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Chapter 12


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Learning Objectives
1. Explain lean production.
2. Illustrate how lean concepts can be applied to supply
chain processes.
3. Explain lean design principles.
4. Apply lean concepts to service processes.

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Lean Manufacturing During Covid Pandemic
 Lean systems are built to be responsive and only use resources that are
needed to precisely meet demand.
 For manufacturers that make parts for cars, planes, and machinery, a just-in-
time inventory model only has the bare minimum of additional inventory
needed to meet customer demand. So, if customer demand stops for a few
months, plants shut down.
 On the other hand, if customer demand skyrockets, plants are asked to
immediately produce at the higher levels.
 Unfortunately, plants cannot suddenly stop nor can they suddenly produce at
higher production rates. Lean systems, especially high-volume ones, are built
on the idea of producing at steady rates.
 Supplier shipments and production are synchronized to these rates, creating
a smooth- flowing supply of parts. These rates are changed periodically as
demand changes, but sudden shifts in demand create problems for the
 A big challenge for manufacturers in industries like consumer goods and
automotives is finding ways to keep lean practices from negatively impacting
their recovery. As demand came back following the pandemic, there was so
much pent-up demand that manufacturers needed to ramp up quickly to keep
competitors from moving in and taking business.
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Lean Manufacturing During Covid Pandemic
 The new reality, learned from the pandemic, is that transparency and real-time
visibility are crucial if manufacturing companies are to continue operating on
lean principles. Interoperable and integrated systems are needed to
accommodate the radical capacity and demand shifts experienced during the
 Companies realized that they needed to quickly shift resources as conditions
 Some of the challenges included dramatic reductions in production capacity due
to social distancing in plants and dramatic increases in demand in certain critical
products. An example is the growth in paper towel sales in the United States at
the beginning of the pandemic when weekly sales increased over 150 percent in
early February 2020 (compared to February 2019).
 Companies reacted by focusing production on high-demand items and reducing
the variety of products produced.
 In some industries where demand slowed, plants were repurposed to make
critically needed medical equipment, such as ventilators.
 The new lean manufacturing reality will include the need for flexibility and an
understanding of the limitations of minimum inventory strategies. While the
smooth, steady flow mantra of the past will continue to be important, the danger
of strung-out global supply chains will be part of the management dialogue.
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Lean Manufacturing During Covid
1. Lean implies reduce waste, eliminate redundancies, operate
with precision.
2. Changing production volume is very difficult and costly
especially when operating under lean manufacturing.
3. Covid created the greatest challenge when demand suddenly
dropped off and when it picked up while under severe parts
shortage and supply chain bottlenecks. Production capacity
was further reduced due to social distancing.
4. New lean manufacturing realities:
1. Transparency and real-time visibility are crucial in manufacturing.
2. Need for flexibility in capacity, product changes and repurposing
3. Limitations of minimal inventory strategies.
4. Risks of complicated and strung-out supply chains.
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Lean Production
 In the context of supply chains, lean production refers to a focus on eliminating
as much waste as possible. Moves that are not needed, unnecessary
processing steps, and excess inventory in the supply chain are targets for
improvement during the leaning process.
 Some consultants in industry have coined the phrase value chain to refer to
the concept that each step in the supply chain processes that deliver products
and services to customers should create value. If a step does not create value,
it should be removed from the process.
 Lean production may be one of the best tools for implementing green
strategies in manufacturing and service processes.
 The basis of lean thinking came from the just-in-time (JIT) production concepts
pioneered in Japan at Toyota. Even though JIT gained worldwide prominence in the
1970s, some of its philosophy can be traced to the early 1900s in the United States.
Henry Ford used JIT concepts as he streamlined his moving assembly lines to make
automobiles. For example, to eliminate waste, he used the bottom of the packing crates
for car seats as the floor board of the car.
 Although elements of JIT were being used by Japanese industry as early as the 1930s, it
was not fully refined until the 1970s when Tai-ichi Ohno of Toyota Motors used JIT to
take Toyota’s cars to the forefront of delivery time and quality.

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Lean Production
 Lean production – integrated activities designed to achieve high-
volume production using minimal inventories (raw materials, work in
process, and finished goods)
• Customer value - something for which the customer is willing to pay.
• Value chain - each step in the supply chain should create value.
• If an activity does not create value, it should be removed.
• Value-adding activities transform materials and information into
something the customer wants.
• Waste - anything that does not add value from the customer’s
• Lean Production also involves the elimination of waste in production effort.
• Anything that does not add value from the customer’s perspective.
• Examples of process wastes are defective products, overproduction,
inventories, excess motion, processing steps, transportation, and
• Timing – careful scheduling of activities.
• Lean Production also involves the timing of production resources (For Example,
parts arrive at the next workstation “just in time”).
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Lean Production
 Waste elimination is a reasonable goal in service operations,
just as it is in manufacturing operations, but there is a
difference in the sources of variation that cause the waste.
 Manufacturing operations, compared to service operations,
are far more controllable.
 Uncertainty does result from material and labor inputs, but
those can be anticipated and controlled to a great extent.
 The workers, the design of the product, and the production
tools are all under the control of operations to a very large
 If sales and marketing are part of the process, the demand
uncertainty also can be reduced.

