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Seerah - Makkan Period


Learning objectives

► To understand and reflect on how the revelation came to Prophet

Muhammad (May Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) and how this
had an impact on his life
► To recognise the support the Khadeeja (ra) gave Prophet Muhammad
(May Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) and islam
► To be aware of who the early muslims were how islam was preached in
the private years
True or false?

► Uthman (ra) married three daughters of Prophet Muhammad (May Allah’s peace
and blessings be upon him)
► Fatima (ra) was the first daughter of Prophet Muhammad (May Allah’s peace
and blessings be upon him)
► Prophet Muhammad (May Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) was give
the title ‘Al-Amin – the trustworthy’ before prophethood
► Khadeeja (ra) was given glad tidings to paradise in this world
► All the daughters and sons of Prophet Muhammad (May Allah’s peace and
blessings be upon him) passed away in his lifetime
Cave Hira – In Makkah
Monday 21st Ramadan
Prophet Muhammad (May Allah’s peace and
blessings be upon him)
was 40 years old

► He began to like solitude

► spent the previous two Ramadans in Cave Hira, alone
► He would meditate there, engaged in the worship of Allah
► He would take his food and provisions, come down to stock up and go to Cave
Hira again
Surah Alaq

►Read in the name of your Lord

who has created (all that exists)
has created man from a clot (a
piece of thick coagulated blood).
Read! And your Lord is the most
generous.” (Al-‘Alaq, v 1–3)
Angel Jibraeel (as) – what does an angel look
like ?

► Prophet (May Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) saw angel Jibrail twice in his real form
► He covered the entire horizon between sky and the earth
► Jibrail (as) had 600 wings
► The first time = When Jibrail (as) came to reveal prophet hood and the first verses of the Quran.
► The second time = On the night of Miraj (when he went to the heavens)
Discussion time

► Group 1 - What would you do if you were in that position ?

► Group 2 - How did this event change the Prophet Muhammad (May Allah’s
peace and blessings be upon him) life?
► Group 3 – How did the Prophet Muhammad (May Allah’s peace and blessings
be upon him) feel?
Khadeeja (ra)

► The Prophet Muhammad (May Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) was terrified
► He returned back home Khadeeja (ra)
► He feared that something had happened to him
► Khadeeja (ra) covered him, consoled him and helped him calm down
► She said: “I swear by Allah, Allah would never disgrace you. You keep good relations
with your family, help the weak and poor, serve your guests generously, and assist those
who deserve help”
► She took him to her cousin, Warqah bin Naufal
Warqah bin Nawfal

► Cousin of Khadeeja (ra)

► He knew Hebrew and was familiar with the teachings of the Gospel
► Left paganism for Christianity
► He informed them that this is the same angel that Allah sent to Musa (as)
► He told them that people will drive them out
► He said he will support the Prophet Muhammad
► He passed away a few days later
Story of revelation – listen and complete any
missing notes

Do you know?

► Who was the first women?

► Who was the first child?
► Who was the first slave?
► Who was the first free man?
Early muslims

► 1st – Khadijaa (Allah be pleased with her)

► 2nd – Zaid bin Haritha (Allah be pleased with him) – FIRST SLAVE
► 3rd – Ali bin Abi Talib (Allah be pleased with him) – FIRST CHILD
► 4th – Abu Bakr al-Siddiq (Allah be pleased with him)- FIRST FREE MAN
► Uthman bin Affan
► Bilal bin Rabah
► Abdur Rahman bin ‘Awf
► Sa’ad bin Abi Waqaas and many others.
Early islam

► House of Arqam
► Few followers – approx. 130
► Secret preaching -
► The oneness of Allah and attributes of Allah
► The everlasting hereafter
► Descriptions of Paradise and Hell fire
► Wudhu and prayer twice a day

Why was Islam preached in secrecy initially?

Why was Islam preached in secrecy initially?

► To protect the muslims

► To build their strength and imaan for what was to come
► To provide a comfortable and strong base for Islam
Class quiz

► When I call your number out stand up

► If you know the answer shout seerah!
► Winning groups gets dojo points!
Where was Prophet (May Allah’s peace
and blessings be upon him) when the first
revelation came?
How did the revelation come to him?
Who did Khadija (ra) take him to?
Who was the first muslim child?
Why did Prophet Muhammad used to go
to Cave Hira
Who was Abu Bakr (ra) to Prophet
Where did the muslims used to pray at
How many people in the life of prophet
Muhammad have predicted the coming of
a prophet? Who were they?
Zamilooni – How does this nasheed link to
what we have been studying today?


► Come up with 5 morals you can derive from the Seerah so far
► Update seerah lapbook

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