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Ritom Roy1, Rimashri Bera2, Puja Ghose3, Soumykanti Sen4
Department of Agricultural Science, Midnapore City College, Kuturia, Bhadutala, Midnapore, West Midnapore. 721129
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ABSTRACT:- Hydroponic systems have gained significant attention and popularity in recent years as a groundbreaking method of growing plants without the need for traditional soil-based agriculture. By harnessing the power of water and nutrient-

rich solutions, hydroponics allows plants to thrive in a controlled environment, providing numerous benefits over conventional farming techniques. Growing plants, usually crops or medicinal plants, without soil, by using water-based mineral nutrient
solutions in an artificial environment. Terrestrial or aquatic plants may grow freely with their roots exposed to the nutritious liquid or the roots may be mechanically supported by an inert medium such as perlite, gravel, or other substrates. Hydroponic
setups offer versatility through multi-story configurations, maximizing space efficiency and resilience against environmental factors. This adaptability renders hydroponic farming suitable for diverse settings. Hydroponic farming includes faster crop
yields, immunity to soil-borne diseases, and simplified crop management due to the absence of weeds and reduced water-spraying requirements. Moreover, hydroponic systems demonstrate exceptional water efficiency, achieving savings of 70–80%
compared to soil-based methods, which is crucial in water-scarce regions.

INTRODUCTION:- APPLICATION METHOD Crops to Grow with Hydroponics/

Soil-less Culture
 Hydroponics offers opportunities to provide optimal conditions for plant growth and
In any hydroponics system the following application method must be
therefore, higher yields can be obtained compared to open field agriculture. maintained at optimum levels. A variety of crops can be grown using hydroponics/soil-
 Hydroponics or soil-less culture is a technology for growing plants in nutrient solutions
 Buffer action of water or the inert medium used. less culture. However, priority must be given to high-
that supply all nutrient elements needed for optimum plant growth with or without the  The nutrient solution or the fertilizer mixture used must contain value crops depending on the market situation.
use of an inert medium such as gravel, vermiculite, rockwool, peat moss, saw dust, coir all micro and macro elements necessary for plant growth and
 Leafy vegetables - Lettuce, Head lettuce, Gotukola.
dust, coconut fiber, etc. to provide mechanical support.  Buffer action of the nutrient solution must be in the suitable  Vegetables - Tomato, Egg Plant, Green bean, Beet,
 The term hydroponics originally meant nutrient solution culture with no supporting range so that plant root system or the inert medium is not
affected. Winged bean, Capsicum, Bell pepper, Cabbage,
medium.  The temperature and aeration of the inert medium or the Cauliflower, cucumbers, melons, raddish.
 costly and time-consuming tasks of soil sterilization, soil amelioration, etc. can be nutrient solution is suitable for plant root system.
 Fodder crops - Sorghum, Barley, Bermuda grass,
avoided with hydroponics system of cultivation. It offers a clean working environment
Carpet grass.
and thus hiring labour is easy.  Cereals - Rice, Maize.
 Condiments - Parsley, Mint, Oregano, Sweet basil
 Fruit crops – Strawberry.
 Flower/ornamental crops - Anthurium, Merry gold,
Coleus, roses, carnations, orchids, chrysanthemums.
WHAT IS HYDROPONICS/ SOIL-LESS  Medicinal crops – Alovera.

 Soil is usually the most available growing medium and plants normally grow in it. It HYDROPONICS/ SOIL-LESS CULTURE
provides anchorage, nutrients, air, water, etc. for successful plant growth. Modification
of a soil an alternate growing medium tends to be expensive. However, soils do pose
serious limitations for plant growth, at times. Presence of disease causing organisms and
nematodes, unsuitable soil reaction, unfavorable soil compaction, poor drainage,
degradation due to erosion, etc. are some of them.
 Further, continuous cultivation of crops has resulted in poor soil fertility, which in turn ADVANTAGES
has reduced the opportunities for natural soil fertility build up by microbes. This
Land is not necessary. It can be practiced even in upstairs, open spaces and
situation has lead to poor yield and quality.
in protected structures.
 In addition, conventional crop growing in soil (Open Field Agriculture) is difficult as it  Clean working environment. The grower will not have any direct contact
with soil.
involves large space, lot of labour and large volume of water. And in some places like
 Low drudgery. No need of making beds, weeding, watering, etc.
metropolitan areas, soil is not available for crop growing. Another serious problem  Continuous cultivation is possible. CONCLUSION:-
 No soil borne diseases or nematode damage.
experienced since of late is the difficulty to hire labour for conventional open field
 Off-season production is possible.
agriculture.  Vegetable cultivation can be done with leisure sense. Hydroponics offers many benefits, including the ability
 Many plants were found to give yield early in hydroponics system. to grow food in areas where traditional farming may
 Higher yields possible with correct management practices.
 Easy to hire labour as hydroponics system is more attractive and easier be difficult or impossible, using less water than
than cultivation in soil. traditional farming, reducing the need for pesticides
 No need of electricity, pumps, etc. for the non-circulating systems of
and herbicides, and providing year-round growing.
solution culture.
 Possibility of growing a wide variety of vegetable and flower crops
including Anthurium, marigolds, etc.
 Water wastage is reduced to minimum.
 Possible to grow plants and rooted cuttings free from soil particles for


Harvesting, Grading & Storage

 Hydroponics or soil-less culture is a system of growing plants which

helps reduce some of the above mentioned problems experienced in Harvesting: Harvesting at correct maturity will reduce post harvest loses. One must know the age of the fruits or plants to
conventional crop cultivation. correctly identify maturity. Reports on crops may be maintained for this purpose. Harvest fruits by cutting with a sharp knife
 Hydroponics offers opportunities to provide optimal conditions for with minimum damage to fruits and plant stem. Harvest bell pepper after they develop their standard colour. For salads,
plant growth and therefore, higher yields can be obtained compared harvests before the fruits reach full red ripen stage; when they are at yellow-red stage. It is better to wear a pair of gloves
to open field agriculture. while harvesting and use disinfected knife or scissors. At least some colour should be showing in tomato fruit before harvest. If
 Hydroponics or soil less culture offers a means of control over soil- the stems are attached care should be taken during handling to avoid any cuts or bruises. Cucumbers must be harvested with
borne diseases and pests, which is especially desirable in the tropics no attached stem when they reach a uniform diameter throughout the fruit length, but before any yellowing appears at the
where the life cycles of these organisms continues uninterrupted and blossom end. Harvest strawberry fruits when they begin to turn red. Leafy vegetables must be harvested before they reach
so does the threat of infestation. their full maturity. Select the correct stage of maturity for ornamental plants and fruits depending on the market
 Thus the costly and timeconsuming tasks of soil sterilization, soil requirements.
amelioration, etc. can be avoided with hydroponics system of
cultivation. It offers a clean working environment and thus hiring Grading: When the harvest is in fruit form, discard odd shaped, damaged, or spotted fruits and grade according to their
labour is easy. sizes into large, medium and small size groups. It may be suitably labelled to indicate its quality (for example, free of

Storage: After grading, most vegetables must be stored in cool dry place. Storing in large plastic containers with large holes
for aerationis advisable.

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