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Journey &

Is this true? Explain.
A leadership journal is also a leadership and life journey

where you will state the story of your life, focusing on your career

development. It includes your different situations, struggles and

success. It indicates your life lessons and future plans and


1. You will raise your own self-awareness and gain self-confidence

2. You will develop relational skills, self-knowledge and self-
awareness on the way to unfold your own leadership style
3. Enables better team leadership and encourages relationships
between people despite of differences of opinion
4. Improve your self-expression and your communication skills
Benefits of keeping a Leadership Journal
Manage Stress
help you process
Clearer Perspective
Challenges Effective
Emotional seeing before Leader
Intelligence, the release the others see
ability to know and negative emotions Effective leader
understanding with clear
manage yourself ultimately enable before others
and others learning perspective
acting before
others act
Emotional intelligence is defined as the ability to
understand and manage your own emotions, as well as
recognize and influence the emotions of those around you.
The term was first coined in 1990 by researchers John
Mayer and Peter Salovey, but was later popularized by
psychologist Daniel Goleman.
Emotional intelligence is typically broken down into four
core competencies:
3.Social awareness
4.Relationship management
Ask yourself a trigger question, and capture your response

How am I feeling right now?

How am I feeling about my leadership?

What deserves my highest-quality
attention… in my leadership? in my life? in
my world?
“Listen. The more faithfully you listen to the
voice within you, the better you will hear what
is sounding outside without fear.”
—Dag Hammarskjöld
Economist and Secretary-General of the United Nations, 1953–1961
Leadership of the 21st Century…

1. You appear dangerous to people when you question their values,
beliefs, or habits of a lifetime.

2. You place yourself on the line when you tell people what they need to
hear rather than what they want to hear.

3. Leadership becomes dangerous, then, when it must confront people with

loss of all that we value, what’s really most precious and what’s
Let’s talk about your Leadership


Are you proud of what you become?
5 Stages of The Leadership Journey
Informal Leader

The first thing to remember about leadership is

that it is not about position or titles, it’s about
being a role model for how you want others to
be a leader where you are right now
5 Stages of The Leadership Journey
Hands-On Leader
For most, the first real leadership position is that of team leader,
you’re involved in the day to day delivery, a front line contributor.
modeling daily what you expect of others, supporting those in need,
collaborating and contributing, doing what needs to be done to
ensure the successful achievement, literally leading from the front.
ability to directly impact the outcome of the results with your own
two hands that make you stand out from the crowd.
5 Stages of The Leadership Journey
Expert Leader
leading larger teams, and it’s less about your direct hands-on contribution.

the role is still small enough for it to be more about functional expertise
than leadership expertise

require you to learn and develop more leadership skills if you want to be
truly successful and move to the next level

One of the challenges here is that that expertise can often cover up some
leadership deficiencies, and this is the level that many fail at because being a
true leader is more than about functional or technical expertise.
5 Stages of The Leadership Journey
Enabling Leader
 Role is leading leaders, your influence is now indirect, rather than direct

 It becomes more about creating visions, engaging teams, putting them into
positions where they can be successful, enabling them, and cheering and
recognizing their successes
 More often than not you can be leading multiple teams where you have little
to no technical expertise at all in the work that is being done
 It’s no longer about you being the hero it’s about creating and enabling the
heroes in your department
5 Stages of The Leadership Journey
Influential Leader
The last and highest level of leadership is the one where you have zero direct impact on
anything, yet practically everything you do has an indirect impact.

 Leadership defines the culture, and it’s the culture that guides people when there is no one
there to lead them.

Leaders at this level focus on creating the cultures needed for the organizations to be
successful, they understand what’s needed and ensure that they define it, communicate it,
and live it clearly.

To succeed at this level you have to be clear consistent, authentic, and work to ensure that
your entire organization, your culture, your vision, mission, and strategy are aligned with the
goals that you are looking to achieve.

Small disconnects at the top create cracks that can become fault lines at the bottom that can
derail an entire organization
Where are you in your journey based
on those stages of leadership?
What are the steps involved in becoming a thought leader?

1. Determine your expertise

To get started on your thought leadership journey, the first step is to determine your
area of expertise. Analyze topics of your interests and determine what you want to be
known for. Develop content that will spark your audience’s interest level and inspire

2. Understand your audience

The second step in gaining recognition as a global thought leader is to understand what
type of audience you want to reach out to. Choosing the right kind of content is crucial
to connect with your audience and hence, be acknowledged as a thought leader.
What are the steps involved in becoming a thought leader?

3. Showcase your expertise

Publish your tacit knowledge to showcase your expertise to effectively engage with
your audience.

4. Engage with your audience

It is important to build your audience’s interest in the content of your leadership
journal. To build this interest level, there are several metrics to keep in mind while
building your content. One such important metric is to build an informative content
for your audience that is beneficial for them to read and share.
Example of a Leadership Statement

“As a leader, I am collaborative, empowering, open

and decisive. I believe in the power of teams and
leveraging everyone's expertise and talents. I'm
completely comfortable not being the expert in the
room. I have strong values and will always do what's
- Robert Hughes
How to Start
1. Buy a journal.
2. Commit to reflecting for 15 minutes a day.
3. Start by looking at where you are now.

4. Write about things that inspire you.

5. Sort your journal according to topic.
6. Find a quiet place where you won't be interrupted.
7. Choose the right time, preferably the same time each day when you won't be disturbed.
8. Write whatever comes to mind. ...
◦ The beginning of your journal writing can just be an introduction to your thoughts at the
time. This is your personal space, so you should feel comfortable writing.
How to Start
Kindly arrange your thoughts on your Leadership Journal (you can have your own unique subtitles
every part of your journey)

1st Part Who am I as a Leader of Myself

2nd Part Who am I as a Leader of my Family

3rd Part My Career Leadership

4th my Future Leadership as Part of the Community/Future Leadership

In the 1st to 3rd part emphasize the lesson or wisdom you gained.

Recall: Have you been a better leader because of your experiences? What are you grateful for? Are you
happy? What made you happy?
Consider the following factors as you do your reflection:

Past: How did I get here?

Review your past to gain an awareness and understanding
of how other people, events, experiences and
circumstances influenced and shaped how you think and
Consider the following factors as you do your reflection:

Present: Where am I today?

This is about gaining an understanding of your present self.
Take stock of what's working and what isn't and develop a
willingness to change. Having a growth mindset with an
openness to receiving feedback is critical to comparing
one's self-perception with the perception and perspectives
of others.
Consider the following factors as you do your reflection:

Future: Where do I want to be?

With knowledge of your past and a deep understanding
of your current state, you will be well positioned to focus
on your future self. You'll be able to identify and focus on
growth areas that will enable you to look to the future and
work toward becoming your best self.
1.Write it in an A4 size of paper
2. Arial size 12, paragraph spacing 1.5
3.You just need 3-10 pages to state your journey plus 1 page cover
4.You will submit it on January 24, 2022, 11:59pm thru google
5.The CM will print the copies, I will give him access to the google
classroom, make a cover page and will book bind the consolidated

Own experiences and observation along with my leadership journey

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