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Unit III

Basics of Pattern Recognition:

Taught by
Prof .Datta Deshmukh

By Prof.Datta Deshmukh
Unit III
Basics of Pattern Recognition:
Introduction and examples, Clustering vs.
Supervised vs. unsupervised
Decision Boundaries, Decision region/ Metric spaces/
Object detection

By Prof.Datta Deshmukh
What is Pattern?
Pattern is everything around in this digital world. A
pattern can either be seen physically or it can be
observed mathematically by applying algorithms.
Example: The colors on the clothes, speech pattern,
etc. In computer science, a pattern is represented using
vector feature values.

By Prof.Datta Deshmukh
By Prof.Datta Deshmukh
What is Pattern Recognition?
Pattern recognition is a derivative of machine learning
that uses data analysis to recognize incoming patterns
and regularities. This data can be anything from text
and images to sounds or other definable qualities.
The technique can quickly and accurately recognize
partially hidden patterns even in unfamiliar objects.
Pattern recognition involves classifying and clustering
data points based on the knowledge derived
statistically from past representations.

By Prof.Datta Deshmukh
What is Pattern Recognition?
 Pattern recognition is the process of recognizing patterns by
using a machine learning algorithm. Pattern recognition can be
defined as the classification of data based on knowledge already
gained or on statistical information extracted from patterns
and/or their representation. One of the important aspects of
pattern recognition is its application potential.
 Examples: Speech recognition, speaker identification,
multimedia document recognition (MDR), automatic medical
In a typical pattern recognition application, the raw data is
processed and converted into a form that is amenable for a
machine to use. Pattern recognition involves the classification
and cluster of patterns.
By Prof.Datta Deshmukh
In classification, an appropriate class label is assigned
to a pattern based on an abstraction that is generated
using a set of training patterns or domain knowledge.
Classification is used in supervised learning.
Clustering generated a partition of the data which
helps decision making, the specific decision-making
activity of interest to us. Clustering is used in
unsupervised learning

By Prof.Datta Deshmukh
Features may be represented as continuous, discrete, or
discrete binary variables. A feature is a function of one or
more measurements, computed so that it quantifies some
significant characteristics of the object.
Example: consider our face then eyes, ears, nose, etc are
features of the face.
A set of features that are taken together, forms the features
Example: In the above example of a face, if all the features
(eyes, ears, nose, etc) are taken together then the sequence
is a feature vector([eyes, ears, nose]). The feature vector is
the sequence of a feature represented as a d-dimensional
column vector. In the case of speech, MFCC (Mel-
frequency Cepstral Coefficient) is the spectral feature of
the speech.
By Prof.Datta The sequence of the first 13 features forms a
feature vector.
Pattern recognition possesses the
following features:
Pattern recognition system should recognize familiar
patterns quickly and accurate
Recognize and classify unfamiliar objects
Accurately recognize shapes and objects from different
Identify patterns and objects even when partly hidden
Recognize patterns quickly with ease, and with

By Prof.Datta Deshmukh
Training and Learning in Pattern
Learning is a phenomenon through which a system
gets trained and becomes adaptable to give results in
an accurate manner. Learning is the most important
phase as to how well the system performs on the data
provided to the system depends on which algorithms
are used on the data. The entire dataset is divided into
two categories, one which is used in training the model
i.e. Training set, and the other that is used in testing the
model after training, i.e. Testing set.

By Prof.Datta Deshmukh
Training set:

The training set is used to build a model. It consists of
the set of images that are used to train the system.
Training rules and algorithms are used to give relevant
information on how to associate input data with output
decisions. The system is trained by applying these
algorithms to the dataset, all the relevant information is
extracted from the data, and results are obtained.
Generally, 80% of the data of the dataset is taken for
training data.

