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Hocart and Senart are the two main advocates of religious

theory. According to Hocart, social stratification originated on

account of religious principles and customs. In ancient India
religion had a prominent place. The king was considered the
image of God. The priest kings accorded different positions to
different functional groups. Senart has tried to explain the
origin of caste system on the basis of prohibitions regarding
sacramental food.
He holds that on account of different family duties there grew
up certain prohibitions regarding sacramental food. The
followers of one particular deity considered themselves the
descendants of the same ancestor and offered a particular
kind of food as offering to their deity. Those who believed in
the same deity considered themselves as different from those
who believed in some other deity.
All the above factors conspired to encourage the
formation of small groups based on petty
distinctions from time to time. The lack of rigid
unitary control of the state, the unwillingness of
the rulers to enforce a uniform standard of law
and custom, their readiness to recognize the
varying customs of different groups as valid, and
their usual practice of allowing things somehow to
adjust themselves led to the growth of groups and
promoted the spirit of solidarity and community
feeling in every group.
Dravidians in India: The present people of the Indian subcontinent,
including the Dravidians, are of a mixed genetic origin and have
ancestry from indigenous South Asian Hunter Gatherers, Neolithic
west Asian farmers from Iran.
Indoaryans: Indo-Aryan peoples are a diverse collection of Indo-
European peoples speaking Indo-Aryan languages in the Indian
subcontinent. (Punjabi (Northwestern)Sindhi
(Northwestern)Rajasthani )
Aryodravidian- relating to, or characteristic of the Indian people
having a mixture of Aryan and Dravidian blood that historically
constituted the chief population of northern India and of the
southern half of Sri Lanka. Scytho-Dravidian
dated. : of, relating to, or constituting a mixed racial type found
chiefly in Bombay Province, India.
Mongolodravidian: This type is known as the Bengalian type
characterized by broad and round heads with a tendency towards
medium dark complexion and plentiful hair on face. The nose is
usually medium with a tendency towards flatness. The stature is
also medium but sometimes short.
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