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Deep Learning with TensorFlow

Leveraging the Power of Deep Learning Today

Justin Grammens
Lab651, LLC
AppliedAI & Emerging Technologies North 501(c)(3)
What Will We Cover?

We’ll start off by defining TensorFlow, Machine Learning and

Neural Networks. We’ll then jump into the steps and tools needed
to utilize Machine Learning. Finally, we’ll show examples and
techniques to tune TensorFlow to help get the results you want.
About Me – Justin Grammens

• Serial entrepreneur with a passion for starting businesses and

communities in the areas of emerging technology
• Cofounder of Lab651 – Building connected products for our customers
• Cofounder of IoT Fuse – Conference on IoT hosting 1000+ people
• Owner IoT Weekly News – Publication covering trends in the IoT
• Adjunct Professor – Teaching graduate level course on IoT the
University of Saint Thomas in Saint Paul, MN
• Cofounder of Emerging Tech North & Applied AI – 501(c)(3) non-
profit to advance and grow the Emerging Technologies and AI
What is TensorFlow

TensorFlow is an end-to-end open source platform for machine learning. It has a

comprehensive, flexible ecosystem of tools, libraries and community resources that lets
researchers push the state-of-the-art in ML and developers easily build and deploy ML
powered applications.

What is a Tensor

TensorFlow derives its name from performing operations on multidimensional data arrays
It’s a wild and
crazy world out

Machine Learning Steps

• Training Dataset
• Sample of data used to fit the model

• Validation Dataset
• Sample of data used to provide an unbiased evaluation of a model fit on the training dataset
while tuning model hyperparameters.

• Test Dataset
• Sample of data used to provide an unbiased evaluation of a final model fit on the training
What is are Jupyter Notebooks?

• An open-source web application that

allows you to create and share documents
that contain live code, equations,
visualizations and narrative text.
• Supports over 40 programming languages,
including Python, R, Julia, and Scala.
What is Google Colab?

• Product from Google Research

• Allows anybody to write and execute arbitrary
python code through the browser
• Colab is a hosted Jupyter notebook service that
requires no setup to use, while providing free
access to computing resources including GPUs
What is Keras

• A deep learning API written in Python

• The high-level API of TensorFlow 2
• Focus is on enabling fast experimentation
• Accessed using the tf.keras package

• Train a model to do Celsius to Fahrenheit conversion

• Train a model to recognize clothing from the Fashion MNIST dataset
General Guide To Improve Performance

• Increase or decrease the hidden layers or number of neurons

• Watch out for overfitting!

• Change the loss function

• Change the optimizer ( Adam .01 values )
• Get more training data
• Augment the data you have (skew, flip, rotate images)
• Evaluate a different model
What Did We Cover?

Defined TensorFlow, Machine Learning and Neural Networks.

We jumped into the steps and tools needed to utilize Machine
Learning. Finally, we showed examples and techniques to tune
TensorFlow to help get the results you want.
Thank You!

Justin Grammens

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