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The Philippine National

Police as a Peacekeeping
• The Philippines was a founding
member of the United Nations
and began its participation in
PNP as UN UN peacekeeping in 1963 in
Peacekeepers the Congo (ONUC), deploying
63 air force personnel.
• After the initial stint in the
Congo in 1963, Filipino
peacekeepers proudly served
alongside their counterparts
from other troop- and police-
contributing countries in UN
peacekeeping missions (with
limited use of force).
Rationale for Philippine Participation
• Peacekeeping is one among a range of activities undertaken by the UN
to maintain international peace and security throughout the world.
• Philippine participation in UN peacekeeping operations demonstrates
the enduring commitment of the country to work with key actors to
ensure peace and stability in the international community.
• Philippine participation in peacekeeping operations is likewise seen as
beneficial to the national interest, particularly with regard to improving
capacities and capabilities of the Philippine military and police.

Source: PHILIPPINE PARTICIPATION IN UN PEACE OPERATIONS by Raphael S.C. Hermoso and Louie A. Belleza,
The Philippines supports the role of the United
Nations in resolving conflicts under Chapters VI and
VII of its Charter and for humanitarian assistance
under UN General Assembly Resolution 49/139-B
PNP as part
Executive Order No. 97 – PGMA approved and
of the UN adopted the Policy Framework and Guidelines (PFG)
for Philippine Participation in United Nations
Peacekeeping Peacekeeping Operations on 23 April 2002.
Presidential Proclamation No. 1755 - declared May 29,
of every year as the “International Peacekeepers Day
of United Nations Peacekeepers in the Philippines”.
Rules Governing PNP UN Peacekeeping Force
• PNP Memorandum Circular No. 2010-007 – “Rules And Procedures
Governing The Selection And Deployment Of PNP Personnel For Secondment
Or Detail To International Organizations And Peacekeeping Missions,
Amending PNP Memo Circular Nr. 2009-006, 2007-12 And For Other
• PNP Memorandum Circular No. 2007-012 dated October 10, 2007 entitled:
“Rules and Procedures in the Selection of PNP Personnel for Secondment
and Detail to International Organization and Peacekeeping Missions”
• PNP Circular No. 2008-018 dated December 26, 2008, entitled: “Prescribing
the Policies, Guidelines and Procedures on Foreign Travel of PNP Personnel”,
amending PNP Memorandum Circular No. 2002-017 dated November 16,
2002, entitled “Foreign Travel”
• PNP Circular No. 2007-004 dated May 0, 2007, entitled: “Revised
Guidelines and Procedures on Personnel Action on Detail of Philippine
National Police (PNP) Uniformed Personnel to other Government
• PNP Memorandum Circular No. 2002-014 dated October 5, 2002,
entitled: “Policies, Guidelines, and Procedures on the Processing of
Personnel Applying for Secondment with other Government Agencies”
• PNP Memorandum Circular No. 2006-010 dated June 14, 2006, entitled:
“Assignment with PNP Training Service and Other Similar Institutions of
PNP Personnel Returning from the United Nations Missions and those
who have undergone more than one (1) month of Foreign Schooling”
• Executive Order No. 97 dated April 23, 2002, entitled: “Approving and
Adopting a Policy Framework and Guidelines for Philippine Participation
in UN Peacekeeping Operations”
• Policy Framework and
Guidelines for
Philippine Participation
in UN Peacekeeping
• United Nations Civilian
Police Handbook
• United Nations
Selection Assistance
Team (UNSAT)
Guidelines dated
January 1, 2005
PNP International Peace Support Operations and
Humanitarian Relief Missions
◦April 3, 1992 – PNP began sending its international
contingent to peace support operations and
humanitarian relief missions.
◦Some deployments are UN launched, and some are
“lead nation” - meaning that it is the initiative of the
government of the Republic of The Philippines
◦UN Peace Support Operations – requiring UN Civilian
Police services may be armed or unarmed
peacekeeping, or specialized efforts
Cambodia : 1992-93
◦United Nations Transitional Authority in Cambodia
Haiti : 1994-95; 2004 – Present
◦Operation Uphold Democracy in Haiti –
◦UN Mission (UNMIH)
◦La Mission des Nations in Haiti
East Timor : 1999-2002
◦UN Mission in East Timor (UNAMET)
◦UN Transitional Administration in East Timor
Timor-Leste : 2002 – present
◦UN Mission Support in East Timor (UNMISET)
◦UN Office in Timor-Leste (UNOTIL)
◦UN Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste (UNMIT)
Kosovo : 1999-2009
◦UN Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo
Iraq : 2003-04
◦Philippine Humanitarian Contingent in Iraq (PHCI)
Liberia : 2004 – present
◦UN Mission in Liberia (UNMIL)
Afghanistan : 2004-09
◦UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA)
The Sudan (Southern) : 2005 – present
◦UN Mission in the Sudan (UNMIS)
COTE D’IVOIRE : 2005-07
◦L’Operation des Nations Unies en Cote d’lvoire/ UN
Opertaion in Cote d’lvoire (ONUCI)
Nepal : 2007-08
◦UN Mission in Nepal (UNMIN)
Georgia : 2007 – 09
◦UN Observer in Mission in Georgia (UNOMIG)
Lebanon : 2008
◦UN Independent International Investigation
Commission in Lebanon (UNIIC)
The Sudan (Western) : 2008 - present
◦UN-African Union Hybrid Mission in Darfur (UNAMID)
• The following are the qualifications/requirements for PNP
personnel who apply for UN Peacekeeping Operations:
1. UNSAS Eligible
2. Must hold a rank of Police Staff Sergeant
(Police Officer 3) to Police Colonel (Police Senior
Superintendent) with a minimum of time-in-grade of at
least two (2) years in his/her present rank, should the
deployment calls for a certain rank.
3. Must not be less than twenty-six (26) nor more than fifty
(50) years of age upon his/her deployment.
4. Must have a minimum of at least five (5) years active police
4. Must have a minimum of three (3) years field
and/or appropriate experience relative to the
position he/she is applying for.
5. Must have a PER with a rating of Very Satisfactory
for two (2) consecutive semestral rating.
6. Must have no pending case either
administrative/criminal/civil in any body/tribunal
or court.
7. Must possess a valid driver's license and be an
experienced driver for at least two (2) years with
the standard shift vehicles and capable of
handling a 4X4 vehicle in mountainous and
tropical terrain.
8. Must be computer literate particularly on Word,
Powerpoint, Excel, E-mail and Internet.
9. Must weigh not more or less than 5 kgs from the
standard weight (BMI) corresponding to his or her height,
age and sex.
10.Must have passed the psychiatric/psychological, drug,
Hepa-B confirmatory test and physical test to be
administered by the PNP.
11.Must be recommended by his/her Unit Commander
upon filing his/her application and/or taking the
12.Must passed the UN Selection Assistance Team (UNSAT)
test and the examination/ test/interview to be conducted
by the PNP Selection Committee for UN Missions.
Definition of Terms

