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S.No Authors Title of the Paper Journal Name/Year Remarks/ Objective

1. Ronny Badeke, et al., Empirical forecast of quiet time ionospheric Total Advances in Space The authors proposed a Standard
Electron Content maps over Europe Research, 61(12), 2881- Persistence Model (SPM) for forecasting of
2890. 2018. quiet time ionospheric TEC.

2. Rui Song et al. Predicting TEC in China based on the neural Advances in Space In this paper, Genetic Algorithm based
networks optimized by genetic algorithm. Research, 62(4), 745-759. Neural Network model is used to forecast
2018 TEC using GPS data in CHAN station

3. Ioanna Tsagouri et al. A new short-term forecasting model for the total Journal of Space Weather The authors proposed a SWIF model for
electron content storm time disturbances. and Space Climate, 8. forecasting TEC in DOUR, Belgium
A33. 2018 station
4. Ratnam et al. Development of multivariate ionospheric TEC Advances in Space In this paper, Multivariate TEC prediction
forecasting algorithm using linear time series Research. 63, 2848–2856 , system by means of ARMA and linear time
model and ARMA over low-latitude GNSS 2019 series model was developed and analyzed
station over low latitude GNSS station

5. Cesaroni et al. Neural network based model for global total Journal of Space Weather Authors, applied a nonlinear autoregressive
electron content forecasting & Space Climate, 10, 11, neural network to the selected Global
2020. Ionospheric Map grid points for 24 hours
TEC forecasting based on the actual and
predicted geomagnetic conditions
S.No Authors Title of the Paper Journal Name/Year Remarks/ Objective

6. Mallika et al. (2020) A new ionospheric model for single IEEE Access 8, 54535– In this paper, Klobuchar model driven by Auto
frequency GNSS user applications using 54553, 2020 Regressive Moving Average Method is applied to
Klobuchar model driven by auto predict accurate ionospheric delay estimations for
regressive moving average (SAKARMA) GNSS users.
method over Indian region.
7. Sivavaraprasad et al. (2020) Performance evaluation of neural network Geodesy & Geodynamics. The authors, evaluated the neural network based
TEC forecasting models over equatorial 11, 192–201, 2020 TEC forecasting model performance over IISC, IGS
low-latitude Indian GNSS station station, Bengaluru.

