ASHLAND Financial Permaculture

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Planning for Economic Uncertainty

Financial Permaculture

Thanks to
Daniel Lerch, Post Carbon Cities Program Manager
Rob Hopkins, founder of the Transition Initiatives movement.
Also, diverse Permaculture classes everywhere.

2008 Thrivability Institute

the we Permaculture?

Financial Permaculture
FROM a workshop hosted by the
Center for Holistic Ecology

In Association With:
Gaia University, Solari, Inc., Ecovillage Training Center, Living Mandala, Global Village Institute, The Leadership School,
Leadership Lewis, The Sonnenschien Committee,
Oklahoma Food Cooperative

Catherine Austin Fitts, Andy Langford, Liora Adler, Albert Bates, Jennifer Dauksha-English, Greg Landua, Thomas Hupp,
Luke Staengl, Robert Waldrop, Jonathan Cloud, Sylvia Palmer, Ruchi Singhal, Johnathan Gonsky, Debbie Landers,
Cindy Ayers, Eric Wagner,
Jonathan Cloud, Carolyn A. Betts, Court Skinner, Franklin Sanders, Jason Eaton,
Susan Johann, Anais Starr, Pat Therrien, Valerie Seitz, Matthew English, Ethan C. Roland

2008 Thrivability Institute

Financial Permaculture …
Financial Permaculture …

• Is a model of systems thinking

• Takes a whole ecosystem approach to
• Strives toward total economic return – where
the entire system and its parts are optimized.

• Is a Design tool
• Is Appropriate Information Technology
(generating the least waste for the highest yield in the context
of true local social and ecological costs )
2008 Thrivability Institute
Financial Permaculture …
Financial Permaculture …

• Waste … in whatever form, debilitates the

• Financial Permaculture looks to cycle waste
streams - whether physical byproducts or
human potential – back into the system.

• This loop sees problems as opportunities

• When conducted within a local economy, this
loop empowers both consumers and
2008 Thrivability Institute
Financial Permaculture …
Financial Permaculture …

Investment Principles Permaculture Principles

Use “Total Economic Return” •Obtain a Yield

•(Catherine covers the importance of avoiding the "yield
trap," or investing in income-producing assets that are
•Produce NO WASTE
being drained by inflationary monetary policy.) •The Problem is the Solution
•Stack Functions

Quadrants: •Catch and store energy

• Liquid vs. Non-liquid •Use and value renewable
• Local vs. Global resources and services
•Design from pattern to detail
•Analysis - Zones

2008 Thrivability Institute

Financial Permaculture …
Financial Permaculture …

Investment Principles Permaculture Principles

Scenario Planning: •Observe and Interact

•“Plan for the worst and hope for •Creatively use and respond to
the best” change
•Design from pattern to detail
•Site analysis

Diversify: •Use and value diversity

•“Don’t put all your eggs in one •Use edges and value the
basket.” marginal

2008 Thrivability Institute

Financial Permaculture …
Financial Permaculture …

Investment Principles Permaculture Principles

Financial Intimacy: •Apply self regulation and accept

“Build networks of Trust” feedback
•Design from pattern to detail
•Site analysis - Zones

Organize / Conspiracy: •Zones – relative location

“Take control of your power.” (companion planting and Guilds)
•Stack functions (one group
achieving complimentary function
yields and producing net energy

2008 Thrivability Institute

Financial Permaculture …
Financial Permaculture …

Investment Principles Permaculture Principles

Play net energy plus: •Apply self regulation and accept

”Pay it forward” feedback
•Integrate rather than segregate
•Catch and store energy
•Obtain a yield
•Produce NO waste

(These investment principles were

taken from Solari, Inc. with permission ars/positioning_your_assets/
from Catherine Austin Fitts.)

2008 Thrivability Institute

What’s theFinancial
problem? Permaculture Workshop 2008

Where does this lead?

At its simplest, the idea is to withdraw time,

money, and attention from Wall Street and D.C.

And to invest locally among family and friends in

existing businesses and start ups that do
business the old fashioned way -- without
fraud, graft, lobbying, malfeasance, fuzzy math
accounting, or even a think tank.

2008 Thrivability Institute

What’s To
problem?the Current Financial Climate…

The Crash Course

Ready to learn everything you need to know about the economy in the
shortest amount of time?

The Crash Course is a condensed online version of Chris Martenson’s “End

of Money” seminar.

What is it?
The Crash Course seeks to provide you with a baseline understanding of the
economy so that you can better appreciate the risks that we all face.

Each section is between 3 – 20 minutes in length. All 20 sections take 3

hours and 23 minutes to watch in full.

2008 Thrivability Institute

Next Steps for a PROACTIVE Ashland…

1. Were are we now? How can the public and the city educate each other
about our current situation, developing plans, and on-going studies?
• How can we best proceed such that all voices are heard?
• Who is already involved in the discussion?
• How can we best serve the transition process?

2. How can I help? In what ways can I get involved?

• Learn more through presentations, books, discussions
• Become a leader …talk with your neighbors, friends, co-workers
• Join or start a Transition Town committee to co-create ideas, new
approaches, and creative solutions in the areas that most excite you
• Have lots of fun as we re-invent a more localized, healthier, and
friendlier community that serves us all.

2008 Thrivability Institute

Next Steps tonight…

1. When I hear about economic uncertainty, the concerns I

have include….

2. My vision for Ashland in this context is…

3. The steps I can take toward this vision are…

2008 Thrivability Institute

Who are we willing to be?

2008 Thrivability Institute

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