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MBIS Mid-trimester evaluation

T1 2024
Why is the Student Voice important?

• Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA), has began a national effort to mandate student representation…’the student

• Alison Cook-Sather (2002 p.3) asserted in her seminal piece, Authorizing students’ perspectives, the commitment to student voice involves a
change in mindset to ‘count students among those who have the knowledge and the position to shape what counts as education’.

• The teaching evaluation tool that Associate Professor Cerotti provides is a significant innovation in progressing student evaluation of
teaching. This formative evaluation tool informs the student's continual study progress which has major implications for student retention
and progression. Furthermore, the tool elucidates the controversial debate associated with SET scores and the deficiencies associated with
the design of current tools which are used to inform staff promotion. Therefore, the tool has major benefits for both staff and students. 2
Professor Adela J McMurray, PhD Dean (Research), College of Business, Government and Law - Flinders University

• The evaluation tool is a great pragmatic initiative supporting continuous improvement by allowing students to give regular feed back. It
combines great benefits such as being easy and simple to use, just in time, leveraging technology that students are familiar with and being
flexible in what we want to ask. It is a tool that we are very interested in rolling out and that is exactly at the centre of our enterprise
strategy: leveraging Voice of customer to Improve Customer Experience and Learning Experience. I think it is ground breaking in our efforts
of digital innovation supporting our students satisfaction.
Jerome Casteigt, Chief Commercial Officer, General Manager Business and Hospitality - Torrens University Australia
We would like to thank all the students who have participated in the project last trimesters. Your voice
has helped us a lot to:

- Plan for a better experience in class

- Improve the class delivery
- Have a better understanding of the student’s demand
- Writing and re-writing subjects
Your voice is important!
Torrens University values the ‘Student Voice’ to continuously improve our subjects. We would
appreciate some feedback about the first half of your subject. If you could complete the following form
in less than 5 minutes, the teaching team will try to make any changes possible to address some of your
suggestions during the remaining weeks and in the following trimesters.

- Feedback will be collected anonymously

- You can choose either way to complete the survey (Access the link or scan the QR code)
- This survey completion is related just to this subject where these slides are shown

Option 1: Access the survey via the link

Option 2: See below:

Please scan me!

Thank you!

Good luck with your trimester!

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