Informative Essay On Sports

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YAAAH! Did you know that cheerleading is more than just a sport? First of all, what is sport? Sport is an activity that
simulates growth and leads to physical and emotional health. Cheerleading is more than just looking pretty in short skirts
and cheering on a crowd at a football game; cheerleading takes skill, dedication, and talent. So many friends have told me
that cheerleading takes no athletic ability. But sadly, I can prove some people wrong every time. Cheerleading sports work
harder than most sports, hours upon hours of practice. Time is important because in order to reach perfection you have to
put in a lot of time into your working skills. Not only does cheerleading take time, but you must also be solid, consistent,
and have a technique. All of those take time and dedication. You can put hours into playing any sport, but you have to want
to win in order to achieve success. Just like any sport you have to put your all into it in order to win. Now let’s look at the
technique aspect of cheerleading, because I will say that it is one of the most important aspects of the sport. If your toes
aren’t pointed or your arms aren’t completely straight, you lose major points per each girl at a competition. All the points
add up. It isn’t about how many baskets you can score. It is about the strength and tumbling, The complexity of your dance
and the way it all flows together to make a solid routine, which will determine what place your team takes. Each little
mistake in your performance adds to your team’s downfall. In cheerleading you all have to work together to be successful,
you have to believe and trust your teammates. Look at stunting, being a flier myself, if I didn’t trust the girls holding me
high up in the air I would never have the confidence to get up there and be thrown around, but I trust that they will all catch
me each time I fall. Fall and break your neck the first time you will try you a back tuck. I don’t now many sports that stress
perfection but these are one of the key qualities of cheerleading.

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