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Principles of Teaching

Hallmarks of Effective Teaching

1. Teacher/Professional Competencies
Shows a genuine interest and displays self confidence in his/her professional abilities The ability to influence not only the thinking and behavior of the students but also the attitudes of their societal group. Maintains and expands his knowledge through reading, research, clinical practice and continuing education. Continuous Training of the teacher in an attempt to improve instructional approaches, methods of teaching and curricular offerings.

Mastery of the Subject matter to be taught. The term Mastery implies that the teacher not only knows what he is teaching, but can organize and adopt materials in accordance with his students ability and interest level. Physical and Health Status Delicate health or poor health stamina may incapacitate a person for the adequate performance of teaching activities Teaching is an energy-consuming job. A teachers absence that is caused by ill health interferes with the continuity of teaching-learning process.

Personal Attributes and emotional control/Personal Characteristics

It is imperative that teacher is honest, sincere person whose ethical standards are worthy of imitation. Careful grooming Pleasing voice Good diction Habitual use of acceptable grammar. Self-confidence Personal magnetism Enthusiasms Self control/patience Flexibility Willingness to admit errors Sense of humor Caring attitude needs to be emotionally stable in situations such as dealing with uncooperative, uncontrolled or defiant students behavior. Should be objective and firm in requiring students to meet their classroom obligations.

Understanding of Human Nature and Development Knowledge of the sequential pattern of Human Development/Developmental Milestones. A teacher should understood the casual factors underlying the many vagaries displayed by students behavior so that he can provide opportunities for his students to achieve greater recreational consistency. Physical Growth and Development Mental/Cognitive Growth and Development Emotional/Psychosocial Growth and Development Moral Development and Character/Spiritual Formation Knowledge of and ability to apply principles of Learning

Sensitivity to and appreciation of cultural, religious and ethnic differences. Regardless of his own ethnic and cultural background and religious affiliation, the teachers attitude towards his students, fellow teachers, and other school personnel must be unbiased and objective. Should not attempt to influence the thinking of young people in accordance with his personal views on social and political issues. A teachers responsibility : To accept the learner as he is and to help him become constructive, well-adjusted citizen within the framework of his social privilege.

Continued professional and cultural improvement Increasing media for professional growth are being made possible. For example: in-service courses, professional organizations, and psychological and educational journals. Continuing education Participating in research

Teaching Practices
Defined as the mechanics, methods and skills in classroom and clinical teaching
Teachers style Personality Personal Interest in the subject matter Use of a variety of teaching strategies.

Interpersonal Relationships with Students

It is demonstrated by talking a personal interest in learners, being sensitive to their feelings and problems, being accessible for conferences, being fair, permitting learners to express differing points of view, creating an atmosphere in which they feel free to ask questions and conveying sense of warmth.

A good teacher-student relationship enhances learning

How will educators help learners maintain self-esteem and minimize anxiety?
Empathetic listening
This approach requires teachers to respect learners and care about their concerns and try to understand the world as learners experience it

Acceptance Honest communication

Openness between educator and students creates a relaxed atmosphere in which students are able to see the teacher as role model

Evaluation Practices
clearly communicating expectations

Examples: assignments, attendance etc.

providing timely feedback on student progress being fair in the evaluation process giving tests that are pertinent to the subject matter.

Availability to students:
This may take form of being there in stressful clinical situations, physically helping students give nursing care, giving appropriate amounts of supervision, freely answering questions and acting as a resource person during clinical experiences

Teacher Clarity, Time on task, Class Being Used well

defined as a mosaic behavior that teachers use in order to make what is to be learned comprehensive and learnable Clarity in education can be taught by helping teacher focus on and practice the characteristics of clarity. A good Teaching is parenting-caring about students, knowing when to set boundaries, and knowing students potential. A good teacher is concerned with more than just what the students know; he should be also concerned with students beliefs, values and relationships. Effective Teachers are committed and creative in their attempts to stimulate intellectual inquisitiveness in their students

Essential Teaching Skills

Lesson Planning and Preparation Skills

must be able to formulate goals and objectives and learning outcomes
Lesson Plan-achievable and realistic objectives using S-imple M-easurable A-ttainable SMART Principles R-ealistic T-ime Bound

Content, methods and structure are appropriate for a particular group of students The lesson is planned, a continuation of the past and the future. Materials, resources and aids are wellprepared and double checked before the class begins All Planning decisions take into account the competence level of learners and the course content. The lesson is designed to arouse students interests and elicit active class participation and involvement.

Lesson Presentation
Ability of the teacher to engage students successfully in the learning experience process.
Teacher is confident, relaxed, self assured, purposeful, and show interest in the lesson Teachers instruction and explanation are clear Teacher uses simple words in her lecture for better understanding of the lesson Variety of learning activities are used to stimulate students interest Teacher shows respect and encourages student to voice their opinions, ideas and feelings-contribute much to students critical thinking skills and development.

