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Morning Report

Group B4
Ali Burhan Hassan
Ali Redha Ali
Ameer Hamzah Abd zaid
Haider Hamza Kamil
Hussein Mohammed Ghazi
Mohammed ali sadeq
Moamul Shawqi Habbeb
Attendance to Emergency Department
at 20 nov 2023 from 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm

6 cases Elevated Body temperature

3 cases Abdominal Pain
2 cases vomiting
One case Skin Rash
One case Yellowish discorolation
One case ingestion foreign body
Personal History

Janat Ali Majid female six months old from

AL-Gadder village presented to Emergency Unit with
her Parents ( Ali majid and her mom zahraa Haider )
at the morning of 20 nov 2023
Her wight 5.8 kg unknown blood group .
History taking at 4:00 pm

Chief Complaint
Elevated and Duration
Body temperature for 4 days
Present illness

The condition started before 4 day with mild elevated body temperature ( 38 C°
measured by her mom at home by Thermometer) the temperature was
intermetine not reliving by medication and not relating to feeding no abnormal
body movement no sweating and no vomiting no skin discoloration no ear
discharge no change in the amount of urine and its color there is white
memberane on her mouth during this time the sleeping was decrease also she
was tired and drowse ( janat had previous similar attacke before one month )
after that the temperature suddenly increasing at morning to 41 C when they
come to hospital at emergency unit take blood sample and give medication by
IV line the patient started to improving and sweating
Review System :-
CNS :- no abnormal movement . no loss of consciousness . sleep disturbance.

Respiratory system :- little wheeze . no cough . no shortness of breath

Gastrointestinal system :- decreasing of appetite . no frequentt bowel motion . no

vomiting ( no change in bowel habit )

Cardiovascular system :- no sweating during feeding . no cynosis . no swelling

Genitourinary system :- no changes in amount and color . no difficulty during

urination Integumentary system :- no change in color . no rash

Birth History
Prenatal History
Good maternal health fisrt month then she dignosis with
anemia in 6 month of pregnancy . no blood transfussion and
no x-ray radiation . no infection or other diseases .

Natal History
Full term baby delivered vaginally at hospital no complication
like bleeding .

Postnatal History
When janat was newborn . she immediately cried and no need
resyscitation efforts . she was neither cynosed nor jaundice .
start breastfeeding in the first hour.
Feeding History
Breastfeeding since birth after feeding the baby relax
and sleeping . 4 month of age she mixed feeding with
bottle ( one oze for each number )also started for solid
foodbefore one month .

Vaccination History
Completed her vaccine schedule .

Development History
Smile in 2 month
Sit without support .
Past Medical History
Known condition of eczema
She had previous attacke like this before one month ago

Past surgical History

No previous surgery

Drug History
No history of allergy for specific drug

Family and social History

No chronic disease ( DM / HTN )
Live with her sibling ( Three ) in clean house with good water supply
Father is smoker

General look :

6 month in supine position on bed, avarge body wight counsious crying not
cynotic not dyspnic no sign of jundice or anemia.
There’s yellow canulla in her Right hand.

Vital sing:

SPO 96%
pulse rate 140 beat/min regular good volume
temp. 40c axillary
Resp. rate 25breath/min

Respiratory Examination

by inspection there is no sign of respiratory disstress no nasal flaring no

subcostal reaction
by ascultation there is little whezzing

Growth Parameters

Weight = 5.18 Kg
Hight = 60 Cm




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