Chapter 1 Plan and Orgnize

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Unit of Competency


By Esrom kebebew/ BSc, MPH/

03/28/2024 By Esrom
Session objectives:
At the end of this session the student will able to:
• Define management & other technical terms

• Differentiate between efficiency and

• Differentiate Administration from management

• Discuss types of management

• Understand different managerial roles and skills

03/28/2024 By Esrom
Definition of management

▬Although so old as practice & universal it has

no agreed on definition.
▬Management is the process of designing and
maintaining an environment in which
individuals working together
▬It is the art of getting things done through
people and other resources.
03/28/2024 By Esrom
Definition of management

▬Management is the process of planning,

organizing, directing and controlling to
accomplish organizational objectives through
the coordinated use of human and material
resources (commonly used definition)

03/28/2024 By Esrom
Definition of management…
▬Efficient utilization of resources for effective
achievement of organizational objectives.
▬🙏:utilization (n) = አጠቃቀም
▬effective (adj) = ፍቱን፤ ተደማጭነት ያለው

Health service Mgt. is:

‘’The application of management to health care
03/28/2024 By Esrom
Characteristics of Management

• Universal : It is applied every where

• Continuous process: Carried out through out

the budget year.
carried out (v) = ተካሄደthrough out = ጊዜውን
• Dynamic: Changes from one form to another
pervasive = ዘልቆ የሚገባ የሚናኝ ሽታ አቧራ
• Pervasive: practiced in every organization

03/28/2024 By Esrom
Administration versus Management
What is the difference ?
▬Administration is an overall determination of
polices & major objectives
▬Management is essentially an executive
function , the active direction of human effort
▬effort (n) = ትግል፤ ጥረት፤ ድካም
• Thus, as a function, administration is
determinative while management is essentially
determination(n) = ቁርጥ ሀሳብ፤ ቆራጥነት
03/28/2024 By Esrom
• Administration
Administration • President
• Vice president
• School
• Department
• Section
• Units

03/28/2024 By Esrom
Managers’ performance
• Managerial performance measures:

 How efficient & effective a manager is.

 How well a manager determines & achieves

appropriate organizational objectives.

03/28/2024 By Esrom
Efficiency versus effectiveness
 Efficiency (“Doing things right”)

 Minimize use of resources in achieving

organizational objectives.

 Reaching ends by only necessary means

 Least wasteful use of resources.

03/28/2024 By Esrom
Effectiveness (“ Doing the right thing”)

• The degree to which a stated objective is

being or has been achieved.

• Doing the right things in the right way at the

right times

• It is the comparison of objectives with their

03/28/2024 By Esrom
Pleas make scenario for

03/28/2024 By Esrom
Types of management
• Front - line (first/ low level) / Supervisory

• Middle managers

• Top/ senior managers

03/28/2024 By Esrom
03/28/2024 By Esrom
1) Top- level Managers

҉Are mangers who are responsible for overall

management of the organization.
҉Such management includes that of board of
director, chief executive or president, or
general manger, etc, of an organization

03/28/2024 By Esrom
Major functions of top level managers
▬Establishing general objectives
▬Designing major strategies
▬Outlining principal policies
▬Providing effective organizational structure
▬Making overall control of the organization
▬Sealing with external parties
▬Analyzing the changes in the external
environment and respond to it.

03/28/2024 By Esrom
2) Middle- level managers
 Are managers in the midrange of the
organizational hierarchy.

 Middle- level management includes heads of

the different functional areas, divisional
heads, department Head, branch mangers,

03/28/2024 By Esrom
Major functions of mid-level manager
• Acting as intermediary between top and
operating (hojjeechuu) level management
• Translating long- term plans of top
management into medium range plans.
• Developing specific targets in their areas of
• Coordinating inputs, production and outputs
of operating level management.

03/28/2024 By Esrom
3 . First – line managers
• Managers who are responsible for the work of
operating and do not supervise other managers.

• Are the “first” or lowest level of managers in

the organizational hierarchy.

03/28/2024 By Esrom
Major functions include
• Planning daily and weekly activities
• Assigning operating employees to specific
• Issuing instructions at the work place
• Following –up, motivating, and evaluating
• Reporting to their superiors.

03/28/2024 By Esrom
Individual Assignment

• Write your college or university managerial

or Administrative structure

03/28/2024 By Esrom
Principles of Management
Henri Fayol Developed 14 Principles of Mgt:
1) Division of Labor:
• The more people specialize, the more
efficiently they can perform their work.
2) Authority:
• Managers must give orders so that they can
get things done.

03/28/2024 By Esrom
3) Discipline:
• Members in an organization need to respect
the rules and agreements that govern the

• Obedient, & respectful employees are

necessary for the organization to function.