• Active Police Service - refers to the actual performance of police duties

• Peacemaking- refers to those which encompasses the diplomatic
initiatives conducted after the commencement of a conflict aimed at
establishing a ceasefire or a rapid peaceful settlement such as the use of
good offices, such as that of the Secretary General, conciliation,
mediation, diplomatic pressure and sanctions.
• Peacekeeping - refers to a UN presence in the field (normally involving
military and civilian personnel) with the consent of the parties, to
implement or monitor the implementation of arrangements relating to the
control of conflicts and their resolution or to ensure the safe delivery of
humanitarian relief.
• Peace-enforcement - refers to those that may be needed when
all other efforts fail. It includes the use of armed force to
maintain or restore international or regional peace and security
in situations which the Security Council has determined the
existence of a threat to peace, a breach or an act of aggression.
• Peace-building- refers to activities addressing the special needs
of countries emerging from conflict towards recovery,
reintegration and reconstruction; and the provision of assistance
for laying the foundation for sustainable development.
• PNP UN Mission Qualifying Examination - is an examination
administered by the Secretariat to pre-qualify PNP personnel to
take the UNSAT examination
• United Nations Department of Peacekeeping Operations (UNDPKO)
– a department in the United Nations Headquarters Secretariat
directly in charge of United Nations peacekeeping operations
• United Nations Standby Arrangement System (UNSAS) - refers to a
system of establishing a pool of UNSAS Eligibles in a UN member
country for deployment to mission areas as mandated by UN.
• UNSAT Examination - is an examination to determine competencies
of PNP personnel candidates on English communication, vehicle
driving and firearms proficiency
• UNSAS Eligible - PNP personnel who passed the UNSAT in the
Philippines, entitling such member eligibility for deployment within a
period of eighteen (18) months commencing from the last day of the
test, as certified by members of the UNSAT who administered the

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