8. J.A. Hammerstrom and TEC variations and correlation with Journal of Young Authors conducted research towards the correlation
P.R.J. Cornely seismic activity over Japan Investigators. 31 (4)., 2016 of TEC with seismic activity over japan. Their
results support the hypothesis that seismic activity
increases disturbances in the TEC.
9. Bambang Sunardi et al Ionospheric earthquake effects detection IOP Science, 132 (012014), In this paper, the authors discussed the ionospheric
based on TEC GPS correlation 2018. earthquake effects detection using TEC data. They
revealed that, based on TEC data correlation, effects
of earthquake could be detected in the ionosphere as
TEC anomalous.
10. Ahmet Yucel Urusan Earthquake prediction, Ionospheric TEC Thermal Science, 23 (1), The author investigated the relationship between
and three earthquakes in California 165-174, 2019 earthquake and ionospheric TEC over California
with three big earthquakes. The author denotes that,
the rock stress must be combined with TEC solutions
for more strong results to predict earthquakes. 3
 From the above literatures it is clearly known that there are no
previous studies related to Kriging based surrogate model for
short-term forecast of the Earthquake by using Total Electron
 Although few contributions are available for TEC prediction
using Neural Network, SWIF, SPM, ARMA Etc., there is no
significant contribution or research was conducted to predict
the earthquake by using TEC based on kriging based
surrogate model. 4
 Total Electron Content (TEC) is the number of electrons
present in a ray path between transmitter and receiver.
 TEC depends on parameters like SSN, F10.7, Kp, Ap, IMF,
Dst, solar wind and time.
 TEC affects the propagation of signal from satellite to receiver
in the ionosphere.
 Prediction of TEC helps to correct the range errors in advance.
 Kriging based Surrogate Models will be used to predict hourly
 Ionospheric seismology can be used to predict the earthquake.
 The mechanical energy gathered by the compression of the rocks before
the big earthquakes creates a positive hall.
 As a result of the injection, temperature rising, pressure increase in
troposphere, radio frequencies distortions and total electron content
perturbation in ionosphere occur.
 Based on literature reviews, rock stress must be traced continuously and
combined with TEC estimations for more strong results to predict the
earthquakes in advance by using the developed surrogate models.
 In this work kriging based surrogate model will be developed
for predicting the Ionospheric TEC and Earth Quake in advance
with less computational resources and time, based on the data
received from the IRNSS, GNSS receiver and other
 This study can be used for characterizing the ionosphere by
estimating the TEC values from IRNSS and GPS data and also
it can be used to correct the range errors in IRNSS/GPS
 Ronny Badeke., Claudia Borries., MainulM. Hoque., David Minkwitz. Empirical forecast of quiet time ionospheric Total Electron
Content maps over Europe. Advances in Space Research, 61(12), 2881-2890. 2018.
 Rui Song., Xuemin Zhang., Chen Zhou., Jing Liu., Jianhui He. Predicting TEC in China based on the neural networks optimized by
genetic algorithm. Advances in Space Research, 62(4), 745-759. 2018,
 Ioanna Tsagouri., Konstantinos Koutroumbas., Panagiotis Elias. A new short-term forecasting model for the total electron content
storm time disturbances. Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate, 8. A33. 2018,
 Ratnam, D.V., Otsuka, Y., Sivavaraprasad, G., Dabbakuti, J.K.: Development of multivariate ionospheric TEC forecasting algorithm
using linear time series model and ARMA over low-latitude GNSS station. Adv. Space Res. 63, 2848–2856 , 2019.
 Cesaroni, C., Spogli, L., Aragon-Angel, A., Fiocca, M., Dear, V., et al.: Neural network based model for global total electron content
forecasting. J. Space Weather Space Clim. 10, 11 (2020), 2020.
 Mallika, I.L., Ratnam, D.V., Raman, S., Sivavaraprasad, G.: A new ionospheric model for single frequency GNSS user applications
using Klobuchar model driven by auto regressive moving average (SAKARMA) method over Indian region. IEEE Access 8, 54535–
54553, 2020. 2020.2981365
 Sivavaraprasad, G., Deepika, V.S., SreenivasaRao, D., Ravi Kumar, M., Sridhar, M.: Performance evaluation of neural network TEC
forecasting models over equatorial low-latitude Indian GNSS station. Geod. Geodyn. 11, 192–201, 2020.
 Hammerstorm, J.A., Cornely P.R. J., TEC variations and correlation with seismic activity over Japan. Journal of Young Investigators.
31 (4)., 2016.
 Bambang Sunardi, Buldan Muslim, Andi Eka Sakya, Supriyanto Rohadi, Sulastri, Jaya Murjaya., Ionospheric earthquake effects
detectin based on TEC GPS correlation, IOP, 132 (012014), 2018.
 Urusan, A.Y., Earthquake prediction, Ionospheric TEC and three earthquakes in California, Thermal Science, 23 (1), 165-174, 2019.

 Obtained permission to use the IRNSS/GPS data from ACSCE, Bengaluru and KL
University, Andhra Pradesh.
 The solar and geomagnetic indices will be taken from the Space Physics Data facility
(SPDF) database, Goddard Space Flight Center, (
 The solar flux index (F10.7) observed by the Penticton Radio Observatory in Canada,
which is provided courtesy of the National Research Council Canada in partnership
with the Natural Resources Canada (
 The rock stress data will be collected in real time by using the magnetometers and
analyzed in order to meet the objective.
 What is the study about?
 Why is the study being made?
 Where will the study be carried out?
 What type of data is required?
 Where can the required data be found?
 What periods of time will the study include?
 What will be the sample design?
 What techniques of data collection will be used?
 How will the data be analyzed?
 In what style will the report be prepared?
 Sampling Design
 Observational Design
 Statistical Design
 Operational Design


 Itfacilitates the smooth sailing of the various
research operations (Ex. Blueprint of house).
 It stands for advance planning of the
methods to be adopted for collection of data
and techniques to be used based on the
availability of staff, time and money.
 The design which minimizes bias and
maximises the reliability of the data collected
and analyzed is considered as good design.
 Smallest experimental errors it should provide.
 Design which yields maximal information and
provides different aspects of a problem .
 Good design is the purpose of the research
 Dependent and Independent Variables
 Extraneous Variable
 Control
 Confounded Relationship
 Research Hypothesis
 Experiments


 Three Principles of Experimental Designs is
given by Prof. Fisher.
 Principle of Replication
 Principle of Randomization
 Principle of Local Control

 Informal Experimental designs
Before and after without control design
After only with control design
Before and after with control design
 Formal Experimental Designs
Completely randomized design
Randomized block design
Latin Square design
Factorial design


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