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Sai prem ramroop

Communication Channels

• In the world of information and technology, the Internet and the

mobile phone are two important inventions. The Internet was
created by many people, such as Vinton Cerf and Robert Kahn,
who helped establish the rules so that computers could connect
and share information. The mobile phone was invented by Martin
Cooper of Motorola in 1983. These two inventions changed the way
we communicate and access information.
what are Communication channels?

• Communication channels are like the different ways in which we

communicate with other people. Whether talking in person,
texting, or sharing things on social media, each channel has its
own advantages and adapts to different situations. It's like
choosing the best path to reach our destination: we use the one
that will take us faster and more effectively towards our goal.
There are 4 types:
• 1) transmission modes
• 2) direction of data flow
• 3) transmission media
• 4) cabled media
Transmission modes

• Transmission modes or speeds determine how much information can be

sent in one second. There are two kinds:

• Asynchronous: Here, data is sent one by one, with short pauses in between.
It's like texting where you press "send" after each word. This is slower.

• Synchronous: In this case, a large amount of data is sent at once and

quickly, synchronized with a common clock. It's like sending a large email
attachment all at once instead of sending many separate text messages.
This is faster.
Direction of data flow
• The direction of data flow can be classified according to the direction in which data can flow, which
is essential for understanding how information is communicated between devices.
• Simplex:
• In this type of communication, data flows in only one direction, similar to traffic on a one-way
• It's like sending a radio message or watching television, where you only receive information but can't
send anything back.

• Half duplex:
• Here, data can flow in both directions, but only in one direction at a time.
• It's like having a walkie-talkie conversation, where one person talks and the other listens, and then
they switch roles.

• Full duplex:
• In this type, data can be sent and received at the same time, similar to traffic on a two-way street.
• It is like talking on the phone, where both parties can talk and listen at the same time, which
Transmission media
• Data can be transmitted over various types of wired or wireless media.

• Wired Media:
• Data can be transmitted via wired or wireless means. Wired media uses physical cables to send
data signals from one place to another reliably and quickly. For example, twisted pair is widely
used in telephone and Internet networks, while coaxial cable is used in the transmission of
cable television signals and in broadband connections. For its part, fiber optics, a more
advanced technology, uses light pulses to send data at high speed and over long distances,
being commonly used in high-capacity networks and telecommunications.

• Wireless Media:
• On the other hand, wireless media allows data transmission without the need for physical
cables, providing flexibility and mobility. This is achieved through technologies such as
satellite communication, which enables the transmission of data through satellites in Earth
orbit for global communication; microwave links, used to connect devices over long distances
using high-frequency radio waves; and infrared signals, used for short-distance communication
Cabled media
• Twisted pair (Ethernet cable):
• Twisted pair is one of the most common wired media. It is widely used in home and business networks. This
type of cable is similar to the one used in telephones, but is slightly larger. It comes in different colors to
distinguish it from telephone cables. Twisted pair cables transmit data over pairs of insulated copper wires
twisted together. There is an unshielded (UTP) version that is common in telephone cables. Although easy to
handle and inexpensive, twisted pair is not as fast as other wired media.

• Coaxial cable:
• Coaxial cable is another type of wired medium used to transmit high-speed signals. It is commonly found in
televisions, video, and cable television systems. It is made of thickly insulated copper wire that can transmit
data at a much higher speed than twisted pair. However, it can be more difficult to install due to its rigidity.

• Optical fiber:
• Fiber optics are the most advanced and fastest wired medium. It is made of transparent glass fibers through
which pulses of light are transmitted instead of electronic signals. This eliminates the problem of electrical
interference and allows for much higher transmission speeds. Fiber optics are the standard for connecting
networks between buildings due to their ability to transmit signals over much longer distances than other
types of cables. It is also ideal for services that require high speed, such as video conferencing and
interactive services.
Exploring how a company offers, sells or
takes advantage of products
• Let's imagine a company called "Tech Solutions", which makes smart thermostats and home security cameras.

• How they sell their products:

• Tech Solutions sells its products in its own online store and also in stores such as Best Buy and Amazon. Thus, people can buy
directly from their computer or in a physical store.

• How they sell to other stores:

• Additionally, they sell their products to other stores so you can find them in local electronics stores.

• Subscription plans:
• They also offer subscription plans for additional services, such as cloud storage for security cameras or automatic updates
for devices.

• How they test their products:

• Before launching a new product, they test it in their own offices to make sure it works well. For example, they could install
a smart security camera in the office to see how it works before selling it to the public.

• In short, Tech Solutions sells its products online and in stores, offers subscription plans for additional services, and tests its

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