By Prof.Datta Deshmukh
Testing data
Testing data is used to test the system. It is the set of
data that is used to verify whether the system is
producing the correct output after being trained or not.
Generally, 20% of the data of the dataset is used for
testing. Testing data is used to measure the accuracy of
the system. For example, a system that identifies
which category a particular flower belongs to is able to
identify seven categories of flowers correctly out of
ten and the rest of others wrong, then the accuracy is
70 %

By Prof.Datta Deshmukh
By Prof.Datta Deshmukh
Real-time Examples and Explanations:
A pattern is a physical object or an abstract notion.
While talking about the classes of animals, a
description of an animal would be a pattern. While
talking about various types of balls, then a description
of a ball is a pattern. In the case balls considered as
pattern, the classes could be football, cricket ball, table
tennis ball, etc. Given a new pattern, the class of the
pattern is to be determined. The choice of attributes
and representation of patterns is a very important step
in pattern classification. A good representation is one
that makes use of discriminating attributes and also
reduces the computational burden in pattern
By Prof.Datta Deshmukh
An obvious representation of a pattern will be
a vector. Each element of the vector can represent one
attribute of the pattern. The first element of the vector
will contain the value of the first attribute for the
pattern being considered.
Example: While representing spherical objects, (25, 1)
may be represented as a spherical object with 25 units
of weight and 1 unit diameter. The class label can form
a part of the vector. If spherical objects belong to class
1, the vector would be (25, 1, 1), where the first
element represents the weight of the object, the second
element, the diameter of the object and the third
By Prof.Datta Deshmukh
element represents the class of the object.
Pattern recognition solves classification problems
Pattern recognition solves the problem of fake
biometric detection.
It is useful for cloth pattern recognition for visually
impaired blind people.
It helps in speaker diarization.
We can recognize particular objects from different

By Prof.Datta Deshmukh
The syntactic pattern recognition approach is complex
to implement and it is a very slow process.
Sometimes to get better accuracy, a larger dataset is
It cannot explain why a particular object is
Example: my face vs my friend’s face.

By Prof.Datta Deshmukh
Image processing, segmentation, and analysis
Pattern recognition is used to give human recognition
intelligence to machines that are required in image
Computer vision
Pattern recognition is used to extract meaningful
features from given image/video samples and is used
in computer vision for various applications like
biological and biomedical imaging.

By Prof.Datta Deshmukh
Seismic analysis
The pattern recognition approach is used for the
discovery, imaging, and interpretation of temporal
patterns in seismic array recordings. Statistical pattern
recognition is implemented and used in different types
of seismic analysis models.
Radar signal classification/analysis
Pattern recognition and signal processing methods are
used in various applications of radar signal
classifications like AP mine detection and
By Prof.Datta Deshmukh
Speech recognition
The greatest success in speech recognition has been
obtained using pattern recognition paradigms. It is
used in various algorithms of speech recognition
which tries to avoid the problems of using a phoneme
level of description and treats larger units such as
words as pattern
Fingerprint identification
Fingerprint recognition technology is a dominant
technology in the biometric market. A number of
recognition methods have been used to perform
fingerprint matching out of which pattern recognition
By Prof.Datta Deshmukh
approaches are widely used.
Clustering vs. Classification

By Prof.Datta Deshmukh
Both Classification and Clustering is used for the
categorization of objects into one or more classes
based on the features.
They appear to be a similar process as the basic
difference is minute.
In the case of Classification, there are predefined
labels assigned to each input instance according to
their properties whereas in clustering those labels are

By Prof.Datta Deshmukh
Types of Classification

By Prof.Datta Deshmukh
By Prof.Datta Deshmukh
Differences between Classification and
Classification is used for supervised learning whereas
clustering is used for unsupervised learning.
The process of classifying the input instances based on
their corresponding class labels is known as classification
whereas grouping the instances based on their similarity
without the help of class labels is known as clustering.
As Classification have labels so there is need of training
and testing dataset for verifying the model created but
there is no need for training and testing dataset in

By Prof.Datta Deshmukh
Differences between Classification and
Classification is more complex as compared to
clustering as there are many levels in the classification
phase whereas only grouping is done in clustering.
Classification examples are Logistic regression, Naive
Bayes classifier, Support vector machines, etc.
Whereas clustering examples are k-means clustering
algorithm, Fuzzy c-means clustering algorithm,
Gaussian (EM) clustering algorithm, etc

