SB&RA - Group 8 - Part 2

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Industry Overview

The two-wheeler industry in India is one of the largest in the world. In 2022, the market size was estimated to be around 18 million units.
The industry is expected to grow at a CAGR of 9.88% to reach 48.1 million units by 2028.

The growth of the two-wheeler industry in India is being driven by a number of factors, including:

1. The rising population and increasing urbanization in India

2. The growing demand for personal transportation
3. The increasing affordability of two-wheelers, when compared to four-wheelers
4. The increasing penetration of electric two-wheelers
5. The government's focus on promoting fuel-efficient vehicles

The two-wheeler industry in India is dominated by a few major players, including:

Hero MotoCorp | Bajaj Auto | Honda MSI | TVS Motor Company | Royal Enfield
Market Shares of the major players

A negative CAGR of 6.97%

17% Growth from last year.
Bajaj - Market Positioning Approach
Product Strategy Navigating Competition Focus on NPD
● Bajaj Auto focuses on two primary ● At the heart of Bajaj Auto's success ● Bajaj regularly introduces new models, upgrade
areas: Performance-oriented lies their dedication to the power of existing ones, and explore emerging technologies
motorcycles and Commuter-friendly market research. By immersing in such as electric mobility
models. data-driven insights, they gain a
profound understanding of their target ● Besides growing its share in the 125cc bikes in the
● They developed a deep market. This allows them to navigate domestic market, the Pune-based company also
understanding of engine technology, the competitive landscape astutely, discontinued its strategy of aggressive pricing to
design capabilities, and leveraging hidden opportunities and gain market share in the budget category.
manufacturing efficiency, enabling mitigating potential risks.
them to deliver high-performance ● Bajaj Auto’s market share in the domestic
motorcycles that resonated with ● By forming differentiation strategies to motorcycle market as at the end of September 22
enthusiasts. focus on USP of products, they
stood at 19.63%
mitigated competition.
● Simultaneously, they recognized the
● 60% of its sales in Q2FY23 came from the 125cc
importance of fuel efficiency and ● By placing their customers at the
plus segment as compared to only 46% in FY20.
reliability for the commuter segment forefront, Bajaj Auto fostered deep
and tailored their offerings to meet connections, forged loyalty, and
these specific requirements. propelled their brand to new heights.
Bajaj - Approach for Operating Efficiency
Introduction Bajaj Auto Overview - Logistics & Supply Chain Environmental Factors Cost Structure & Competitive
Efficiency Pricing
- Commitment to eco-
Efficient logistics crucial for bulky friendly practices aligns - Lean cost structure due
- Brief overview of Bajaj Auto, a items, perishables, and dispersed with market trends. to efficient operations. -
leading Indian automobile markets. - Enhances brand image - High production
manufacturer. and access to volumes enable
- Emphasis on their reputation Bajaj Auto's well-optimized supply environmentally competitive pricing.
for efficient operations and chain ensures timely production and conscious markets.
competitive pricing distribution. Just-in-time inventory
management minimizes carrying
costs and stockouts Labor Relations & Financial Highlights
Risk Management Input Risks & Integration
- Profitability driven by
- Mitigation strategies for supply - Long-term contracts with - Stable labor relations streamlined
chain disruptions. suppliers ensure stability.
for uninterrupted operations.
- -Backup suppliers and quick - In-house R&D and
production. - Comparative cost
recovery plans in place. vertical integration reduce - In-house R&D and structure analysis for
reliance on external
strong parent support industry perspective.
drive technological
TVS - Market Positioning Approach
Regulatory changes:
Technological disruption:
Risk: Changes in emission standards, safety regulations, and
import/export policies can impact production and sales. Risk: Rapid advancements in electric vehicles (EVs) and
Mitigation: Stay informed about regulatory changes and autonomous technology could disrupt traditional vehicle
proactively adapt manufacturing processes and products to markets.
comply with new standards. Mitigation: Develop strategic partnerships with technology
companies to stay competitive.

Supply chain disruptions:

Competitive landscape:
Risk: Dependence on global suppliers for components could
Risk: Intense competition from established players like lead to disruptions due to geopolitical tensions or logistical
Royal Enfield, Bajaj, Honda, and new entrants. issues.
Mitigation: Continuous innovation in product design, Mitigation: Diversify supplier base, establish contingency
technology, and features to differentiate from competitors. plans, and explore local sourcing options to minimize supply
chain disruptions.

Current & upcoming launches: Current performance:

225-cc motorcycle Ronin - High end bike segment Company delivered ROE of 24.13% in year ending 31 Mar, 2023
EV plus IC-engine - Electronic vehicle market outperforming its 5 year avg. of 19.86%.
Company's annual revenue growth of 31.67% outperformed its 3 year
CAGR of 19.11%
TVS - Operating Efficiency
Technology and Innovation: TVS Motor invests in research and
Raw Material Prices: TVS Motor may engage in long-term contracts
development to stay at the forefront of technological advancements in
with suppliers or use hedging strategies to stabilize raw material
the automotive industry eg BMW.

