Effective Presentation

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Prepared By:
Anshu Parajuli
Asha Praja
Dikshya Gurung
Garima Khatri
Nikita Chaudhary
Sanam Chaudhary
Sneha Subedi
Suchitra Chaudhary
Sushila Bhandari
Introduction of Presentation

 Presentationis the process of delivering or sharing ideas,

concepts or issues talked about or spoken to a group or
 During presentation, audience not only listen to ideas but
also responds to voice and body language.
 The presentation must be delivered in a lively, flexible and
interesting way so that presenter can grab the attention of

 It can be helpful if a presenter considers 5 W’s:

Who (Audience), What (Content), Why
(Purpose), When (Time) and Where (Place).
Presentation Components

During the After the

Before the Presentation Presentation

Body What to DO
AIDA Technique after the
PASS Model Language
Preparing Presentation

 Analyze the audience’s interest, expectations, problems, needs, level of

understanding, values, beliefs, emotional condition and benefits.
 Prepare keeping in mind the time allotted.
 Collect materials from a variety of sources.
 Arrange points logically and sequentially.
 Prepare handouts as well.
 Read, write and rehearse the presentation.
 Anticipate the questions and prepare possible solutions.
Before the Presentation
PASS Model


Audience group, Brainstorm Vocabulary
their interests, no. of Prioritize Format
Determination of Ordering
persons and Tone of
Objectives Outline
their level of Communication
knowledge Practice
Delivering Presentations

 Use adequate volume and pitch of voice.

 Use
active and appropriate body language (posture,
movement etc)
 Make eye contact with audiences.
 Involve audience by responding to their questions.

 Address needs and expectation of the audiences

and modify the presentation to meet them
 Evaluate the effectiveness of presentation by
verbal and non-verbal communications and
proper feedback.
During the Presentation

A- Attention

I- Interest

D- Desire

A- Action
Different common types of method used
in presentation

Demonstration Role Play AV aids


Pamphlets Projector Television

Closing Presentations

 Summarize and highlight important points.

 Open the floor for questions answers or discussion.
Steps of effective presentation

 Know own audience and understand its

 Research Thoroughly.
 Document own source.
 Write own speech.
 Prepare the slideshow.
 Rehearse alone.
 Do a dress Rehearsal.
 Tweak the presentation.
 Prepare Yourself.
 Introduce the presentation.
 Present the Material.
 Question and Answer.
 Exit the stage.

 Acharya D, Dhakal K; Nursing Concepts and Principles;

Jupiter Publications; 2nd edition; Pg no. 219-221
 Rai L; Nursing Concepts and Principles; Akshav
Publication; 4th edition 2019; Pg no. 163-164
 https://www.slideshare.net/epivag/effective-presentation-

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