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Service Operation Waste – Uncertainty
 In contrast, services operate in a sea of uncertainty and variability that are much harder
to control. Let’s look at these sources.

Uncertainty in task times. Uncertainty in demand.

• No demand forecast is 100 percent perfect.
• Each service delivery has some uniqueness.
• Manufacturers can buffer this forecast
• Variability leads to a negative exponential
uncertainty with some finished goods
distribution of task times.
• This means that while most task executions will
• The simultaneous production and
fall within some tight range, some executions
consumption in services precludes this
will take a long time
• Consider airplane boarding. There’s uncertainty
• The capacity must be available when the
here, yet Southwest found a way to reduce the
demand arises.
uncertainty and achieve faster turnaround times
• Think about the number of available tables
at airports, increasing effective capacity.
needed in a restaurant for peak dining
Customers’ production roles.
• Uncertainties are related to customer involvement in service operations.
• Because customers typically have some role to play in the production of a service,
variability is introduced
• based on how well the service provider performs his or her role. Customers usually have
to provide information to service agents to initiate service, and they typically have tangible
tasks to perform.
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Lean Production
 Lean production and Six Sigma work best in repeatable, standardized
operations. While many services are repeatable, how well can they be truly
 Lean production is an integrated set of activities designed to achieve
production using minimal inventories of raw materials, work-in-process,
and finished goods. Parts arrive at the next workstation just-in-time and are
completed and move through the process quickly.
 Lean is also based on the logic that nothing will be produced until it is
needed. Exhibit 12.1 illustrates the process.
 Production need is created by actual demand for the product. When an
item is sold, in theory, the market pulls a replacement from the last position
in the system—final assembly in this case.
 This triggers an order to the factory production line, where a worker then
pulls another unit from an upstream station in the flow to replace the unit
 This upstream station then pulls from the next station further upstream and
so on back to the release of raw materials. To enable this pull process to
work smoothly, lean production demands high levels of quality at each
stage of the process, strong vendor relations, and a fairly predictable
demand for the end product.
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Lean Production Pull System

Lean Logic
• Lean is based on the logic
that nothing will be produced
until it is needed.
• A sale pulls a replacement
from the last position in the
• This triggers an order to the
factory production line.
• Each upstream station then
pulls from the next station
further upstream.

Exhibit 12.1
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The Toyota Production System
Elimination of Waste
 Waste is anything that is not absolutely essential to production. An expanded lean definition
identifies seven prominent types of waste to be eliminated from the supply chain: (1) waste
from overproduction, (2) waste of waiting time, (3) transportation waste, (4) inventory waste,
(5) processing waste, (6) waste of motion, and (7) waste from product defects.
Respect for People
 Respect for people is a key to the Toyota Production System
 They have traditionally strived to ensure lifetime employment for permanent positions and to
maintain level payrolls even when business conditions deteriorate.
 Permanent workers (about one-third of the total workforce of Japan) have job security and tend
to be more flexible, remain with a company, and do all they can to help a firm achieve its goals.
(Global recessions and the recent pandemic have caused many Japanese companies to move
away from this ideal.).
 Company unions at Toyota as well as elsewhere in Japan exist to foster a cooperative
relationship with management. All employees receive two bonuses a year in good times.
Employees know that if the company performs well, they will get a bonus. This encourages
workers to improve productivity. Management views workers as assets, not as human
machines. Automation and robotics are used extensively to perform dull or routine jobs so
employees are free to focus on important improvement tasks.
 Toyota relies heavily on subcontractor networks. Indeed, more than 90 percent of all Japanese
companies are part of this supplier network of small firms. Some suppliers are specialists in a
narrow field, usually serving multiple customers. Firms have long-term partnerships with their
suppliers and customers. Suppliers consider themselves part of a customer’s family.
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Toyota Production System
Elimination of Waste Respect for People
1. Waste from 1. Lifetime employment for
overproduction. permanent positions.
2. Waste of waiting time. 2. Maintain level payrolls
3. Transportation waste. even when business
conditions deteriorate.
4. Inventory waste.
3. Company unions.
5. Processing waste.
4. Bonuses.
6. Waste of motion.
5. View workers as assets.
7. Waste from product

© McGraw Hill, LLC 13

Lean Supply Chains 1

 The focus of the Toyota Production System is on elimination of waste and

respect for people.
 As the concepts have evolved and become applied to the supply chain, the goal
of maximizing customer value has been added.
 Customer value when considered from the entire supply chain should center on
the perspective of the end customer with the goal being to maximize what the
customer is willing to pay for a firm’s goods or services.

