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Below are phrases/statements about teaching approaches. Group them whether
they characterize/describe a Learner-centered or not by writing their
corresponding numbers under the appropriate column. F if Learner-centered and
B if otherwise.
B1. Learning is based on repetition.
F 2. Consideration for HOTS tasks.
F 3. Learning is interactive. 4. Skills are treated in isolation.
B 5. Students learn how to learn.
F 6. Collaboration is not evident.
B 7. Teacher’s role is interactive, rooted in negotiation.
F 8. Background knowledge taken in consideration as well as new
F 9. Interdisciplinary exploration is considered.
F 10. Teacher’s role is directive, rooted in authority.
Below are a range of teaching methods. Tag them to the given teaching strategy to
which you think how they will be employed in your classroom.
compare and contrast, demonstrations, guides for reading, listening and viewing,
lecture, role play, simulations, case study, cloze procedure, inquiry, problem
solving, reflective discussion, small group discussion, games, experiments,
brainstorming, debates, cooperative learning, interviewing, field observations,
assigned questions, computer assisted instruction, essays, reports, research


compare and
case study, cloze procedure, simulations,games,
problem solving, reflective brainstorming, debates,
guides for reading,
discussion, small group cooperative learning,
listening and viewing,
discussion, inquiry, assigned brainstorming, debates,
lecture, computer assisted
questions, essays interviewing


role play, experiments, reports, field
research projects
Activities and Assessment
Cite an actual classroom situation where the different principles are applied.


Students use inquiry methods to ask As a teacher of last section, I used

questions, investigate a topic, and use a cooperative teaching approach by means of
variety of resources to find solutions and this strategy my learners easily understand
answers . the lesson and they finished it on time.

Students control their own learning process, The teacher is served as a guide, they give
and they lead the way by reflecting on their instructions and make the learners takeover
experiences. of the situations.

Select one of the learner-centered learning approaches and strategies. Design a

classroom activity using the approach/strategy. Indicate also the
competency/skill to be developed, objective, method of assessment and
procedure of the activity.
Approach/Strategy: Reflective Approach
Name of Activity: Knowing the Importance of Our Environment
Competency/Skill:To protect our environment.
Objective: Make the pupils realized the importance of our environment.
Method of Assessment: Self - assessment
Procedure of Activity: Make them think what are the things they need to do in
order to have a clean and healthy environment. Draw the things you need to do
to achieve this goal.
As a teacher how can these principles help you make your learning environment a
nurturing and inspiring for learner’s participation?
Reflect on your role as a teacher in promoting learner-centered learning.

Reflect on your role as a Teacher in promoting Learner-centered Learning.

I serve as guides to the pupils to challenge them to think harder by considering
new ideas. As a teacher promoting learner-centered learning,I must influenced
them strongly by constructivism form of knowledge.

What have I done?

I serve as guides to the pupils to challenge them to think harder by considering
new ideas. As a teacher promoting learner-centered learning,I must influenced
them strongly by constructivism form of knowledge.

What am I doing?
Giving them instruction and make the learners do the activity by their own.
Facilitate growth by utilizing the interest and unique needs of the learners.

What will I do next?

Initiate colaboration with other teachers.Motivate the pupils to study hard.

After going through all the sessions, gather your thoughts and reflect once more.
Answer the questions below:
What was new?
Some principles are new to me. And the system is always a set-up.

What was exciting?

The learners enjoy learning in my class. The imperative respect of the learners
towards the teacher which they give while gaining knowledge.

What was worrisome?

If my objectives did not meet. And when teachers collaborate in a team meeting,
all involved and agree to teach the same lesson which results in a lot of correction
at the end of the day.

You are about to finish this session on Learner-Centered Learning. But before you
proceed to the next session in this module, your knowledge acquisition in this
session will be challenged by answering TRUE f the statement below is correct and
FALSE if the statement is wrong based on the principles of learner-centered

FALSE 1. Learners are responsible for each other.

FALSE 2. Learners are passive receptors of information.
TRUE 3. Teachers is seen as a facilitator and guide.
TRUE 4. Learners are keep on their own seats.
TRUE 5. Learners are rarely expected to ask questions or to
challenge the theories of the teachers.
TRUE 6. The use of lecture methods, note-takings and memorizing
information for later recognition or reproduction.
FALSE 7. Learners actively participate in the learning process.
TRUE 8. Learners shape their own learning paths.
TRUE 9. Learners are encouraged to be more inquisitive.
TRUE 10. Curricular design is based on low levels of students participation.

A. Directions: List down at least three more teaching methods in each strategy
which you may similarly employ in your classroom.