03/28/2024 By Esrom
4) Unity of Command:
 Each employee must receive instructions from
only one person.
5) Unity of Direction:
 The entire organization should move toward a
common objective ,in a common direction.
 A single plan of action to guide the

03/28/2024 By Esrom
6) Subordination of Individual Interest to the
Common Goal or interest:
• In any undertaking, the interests of employees
should not take precedence over the interests
of the organization as a whole.
7) Remuneration:
• Consideration of variables such as cost of
living ,success of the organization etc. to
determine rate of payment of employees.

03/28/2024 By Esrom

8) Centralization VS decentralization

• Managers should retain final responsibility,

and should give enough authority for their
subordinates to do their jobs properly

03/28/2024 By Esrom
9) The Hierarchy:
• Lower line managers should always inform
upper level managers.
10) Order :
• To increase efficiency and coordination,
materials and people should be in the right
place at the right time.
• People, in particular, should be in the jobs or
positions they are most suited to.

03/28/2024 By Esrom
11 ) Equity:
• The provision of justice & the fair and
impartial treatment of all employees.
12 ) Stability of Staff:
• Retaining productive employees should always
be a high priority of management.
• A high turnover rate undermines the efficient
an organization.

03/28/2024 By Esrom
13 ) Initiative:
• Subordinates should be given the freedom to
conceive and carry out their plans, even
though some mistakes may result.
• Encourage employees to do through self
14 ) Team spirit:
• Promoting harmony and team spirit among
members to give the organization a sense of
03/28/2024 By Esrom

03/28/2024 By Esrom
Managerial roles
• Henry Mintzberg classified management role in
to ten most common roles in 1970.
• He classified the ten roles in to three categories
Interpersonal role
Informational role
Decisional role

03/28/2024 By Esrom
03/28/2024 By Esrom
1. Interpersonal roles

A) Figurehead Role
• The manger represents the organization at
ceremonial and symbolic functions.

• Managers symbolize management’s concern

for employees, customers and the community

03/28/2024 By Esrom
Interpersonal roles . . . .
B) Leadership (influencer) Role
• Involves responsibility for directing and
coordinating the activities of subordinates in
order to accomplish organization objectives
C) Liaison Role
• Refers to dealing with people outside the
organization , such as clients, government
officials, customers, and suppliers via formal
and informal contacts

03/28/2024 By Esrom
• Is the ability of a leader to influence the
behavior of followers and persuade them to
follow a particular course of action.
• Is influencing people to achieve particular goal
• 'Leading an organization means
organizing/coordinating the people, capital &
intellectual resources of the organization to
move it in the right direction’

ጥቅምት 2007 ዓ.ም/ Oct 2014 Compiled by Yihenew Mekonnen

Leadership characteristics
• Leadership involves not just “doing,” but
• Leadership is exercised with others
• Leadership is responsibility.
• Leadership happens at all levels.
• Leadership is enabling people

ጥቅምት 2007 ዓ.ም/ Oct 2014 Compiled by Yihenew Mekonnen

Roles of a Leader
• Visionary & strategist
• Resource mobilization/effective utilization
• Team building/effective communication
• Effective partnership, collaboration,
networking, dialoguing, negotiating
• Empowerment
• Challenger
• Change agent in a changing environment

ጥቅምት 2007 ዓ.ም/ Oct 2014 Compiled by Yihenew Mekonnen

2. Informational Role
A) Monitor Role
 Seeking, receiving, and screening
 Managers have to scan their
environments for information that may
affect their organization
B) Disseminator Role
• The manager shares information with
03/28/2024 By Esrom
Informational Roles . . . .
C) Spokesperson Role
• Mangers transmit information to those outside
the organization, on behalf of the organization
3. Decisional Roles
A) Entrepreneurial Role/Change agent
• Involves designing & initiating new change
in order to improve the organization’s
• Risk – taking role (initiating new projects,
launching a survey, entering a new business)
03/28/2024 By Esrom
Decisional Roles . . . .

B) Disturbance Handler Role

• Dealing with problems and violation of rules

and regulations

• However , an ignorant manager could be the

reason for the disturbance

03/28/2024 By Esrom
Decisional Roles . . . .
C) Resource Allocator Role
• Involves choosing among competing demands
for money, equipment, personnel, & time.
D) Negotiator Role
• Meeting & discussion with individual or
groups for the purpose of reaching an
• Negotiation enables others understand the
organization’s objectives

03/28/2024 By Esrom
Managerial skills
A) Technical Skills
• Involve the ability to apply specific procedures,
and techniques in a specialize field.
B) Interpersonal Skills
• Include the ability to lead, motivate, manage
conflicts, and work with others.
• This is a vital part of every manager’s job regard
less of level or function.

03/28/2024 By Esrom
Managerial skills…
C) Conceptual Skills
• Involve the ability to view the organization as
a whole and recognize its relationships to the
larger environment.
D) Communication skills
The ability of managers to share idea or
information with others and reaching on

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03/28/2024 By Esrom
Any question

03/28/2024 By Esrom

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