ENV Wingreens - Group 4

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Entrepreneurship & New Ventures - Group 4 - Wingreens

Roll numbers Names

EPGPKC09004 Abhishek Manishkumar Patel

EPGPKC09017 Dipankar Kalita

EPGPKC09024 Juilee Bhoir

EPGPKC09034 Nilesh Jha

EPGPKC09066 Varsha R

EPGPKC08077 Shankar Ganesh V

EPGPKC09119 Siddharth Satapathy

EPGPKC01046 Vibin Mundiyath Babu

EPGPKC09071 Vinti Vaid

Q1. Assess the Wingreens partnership network model. Does the Wingreens
strategy include a sustainable competitive strategy?
Key points about Wingreens partnership model:
● Wingreens partnered with major retail chains like Walmart, Big Bazaar, and Reliance Fresh. This allowed them to distribute their products
widely across India, tapping into the vast customer base of these established retailers.
● Partnering with farmers helped Wingreens gain access to fresh, high-quality produce for their products.
This also helped in having better control and visibility over their supply chain, potentially reducing costs and improving quality control.
● Developing exclusive product lines for certain partners and catering to specific preferences/requirements aided in strengthening partnerships and
meeting market demands.
● By partnering with women for making dipping sauces, Wingreens built a trustworthy community of women who were able to elevate themselves
and the standard of living of their family.
Sustainable competitive strategy: Yes, Wingreens had a sustainable competitive strategy that helped it thrive in the gourmet food industry.
● Product Differentiation: Wingreens focuses on unique, gourmet food products that stand out in the market. This product differentiation strategy
helps them create a niche for themselves, making it harder for competitors to replicate their offerings.
● Innovation and Adaptation: Wingreens constantly innovates its product range, adapting to changing consumer preferences and market trends.
This agility ensures they stay relevant and competitive in the dynamic food industry.
● Strong Brand Identity: The company has built a strong brand identity around freshness, quality, and innovation. This not only attracts
customers but also fosters brand loyalty, a key aspect of sustainable competitiveness.
● Partnership Model: The partnership network model itself contributes to sustainability. By collaborating with established players, Wingreens
leverages their strengths and resources without bearing the full burden of expansion alone.
● International Expansion: Venturing into international markets diversifies their revenue streams and reduces dependency on a single market.
This strategic move helps in mitigating risks and ensuring long-term sustainability.
Q2. What is your assessment of Wingreens partner network model’s
scalability and replicability?
Based on the case study, Wingreens' partner network model appears to have good potential for scalability and replicability with some challenges to

Scalability Indicators:

Proven Model: Wingreens has successfully implemented its model in multiple locations across India, demonstrating its ability to adapt to different
Strong Financials: The company's profitability and growth trajectory indicate the model's financial viability for expansion.
Modular Design: The core elements of the model - rental agreements, sustainable farming practices, direct-to-retail approach can be replicated in various

Replicability Considerations:

Context-Specific Adaptation: While the core model is replicable, Wingreens might need to adapt it to suit local conditions like climate, crops, and
Skilled Workforce: Replicating the success of training and empowering rural women might require tailoring the approach to different social and cultural
Building Trust: Scaling up requires establishing trust with new partner farmers and retail chains in different regions.
Q2. What is your assessment of Wingreens partner network model’s
scalability and replicability?
Overall, Wingreens' model has strong potential for being scaled up and replicated across India. Here's a breakdown of the replicability factors:

High Replicability:
Rental and Employment Model: This model offers a win-win situation for farmers and the company making it adaptable to different locations.
Focus on Sustainable Practices: Sustainable farming methods like drip irrigation and intercropping have universal benefits and can be promoted in
various regions.
Direct-to-Retail Strategy: Eliminating intermediaries and connecting directly with retailers is a sound business practice applicable in many contexts.

Medium Replicability:
Empowering Rural Women: The success of empowering women depends on the social context. Wingreens might need to adapt its approach to address
cultural resistance in certain regions.
In-Store Sampling: This marketing strategy can be effective in most places but its success might vary depending on the retail landscape and customer

Low Replicability:
Founders' Personal Touch: Srivastava's personal connection with farmers and communities might be difficult to replicate entirely at a larger scale.
However, the company can develop systems and processes to maintain trust and communication with partners.
Q3. If a competing MNC were to adopt the same strategic model,would it
be successful? Why or why not?

Yes. A competing MNC were to adopt the same strategic model, It can be successful. The major
reasons for this would be:

Available similar Model : Majority of Large corporations like reliance in the organized retail
sector are already having a direct farm to fork model but focused on traditional crops. Having
tweaked , the product mix, these larger corporations can have a competitive advantage over a small
family run enterprise with availability of larger pool of financial resources.

Hiring the right talent: The corporations, once able to hire a right talent as committed and
resourceful like srivastava, the chances of replicating the model is high, until then there can be
chances of a failure.

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