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Cell cycle

Cell cycle
The process of forming daughter cells from parent is called cell division. &
The sequence of events that occurs between two successful cell division is called cell
The events which occurs during cell cycle are:
1. Replication of DNA
2. Dividion of nucleus &
3. Division of cytoplasm

Cell cycle consists of two phases:

A. I-Phase or interphase and
B. M- phase or mitotic phase.
A. I-phase or interphase: This phase is also called interphase, growth phase, preparatory
phase, metabolic phase or resting phase.

It is the longest phase of cell cycle. This phase is metabolically most active phase
though it is called resting phase due to non-dividing nucleus. Nucleus has maximum size during

Interphase consists of 3 sub-phases. They are:

1. G1 phase:
Also known as post mitotic phase or first growth phase.
o Maximum growth of cell takes place so called growth phase.
o Synthesis of protein, RNA, DNA polymerase and RNA polymerase occurs.
o longest phase of cell cycle.
2. S-phase ( DNA synthesis phase):
• metabolically most active phase so called metabolic phase.
• Replication of nuclear DNA and synthesis of histone protein occurs.
• Chromosome replicates producing two chromatids. Both chromatids attach at
centromere. So each single stranded chromosome changes into double stranded
3. G2 phase (pre-mitotic phase or post synthetic phase):
• In this phase, DNA replication and duplication of centriole takes place.
• Cell prepares for division.
• Tubulin protein & required organelles for M-division is synthesized.
M-phase (cell division phase)
In this phase, cell divides to form new daughter cells.
This phase is divided into to sub phase
I. Karyokinesis: Karyokinesis is the division of nucleus. It is completed in
4 phase -
Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase and Telophase.
II. Cytokinesis: Cytokinesis is the division of cytoplasm. In plant cell, cytokinesis
takes place by cell plate method where as in animal it takes place by cleavage or
constriction method.
Types of cell Division
It occurs by three ways: Amitosis, Mitosis and Meiosis
A. Amitosis ( GK Amitos = without thread; osis = state)
• It is simple direct method of cell division in which parent cell divides to form two daughter cell
• Nuclear membrane do not disappear.
• Cell divides into two daughter cell without the formation of spindle fibres and condensation of
chromatin fibres.
• There is unequal distribution of nuclear and cellular matter. This kind of cell division occurs in
protozoans, bacteria and cyanobacteria and
complete within a short time.
• For example: Budding fragmentation, fission, gemma cup formation example

• Mitosis (Gk Mitos - thread, Osis - stage)

 Mitosis is a type of cell division in which a mother cell divide into two daughter
cells having equal number of chromosome to that of mother cell. It is therefore
called as equational cell division.
 It occur in vegetative part of organism so, it is also called somatic cell division.
 The term mitosis was given by Flemming (1882 A.D.) from two Greek words
Mitos = thread, Osis = state.
 Mitosis cell division is completed into three stages - Interphase,
Karyokinesis and cytokinesis.
2. Metaphase:
• Chromosomes arrange at one metaphasic or equatorial plate. This
phenomenon of bringing chromosomes on the equator of spindle is called

• Spindle fibre are well developed and both centromere of chromoaome

attached to spindle fibre.

• Nucleolus and nuclear membrane completely

• disappears.

• Structure, size and number of chromosome

is best studied during metaphase.
3. Anaphase:
• In this phase, each double stranded chromosome changes into two daughter single stranded

• Daughter chromosomes moves towards the opposite pole due to contraction of spindle fibre,
repulsion between the centromere, relaxation of interzonal fibre and force developed at poles.

• Centromere of chromosomes faces towards the pole where as its arms faces towards the

• So chromosomes of different shape such as

V shaped (metacentric), L shaped (sub-metacentric),
j-shaped (acrocentric) and I shaped (telocentric) appears.

• It is the best phase to observe the shape of chromosome.

Significance of mitosis

1. Mitosis helps in growth and development of multicellular organisms.

2. It helps to maintain genetic stability by equal distribution of chromosomes.

3. It helps in vegetative propagation and asexual reproduction in organisms.

4. It also helps in replacement of wound or worn out cells. Wound and injured part
is healed by repeated mitotic division of surrounding healthy cells.

5. Uncontrolled mitotic division causes cancer to the organisms.

6. Upper layer of skin cell, old RBCs, old WBCs regularly die and replaced by
formation of new cell by the process of mitosis.

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