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Kiran William​


Title: Effect of Strengthened

Corporate Governance on
Firm's Performance.

Introduction to Topic

Research Aim and Objectives

Research Question

Research Methodology

Research Limitations



Research Proposal 2
The topic chosen for the study’s completion is based on the role of corporate governance and the
influence that it creates on the performance of the company. Specifically, the industry focus has been
created for this study where the analysis of different companies without mentioning the name of any
specific company will be mentioned for having an overall understanding of the situations existing in
the Pakistani marketplace. While researching the specific topic of corporate governance, I come to
know about this research topic and researching the Pakistani industry is related to my own choice so
that I can contribute towards the growth and development of the Pakistani economy as well.

Research Proposal 3
Corporate governance, and how it affects how well a company runs its business, is one of the most
important topics for empirical and theoretical research in the field of business. Over the past several
decades, corporate governance has garnered a great deal of interest and evolved into a very useful
tool. Recent global financial crises, the rapid expansion of privatizations, and the growth of financial
institutions have all contributed to the enhancement of corporate governance procedures. The
integrity of the administration of a company's corporate governance systems is one of the most
essential factors in determining its overall success.

Research Proposal 4
Strong corporate governance can help a company in many ways, such as by improving its image,
gaining the trust of its shareholders, and making it less likely that the company will be cheated. To
have effective corporate governance, you must implement several mechanisms, such as internal
control systems and external environments, that promote the growth and efficient operation of the
enterprise as a whole. Good corporate governance aims primarily to enhance the overall efficacy of a
company's fundamental operations.

Research Proposal 5
Research Aim and Objectives
Research Aim
“To Analyse the Effect of Strengthened Corporate Governance on a Firm's Performance in
Pakistan’s IT Industry.”
Research Objective
 To analyse the concept of corporate governance and company performance.
 To discuss the importance of corporate governance in improving a company’s performance.
 To identify the relationship between corporate governance and a firm’s performance.
 To analyse the challenges faced by the company in the implementation of effective corporate
 To state recommendations about the effective inclusion of financial aspects to ensure effective
economic growth and development of developing countries.

Research Proposal 6
Research Question
Does corporate governance an important factor in improving a firm’s performance?
Research Methodology

Research Philosophy

The selected research philosophy for completing the study is Positivism Research Philosophy is based on
empiricist philosophical theory focused towards understanding the observed, measured, and recorded in
the same way as in natural science. Due to the following reason, the use of quantitative data has been
made with the positivist research philosophy.

Research Proposal 8
Research Approach

The deductive research strategy was selected as the investigation's preferred methodology. The
deductive method consists of the stages of beginning with a theory, developing hypotheses based on
that theory, and then collecting and analyzing evidence to test those hypotheses. It is possible to
combine the inductive and deductive approaches to research in order to gain a more thorough
understanding of the topic under investigation.

Research Proposal 9
Research Design

The implemented research design is Exploratory Research Design which focused on the
exploration of some new information with the help of the current research topics helpful
in meeting with the needs and requirements of the study. The main purpose of working on
the following research is to explore some new information with the help of current topic
as the research is based on a topic which requires initial level of exploration in the field.

Research Proposal 10
Data Collection and Sampling

The selected method for data collection is Primary Sources of Data, the first-hand
collection of data collected from the source of existence and no earlier proof of its
existence can be identified. Also, the Mixed Method will be used for data collection
purposes in which the use of both Qualitative and Quantitative Data will be collected by
conducting both the interview and questionnaire helpful in understanding the research
topic appropriately through the study conducted.

Research Proposal 11
Data Collection and Sampling

Along with this, the individuals chosen will be general managers in the Pakistani IT
Industry with a minimum experience of around 4 years so that they can provide their
perspectives effectively about the chosen research topic in terms of interviews conducted.
For the respondents having experience of 1 or 2 years, will be appropriate for the
questionnaire. The chosen sample size is 50 respondents.

Research Proposal 12
Data Analysis
Descriptive Statistical Analysis

The selected data analysis method is

the Descriptive Statistical Analysis
Method in which the use of bar
graphs, pie charts and other tools will
be made. Also, the interpretation will
help in stating the findings gained
through the raw data collection and
presenting the final outcomes gained
through the study.
Research Proposal 13
Data Analysis

Thematic Analysis

Along with the quantitative data, it is also important to move with the qualitative data which has been
collected for the completion of research by conducting interviews. So, for the analysis of data collected
with the help of interviews, the use of the Thematic Analysis Method will be made in which the
complete information will be divided into specific themes based on which the completion of the research
paper will be made, findings and discussion will be made to reach a conclusion using a mix of both the
qualitative and quantitative data in the study.

Research Proposal 14
The Gantt Chart has been
developed for timeline
purposes and for stating the
time variability of different
tasks that need to be
completed for the study
completion. The depiction
has been provided as under:

Research Proposal 15
Research Limitations

The main limitations faced by the current study has been provided further in the
presentation as under:
 Formulation of research aims and objectives
 Implementation of data collection method
 Lack of previous studies in the following research area
 Scope of discussions

Research Proposal 16

The data presented through the study states the theoretical description of the research topic along with an
idea of the way to research the topic helpful for the readers to understand the background information
and development of the base for the study. Further, the use of research methodology has played a crucial
role as it has helped in providing proper justifications and informatory explanations about the use of
different tools and techniques for study completion.

Research Proposal 17
 Sakawa, H. and Watanabel, N., 2020. Institutional ownership and firm

performance under stakeholder-oriented corporate
governance. Sustainability, 12(3), p.1021.
 Kyere, M. and Ausloos, M., 2021. Corporate governance and firms
financial performance in the United Kingdom. International Journal of
Finance & Economics, 26(2), pp.1871-1885.
 Puni, A. and Anlesinya, A., 2020. Corporate governance mechanisms
and firm performance in a developing country. International Journal of
Law and Management, 62(2), pp.147-169.
 Ruwanti, G., Chandrarin, G. and Assih, P., 2019. Corporate social
responsibility and earnings management: The role of corporate
governance. Humanities & Social Sciences Reviews, 7(5), pp.1338-1347.
 PANNEERSELVAM, R., 2014. Research methodology. PHI Learning
Pvt. Ltd..
 Kothari, C.R., 2004. Research methodology.
 Snyder, H., 2019. Literature review as a research methodology: An
overview and guidelines. Journal of business research, 104, pp.333-339.
 Bhattacharyya, D.K., 2009. Research methodology. Excel Books India.

Research Proposal 18
Kiran William​

Thank you 10627612


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