By Prof.Datta Deshmukh
Supervised learning

When an algorithm is trained on a labelled dataset—

that is, when the input data used for training is paired
with corresponding output labels—it is referred to as
supervised learning.
An input-output pair training set is given to the
algorithm during a supervised learning process. For
every example in the training set, the algorithm
iteratively modifies its parameters to minimize the
discrepancy between its predicted output and the actual
output (the ground truth). This procedure keeps going
until the algorithm performs at an acceptable level.
By Prof.Datta Deshmukh
Types of Supervised learning
Supervised learning can be divided into two main
1.Regression: In regression problems, the goal is to
predict a continuous output or value. For example,
predicting the price of a house based on its features,
such as the number of bedrooms, square footage, and
2.Classification: In classification problems, the goal is
to assign input data to one of several predefined
categories or classes. Examples include spam email
detection, image classification (e.g., identifying
whether an image contains a cat or a dog), and
By Prof.Datta Deshmukh
sentiment analysis.
Why supervised learning?
The basic aim is to approximate the mapping
function(mentioned above) so well that when there is a
new input data (x) then the corresponding output
variable can be predicted.
It is called supervised learning because the process of
learning(from the training dataset) can be thought of as
a teacher who is supervising the entire learning
process. Thus, the “learning algorithm” iteratively
makes predictions on the training data and is corrected
by the “teacher”, and the learning stops when the
algorithm achieves an acceptable level of performance
(or the desired accuracy).
By Prof.Datta Deshmukh
Supervised Learning Example

Find out Example Now ?

By Prof.Datta Deshmukh
Unsupervised Learning

Unsupervised learning is a type of machine learning

where the algorithm is given input data without
explicit instructions on what to do with it. In
unsupervised learning, the algorithm tries to find
patterns, structures, or relationships in the data without
the guidance of labelled output.
The main goal of unsupervised learning is often to
explore the inherent structure within a set of data
points. This can involve identifying clusters of similar
data points, detecting outliers, reducing the
dimensionality of the data, or discovering patterns and
By Prof.Datta Deshmukh
types of unsupervised learning techniques:
 Clustering: Clustering algorithms aim to group similar data
points into clusters based on some similarity metric. K-means
clustering and hierarchical clustering are examples of
unsupervised clustering techniques.
 Dimensionality Reduction: These techniques aim to reduce the
number of features (or dimensions) in the data while preserving
its essential information. Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
and t-distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding (t-SNE) are
examples of dimensionality reduction methods.
 Association: Association rule learning is used to discover
interesting relationships or associations between variables in
large datasets. The Apriori algorithm is a well-known example
used for association rule learning.
By Prof.Datta Deshmukh
Why Unsupervised Learning?

The main aim of Unsupervised learning is to model the

distribution of the data to learn more about the data. It
is called unsupervised learning because there is no
correct answer and there is no such teacher(unlike
supervised learning). Algorithms are left to their own
devices to discover and present an interesting structure
in the data.

By Prof.Datta Deshmukh
Unsupervised Learning example
 Again, Suppose there is a basket and it is filled with some fresh
fruits. The task is to arrange the same type of fruits in one place.
This time there is no information about those fruits beforehand, it’s
the first time that the fruits are being seen or discovered So how to
group similar fruits without any prior knowledge about them? First,
any physical characteristic of a particular fruit is selected.
Suppose colour. Then the fruits are arranged based on the color.
The groups will be something as shown below:
 RED COLOR GROUP: apples & cherry fruits.
 GREEN COLOR GROUP: bananas & grapes. So now, take
another physical character say, size, so now the groups will be
something like this.
 RED COLOR AND SMALL SIZE: cherry fruits.
By Prof.Datta Deshmukh
Difference between Supervised
and Unsupervised Learning

Find out difference between Supervised and

Unsupervised Learning

By Prof.Datta Deshmukh

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