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SCAPS 1D simulation

Vellore Institute of Technology
Solar spectrum

Solar spectrum – a (E) Spectral distribution of solar radiation

• To calculate number of photons incident on solar cell
• Absorption coefficient
a = A a ( hu. Eg)1/2
A a = A pre factor - 105
Optical calculation
• To determine how much light is absorbed in each layer of the solar cell, Choice depends on requirement

Transfer matrix method (TMM) – Tandem solar cell

• To calculate the optical properties of each layer in the solar cell , overall optical losses & filtered spectra
transmitted from the top sub cell
k-wave number in air
k’=nk – wave number in glass
n-refractive index
M-Transfer matrix
Ex: single layer of glass
Propagation of light through a layer of glass
• Solar spectrum + Optical calculation = Photogeneration
• Process where photons are absorbed & generate electron – hole pairs
Transport drift diffusion (mn, mp, Nc, Nv, Eg,)
• Transport of carriers due to drift & diffusion in calculating using drift diffusion equation from
continuity equation,
• Movement of generated carriers,
For e-, =
For h, =-
n & p - electron & hole concentration
Jn & Jp- current densities of electron & hole

Gn & Gp- Generation rates of electron & hole

Rn & Rp- Recombination rates of electron & hole

q- elementary charge.
Transport drift diffusion (mn, mp,Nc,Nv,Eg,)
Jn & Jp given by drift diffusion current equation,

For e-, Jn = qn mn E – qDn n

For h , Jp = qp mp E – qDp p

Mobility & diffusion coefficients are related by Einstein relation,

For e-, Dn= mn KB T/q

For h , Dp= mp KB T/q

E- electric field
mn, mp – Mobilities of electron & hole

Dn,Dp- Diffusion coefficients of electron & hole

Recombination (tn, tp, Sn, Sp, sn, sp)
• Recombination rates given by SRH recombination,
For e-, Rn=

For h , Rp=
n&p- electron & hole concentrations
n0&p0-equilibrium electron & hole concentration

tn &tp- electron & hole lifetime (related to capture cross section sn, sp)

For e-, tn =

For h , tp =
Recombination rates depend on carriers concentrations & material properties.
Poisson & continuity equation
• Physical differential equation solved by continuity & poisson equation
1. Continuity equation,
For e-, =
For h, =-
2. Poisson equation,
e ϕ) = -q (p-n+ ND+NA)

Φ – electric potential
• By solving these equation self – consistently can calculate electrostatic field & electron-hole

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