Lesson Management
Class discussion is smooth and sets a positive mental process Students progress during the lesson is carefully monitored Constructive and helpful feedback is given to students to encourage them to study harder in order to foster personal progress Uses time management techniques The pace and flow of the lesson is welladjusted and maintained at an appropriate level

Classroom Climate skills

Establishes and maintains positive attitude and motivation of students Climate is purposeful, task oriented, relaxed, and with established sense of order Students are encouraged to learn with emphasis on high positive expectations as conveyed by the teacher Teacher-student relationships are largely based on mutual respect and rapport Feed back of the teacher contribute to the student self confidence and self-esteem Classroom setup is conducive to teaching and learning such as adequate space, ventilation, teacher and students are audibly and visibly connected, with multimedia facilities and away from public utility distractions

Student Performance evaluation

Covers both formative and summative responses Students should be evaluated in a constructive and objective manner and returned to students for review Encourage students feedback on assessments Keeps records of students progress for future reference.

Evaluation of Teaching Performance

Teacher evaluates his or her own teaching practices for further professional improvement Various teaching strategies are used for different sets of lectures Continuously updates lesson Continuously improves her ways of teaching Manages stress effectively and efficiently

Practices Appropriate authority and Discipline

Ability to impose discipline in class Able to establish her authority and maintains classroom order Establishes clear rules and expectations in regards to student behavior Monitors student behavior and progress carefully Takes appropriate action for misbehaving students Confrontations are avoided, skillfully defused

Roles and Function of the Teacher or Nurse Educator

Instructional Roles
Tasks: Planning and organizing courses.
Choice of objectives Substantive content Teaching and learning for all types of educational setting Correlating this with other courses in the curriculum

Creating and maintaining desirable group climate

Adapting Teaching and Preparation of Instructional materials to varying interest, needs and abilities of the student Motivating and challenging students to pursue and to sustain learning activities Teaching involves a series of complex activities:
Supplying needed information Explaining, clarifying and interpreting the subject matter Serving as resource person Supervising student performance throughout the setting of teaching-learning areas Evaluating all the planned teaching and learning activities

Faculty Roles
Chairman, Secretary, member Counselor Researcher Resource person Public relation agent

Individual Roles

Principles of Good Teaching Practice

Encourage student faculty interaction Promote cooperation among students

Conducive to collaborative learning-study groups, group projects

Promote active Learning

Enable student actively criticize content

Give prompt feedback

Enable students to react and understand aspects of learning

Emphasize the use of time in each talk

Ensure that students know how much time they should spend in learning a particular activity

Communicate high expectations

Purpose- challenge/Motivate students

Respect diverse talents and ways of learning

Teaching Principles

Hereditary Endowments Principle

Refer to the nature of the child, his psychological and physiological qualities such as reflexes, instincts, capabilities, impulses, temperaments, among others Refers to techniques used with the student and the teacher working together toward the accomplishment of goals and objectives of education. These includes:
The teacher and the students The means used to stimulate, direct, guide and encourage individual t actively participate in class activities.

Teaching Process Principle

Principles serve as guiding philosophy of for the selection and implementation of teaching and learning activities and techniques. Outcome process Principle
Refer to the educational aims, goals, objectives, outcomes, purposes, or results of the learning process

Other Principles of Teaching

Effective teaching involves acquiring relevant knowledge about students and using that knowledge to inform our course design and classroom teaching.

Effective teaching involves aligning the three major components of instruction: learning objectives, assessments, and instructional activities.

Effective teaching involves articulating explicit expectations regarding learning objectives and policies.

Effective teaching involves prioritizing the knowledge and skills we choose to focus on

Effective teaching involves recognizing and overcoming our expert blind spots.

Effective teaching involves adopting appropriate teaching roles to support our learning goals

Effective teaching involves progressively refining our courses based on reflection and feedback

Approaches to teaching skills

Independent Learning

The teacher initiates an active self-regulated learning process among her students This includes the use of skills laboratory A syllabus is developed with clear instructions on how learners should proceed with the lesson Background reading materials are identified and made available Hardware and software must be selected and prepared for use Supplies must be requested for and be made available before hand.

It is method by which the teacher makes a direct display of the skills to be taught Shows the student what they have to do, why they have to do it, and how to do it.

Stimulation exercise
It is meant to duplicate the real situation that requires the use of skills laboratory to give students a realistic feel of the situation Students can practice skills using equipment in a virtual laboratory Student get a feel of how to use the equipment in a real situation involving the needed skill.

Learning results from what the student does and thinks, and only from what the student does and thinks. The teacher can advance learning only by influencing what the student does to learn.
-Herbert Simon-


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