that changes iinto different shapes
as you use the mouse.
3. Scanner – This input devices copies from paper
into your computer.
History of the Computer
Six of the most widely used input devices are:

4. Microphone – The microphone is usually used for

voice input into the computer.
5. Digital Camera - The digital camera allows you to
take pictures that you can input into your computer.
6. PC Video Camera – The PC video camera allows
you to take both video and still images that you can
input onto your computer.
History of the Computer
Output Devices – An input device is any
hardware component that gives information to the

Three commonly output devices:

1. Monitor – displays your information on a
2. Printer – prints information on paper/hardcopy.
3. Speaker – Sound from the speaker
History of the Computer
Computer Software
Also called programs. These are instructions
that tell the computer what to do and how to do it.

1. System software – also known as operating

system (OS) runs the computer.
Ex. PC – windows
Mac - Mac
History of the Computer
2. Application Software – allows users to do a
specific task on the computer.
a. Word Processing Application – Microsoft Word
that allows you to type letters, etc.
b. Spreadsheet Application – Microsoft Excel to
create charts and do calculations
c. E-mail Applications - Outlook Express that allows
you to receive and send e-mails.
d. Internet Application - allows you to get connected
to the internet and look at Websites like the one you
are reading now.
History of the Computer
Install means to load the software onto the hard disk of
the computer so that you can run or use the software.
History of the Computer
Storage Media
Storage keeps data, information, and instructions for use in
the future. All computers use storage to keep the software that
makes the hardware work.
1. Hard Drive – it stores all the programs that the computer
needs to work.
2. Floppy Disk – This storage is considered to be a portable
storage medium.
3. CD & DVD – you can only save information on but cannot
erase the information.
4. USB Flash Drive – Easy to carry and it also holds more data
than a floppy disk. “Universal Serial Bus”
History of the Computer
Computer Care

1. Keep Dust Away

2. Keep food away
3. Use clean hands
4. Treat with respect
5. Keep off
6. Stop virus attack
7. Handle with care
History of the Computer
Computer Virus
A computer virus is a program written by a
person on purpose to harm other people’s
computers. A computer virus is passed from one
computer to another when you share download files
without the protection of an anti visur software.
History of Internet
⮚The Internet Timeline began in 1962.
⮚ Four-year-old Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPANET)
of the U.S. Department of Defense, later on, the Internet.
⮚Vint Cerf widely known as the “Father of the Internet”

Meaning of Internet
Sometimes called simply “the Net”, is a worldwide system of
computer networks – a network of networks in which users at any
one computer can, if they have permission, get information from
any other computer (and sometimes talk directly to users at other
History of Internet
Different types of Internet Connection
1. Dial–Up (Analog 56k) – A modern (internal and external)
connects to the Internet after the computer dials a phone
History of Internet
Different types of Internet Connection
2. DSL – stands for Digital Subscriber Line. It is an internet
connection that is always “on”.
History of Internet
Different types of Internet Connection
3. Cable – provides an internet connection through a cable
modem and operates over cable TV lines.
History of Internet
Different types of Internet Connection
4. Wireless – or WIFI “Wireless Fidelity” does not use
telephone lines or cables to connect to the internet. Instead, it
uses radio frequency.
History of Internet
Different types of Internet Connection
5. Satellite – accesses the internet via a satellite in Earth’s
orbit. The enormous distance that a signal travels from Earth to
satellite and back again.
History of Internet
Different types of Internet Connection
6. Cellular – provides wireless Internet access through
History of Internet

The Internet is one of the fastest-growing

areas of technical infrastructure development.
Today, information and communication
technologies (ICTs) are omnipresent and the
trend toward digitization is growing.
History of Internet
Advantages and Risks of information and
communication technologies (ICTs)
⮚Led to the development of the modern concept of
information society.
⮚Unhindered access to information can support
⮚Technical developments have improved daily life.
History of Internet

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