Direct Instruction: Student-centered learning,,Instructional Strategies ,Process

not product
Indirect Instruction :Inquiry-Based Approach, Reflective, Integrative Approach
Interactive Instruction:Inquiry-Based Approach, Reflective, Integrative Approach
Experiential Instruction: Reflective,Collaborative,Multiple Perspective
Independent Instruction: Reflective,Collaborative,Multiple Perspective

My Map, My Imagination!

Have you used mind mapping in your daily activities?

Mind mapping is a quick and powerful technique for organizing your thoughts.
Some people may try to tell you the ‘rules’ of making a mind map. Don’t listen to
them. This is your map. Your imagination is the limit. Be creative and make your
own mind map about Learning Environment in the blank space provided below.


Activities and Assessment

Explore your understanding of the Learning Environment by answering the
following questions:
1. How is learning environment defined in both articles?
A healthy learning environment is what we need to have a quality education.
2. What does this definition of learning environment tell about the way students
If we have a clean and healthy environment to learners perform well in the
3. What is the critical role of teachers in providing and managing learning
environment that promotes learner responsibility and achievement?
The teachers serve as a guide or a role model in order to have a healthy
learning environment.
4. Since learners must do the learning, how do you think will you create a total
environment for learning that optimizes the ability of the students to learn?
Serve as a good role model to them.Show them that a clean and a healthy
space are important in education.

Having learned more about learning environment, how will you handle the
following learning situations/contexts?
Strategies you may use to provide and manage the learning
Situations environment that are learning-focused and learner-centr

Multi-grade classes of 60 in a far-

flung area with no internet Use variety of materials such as: visual aids, flash cards or try to find
connectivity materials that are suitable in your lesson.

Use collaborative approach; the learners will help each

other towards the lessons. Make use of “Instructor
Large class of 80 grade 7 students in
a covered court Demeanor” which makes the priority to learn and use of
learners names. Establish a rapport and be patient and
affirmative with the learners in class as a unit.
Strategies you may use to provide and manage
Situations the learning environment that are learning-
focused and learner-centered.
8 hearing impaired Give consideration to those learners with hearing impaired and
always check on them to understand your lesson. Be flexible and
students mainstream with allow them to use audio-visual materials independently and for a
regular grade 8 longer amount of time.
See around and look for the materials you need in your lesson.
Insufficient number of Teachers are artistic, they are flexible and creative. Teachers can
always use or treat the chalkboard like a textbook in the making.
instructional materials Always find a way to create a group for grouping activities, use
and other resources of flip chart paper or tarp-papel and even a layered lesson for
each book if there is only one book for the class

To deepen your understanding of Learning Environment, you may now engage
yourself in a personal and professional reflection guided by the templates provided
below. Get ready to document your thoughts in a reflective learning journal.
The Reflective Learning Journal Template
Area 1 Explore the learning experience…
Awareness Evaluation Regulation

What have I Do I understand what I What can I do in
learned? have learned? What else order to gain a better
do I need to learn? understanding?
How did I learn /
do it? How can I make this
strategy more
Process How effective is this
What strategy effective?
(How) strategy?
have I used in
learning this Is the way I do it the
topic? best way?
Why learn it? Why would I think so? What would be a
more useful way to
Is this the only purpose of learning?
What is learning? learning?
How could this
learning experience
be interpreted
Area 2 Think of the learning experience in relation to

All things
What does this learning
How does this considered, is this
experience tell about my
learning goal a suitable goal?
choice of professional goal
and path?
contribute to my
professional Are there any other
Am I making good
development? options?
development What is/are my What other paths
Am I on the right track?
short-term / can I take to achieve
What is the
longterm my goals?
source of the obstacles?
professional How can I
goal(s)? What remove those
Am I on the right track?
obstacles have I obstacles?
What other paths
can I take to achieve
my goals?
What does this
learning What does this learning
experience mean experience tell me about
to me? my potentials, and myself
as a person? What do I know
How does it about myself?
matter to me if I
failed or How am I living the
succeeded? most of myself?
My Map, My Learning!
After engaging on this session, how will your mind map on Learning
Environment change? Make a new mind map on this topic on the space
provided below.
Now, compare your previous and current mind maps using a Venn diagram.

•Classrooms are well •Differentiated Learning

ventilated •Active Learning
•Safe and establish a •Progressive Learning
supportive learning •Constructive Education
culture •21st Century Learning
•Child - friendly School
•Learners are motivated
to learn Learning
•Employ interactive games
•People have harmonious Environm
relationship to each other ent
•Address learners needs

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