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T Chart
Action Research Formal Research

• To produce actionable processes • To contribute to existing knowledge and

during the course of the research, draw conclusions from datasets, often
often used to address specific used to test theories and hypotheses .
issues or problems in a particular

• More inductive, often involves a • More deductive, often follows a linear

cycle of action and reflection. process of hypothesis testing .

• More practical, often used in • More theoretical, often used in fields

fields like education and social like science and psychology where
work where immediate action is theoretical understanding is
needed. important.
e. Fishbone Map
Linguistic Sociocultural
Factors Include the learner's
motivation, attitude cultural distance
the similarity to towards the between the
language or its learner's own culture
the learner's
native language speakers, self- and the target
confidence language's culture.

Difficulty in
01 02 03 04 05 Language

Include the Include the quality

learner's memory of teaching, the
capacity, phonetic appropriateness of
perception, the teaching
analytical skills methodology
Cognitive Instructiona
Factors l Factors:
f. Inductive Tower

Leads to better
audience Persuasive
engagement and language

non-verbal cues like

Speech eye contact can lead to
Modulated Voice preparation knowledgeable
more successful

A student A politician
gives a Monologue A salesperson Project
Reporting gives a speech
presentatio Dialog Debate gives a pitch at Presentation
n in class at a rally . a meeting
g. Flow Chart

Conducting Introductions Small Talk Gathering.

Wrapping Up Question/Answer
h. Story Map
Title of the short story How my Brother Leon Brought Home A Wife

Author Manuel E. Arguilla.

Setting • Waig
• Nagrebcan, La Union

Characters 1. Baldo- younger brother of Leon

2. Leon- older brother of Baldo who brought home a wife
3. Maria- Leon’s loving wife
4. Labang- their pet bull

Plot The story revolves around the main character, Baldo, and his observations and experiences when his
older brother, Leon, introduces his new wife, Maria, to their family in the rural Philippines

Exposition From the beginning of the story where the story introduced and visualized Maria and Labang as well. It
goes on as the story visualizes and describes the scenery as the four, Labang included, go through their
journey back to their home in Nagrebcan.

Rising Action It would be the point where Maria is afraid that Leon’s father may not accept her which would be also the
main conflict of the story.

Climax When they have arrived home and Baldo was called by his father and they had a conversation about
their trip and about Labang. He did ask a little about Maria at first it seemed.

Falling Action The father asked Baldo to go take care of Labang as an action to privately talk to Leon and Maria.

Resolution Baldo accompanied Maria and Leon on the journey to the Nagrebcan, which helped Maria see and
understand the rural life better. In the end, the family accepted Maria and she proved that she is capable
of adjusting and adapting to her new life with her husband in the countryside.

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