Market Demand: To manage fluctuations in demand, TVS Motor

Supply Chain Disruptions: TVS Motor diversifies its supplier base
diversifies its product offerings and explores new markets 4.95 Million
and maintains contingency plans to ensure a resilient supply chain.
Two-Wheelers Annual Production Capacity.

Labor Relations: TVS Motor fosters positive labor relations through

Competition: TVS Motor focuses on brand development, product
fair wages and effective dispute resolution mechanisms to minimize
innovation, and effective marketing to remain competitive in the
the risk of workforce-related disruptions.
crowded automotive market It was the first Indian company to deploy a
catalytic converter in a 100 cc motorcycle.
Regulatory Changes: The company stays informed about regulatory
changes and adapts production processes to comply with new laws
Environmental Factors: TVS Motor emphasizes eco-friendly product
and standards.
development and sustainable manufacturing practices to meet
environmental regulations and consumer preferences.
Currency Exchange Rates: TVS Motor employs hedging techniques
or adjusts pricing strategies to mitigate the impact of currency
Geopolitical Risks: By diversifying its market presence and monitoring
exchange rate fluctuations.
geopolitical developments closely, TVS Motor aims to minimize
disruptions caused by political instability or trade tensions.
HERO’s - Approach for Market Positioning
Diverse Product Portfolio Global Expansion Sustainability Initiatives Customer-Centric
- Hero provides a large selection of - Hero MotoCorp has been -Hero MotoCorp has shown an interest
two-wheelers to meet the needs of expanding its presence in in sustainability by introducing eco- -Hero MotoCorp focuses on
various client segments, ranging international markets. This friendly technologies, promoting green understanding and meeting the
from affordable commuting approach diversifies their revenue manufacturing practices, and needs of its customers. This
motorcycles to high-end models. streams and allows them to tap advocating for environmentally involves conducting market
They are able to reach a wider into the potential of emerging responsible operations. research, gathering consumer
market and identify various markets. feedback, and designing products
-Hero focuses on adopting eco-friendly
customer preferences thanks to their that align with customer
- This expansion aims to diversify manufacturing practices that reduce
extensive range. preferences.
the company's customer base, energy consumption, water usage, and
- In addition to their entry-level increase revenue streams, and tap waste generation in its production -The company actively engages
commuter models, Hero MotoCorp into the growth potential of processes. with customers through various
extends its product lineup to include emerging markets. channels, including social media,
-The company invests in research and
motorcycles with a more refined and surveys, feedback mechanisms,
development to develop and implement
elevated character. These offerings and customer service interactions.
green technologies, such as more fuel-
feature enhanced design elements, efficient engines and electric vehicle -The company places a strong
advanced technological features, and (EV) solutions. emphasis on delivering products
improved performance dynamics. of high quality that meet or
-Hero engages in corporate social
- Hero MotoCorp has also entered the exceed customer expectations.
responsibility (CSR) initiatives that
electric vehicle market with electric Reliable performance enhances
support environmental conservation and
scooters and bikes. customer trust and loyalty.
community development.
HERO’s - Approach for Operating Efficiency
Supply Chain Management Process Optimization Cost Management Process Optimization
Hero places a strong emphasis on The company continuously The company keeps a keen To get rid of bottlenecks,
comprehensive supply chain evaluates and refines its eye on costs across its duplications, and
management to shorten lead times processes to eliminate operations. This involves inefficiencies, the organization
and control inventories. Operations bottlenecks, redundancies, and prudent spending, cost- continually assesses and
can be made more efficient by inefficiencies. This ensures effective procurement, and improves its processes. This
working in partnership with smoother operations and resource allocation to guarantees more efficient use
suppliers and logistical partners. resource utilization. maintain profitability. of resources and activities.

Training and Skill Energy Efficiency

Technology Adoption
Data-Driven Decision Development
Making Hero leverages technology and Hero is committed to
automation where applicable to Hero invests in training and reducing energy
The business optimizes its enhance production and skill development for its consumption through
operations by using data analytics operational efficiency. This workforce to enhance their energy-efficient
to make defensible judgments includes advanced expertise and efficiency. technologies, optimizing
regarding production, inventory manufacturing technologies and Well-trained employees plant layouts, and adopting
control, and market trends. data-driven decision-making. contribute to smoother sustainable practices.
Industry Risk Assessment
Risk Factors TVS Hero Bajaj

Dominant player in the economy segment

Faces strong competition from Hero Faces competition from Hero and TVS
Market Competition but faces competition from TVS and Bajaj
and Bajaj in various segments. across various segments.
in higher segments.

Need to invest in research and Known for innovative offerings, but

Technological Focus on innovation and R&D to maintain
development to keep up with needs to stay updated with evolving
Disruption competitive edge.
technological advancements. technologies.

Dependence on suppliers for critical Diverse supplier network, but

Supply Chain Strong supplier relationships help manage
components; disruptions can impact potential disruptions can affect
Disruptions disruptions, but still vulnerable.
production. production.

Known for quality and performance, Established brand with a focus on

Strong brand loyalty due to reliability and
Brand Reputation but maintaining brand image is performance and value; needs to
widespread service network.
essential. maintain reputation.

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