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Dr. Jiya Thomas

Senior Lecturer
Al shifa college of Pharmacy
 It is a common manifestation of ischaemic heart disease. It results
when there is imbalance between the supply and demand of oxygen
to myocardium.
 MI is the sudden interruption of blood supply to an area of
myocardium of coronary artery.
 Atherosclerosis is the common cause of MI.
 Narrowing of coronary artery reduces myocardial supply.
 Below a certain level of blood flow myocardial cells develop
ischaemic injury.
 A feeling of burning sensation
 Squeezing
 Choking
 Indigestion
 In many individuals pain radiates to neck, throat, shoulders and
arms. It lasts for 30 minutes to many hours
 Weakness
 Fatigue
 Nausea
 Vomiting
 Ischaemic necrosis of a portion of myocardium occurs due to
sudden occlusion of coronary artery by a blood clot.
 Narrowing of coronary artery reduces the myocardial blood supply
and ultimately the blood flow which results in ischaemic injury.
 It may occur in any location ( left or right ventricle) depending on
which coronary artery is occluded.
 It can be fatal and can lead to variety of complications.
 Tobacco smoking
 Hypertension
 Drug abuse
 Obesity
 Stress
 Alcohol

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