Value Stream
• The value-adding and non-value-adding activities required to design,
order, and provide a product from concept to launch, order to delivery,
and raw materials to customers.
• This all-inclusive view of the system is a significant expansion of the
scope of application of the lean concepts pioneered by Toyota.
Waste Reduction
• The optimization of the value-adding activities and elimination of non-
value-adding activities that are part of the value stream.
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Lean Supply Chain Components
Lean Suppliers
• Able to respond to changes.
• Prices are lower due to efficiency of lean processes, and their quality has improved to
the point that incoming inspection at the next link is not needed. Higher quality.
• Deliver on time, and their culture is one of continuous improvement. To develop lean
suppliers, organizations should include them in their value stream planning. This will help
them fix problems and share savings.

Lean Procurement
• Key is automation (e-procurement), e-procurement relates to automatic transaction,
sourcing, bidding and auctions using web-based applications, and the use of software
that removes human interaction and integrates with the financial reporting of the firm.
• The key to lean procurement is visibility. Suppliers must be able to “see” into the
customers’ operations and customers must be able to “see” into their suppliers’
• The overlap of these processes needs to be optimized to maximize value from the end-
customer perspective.
Lean Manufacturing
• Produce what the customers want, in the quantity they want, when they want it, and with
minimum resources.
• Applying lean concepts in manufacturing typically presents the greatest opportunities for
cost reduction and quality improvement.
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Lean Supply Chain Components 2

Lean Warehousing Value stream

• Eliminate non-value-added steps and • These are the value-adding
waste in product storage processes. and non-value-adding
• Functions include: receiving activities required to design,
materials, putting away/storing, order, and provide a product
replenishing inventory, picking from concept to launch, order
inventory, packing for shipment, and to delivery, and raw materials
shipping. to customers.
• Waste can be found in many
warehousing processes including Waste reduction
shipping defects, which creates • The optimization of value-
returns; overproduction or over- adding activities and
shipment of products; excess elimination of non-value-
inventory, which requires extra space adding activities that are part
and reduces warehouse efficiency; of the value stream.
excess motion and handling; waiting
for parts; and inadequate information
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Lean Supply Chain Components
Lean Logistics Lean Customers
• A great understanding of their
• Lean concepts can be applied to the functions
business needs and specify
associated with the movement of material
meaningful requirements.
through the system
• They value speed and flexibility
• Some of the key areas include optimized mode
and expect high levels of
selection and pooling orders; combined
delivery performance.
multistop truckloads; optimized routing; cross
docking; import/export transportation • Interested in establishing
processes; and backhaul minimization. effective partnerships with their
• suppliers.
Just as with the other areas, these logistics
functions need to be optimized by eliminating • Expect value from the products
non-value-adding activities while improving the they purchase and provide
value-adding activities. value to their customers.

• The benefits of a lean supply chain primarily are in the improved responsiveness to the customer.
• As business conditions change, the supply chain adapts to dynamic needs. The ideal is a culture of
rapid change with a bias for change when it is needed.
• The reduced inventory inherent in a lean supply chain reduces obsolescence and reduces flow time
through the value- added processes.
• The reduced cost along with improved customer service allows the firms using a lean supply chain a
significant competitive advantage when competing in the global marketplace.

© McGraw Hill, LLC 17

Lean Supply Chain Design Principles
 Looking for ways to improve  These principles include
supply chain processes should
be based on ideas that have 1. Lean Concepts
been proven over time. - Group technology
- Quality at the source
 A set of key principles that can - JIT production
guide the design of lean supply
2. Lean Production Schedules
chains. Divided the design
- Uniform plant loading
principles into three major - Kanban production control systems
categories. - Determination of number of
 The first two sets of principles kanbans needed
relate to internal production - Minimized setup times
processes. These are the
3. Lean Supply Chains
processes that actually create the
- Specialized plants
goods and services within a firm.
- Collaboration with suppliers
 The third category applies lean - Building of a lean supply chain
concepts to the entire supply

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Lean Concepts
 Lean requires the plant layout to be designed to ensure balanced
workflow with a minimum of work-in-process inventory. Each
workstation is part of a production line, whether or not a physical line
actually exists.
 Capacity is balanced using the same logic for an assembly line, and
operations are linked through a pull system.
 In addition, the system designer must visualize how all aspects of the
internal and external logistics system tie to the layout.
 Preventive maintenance
• is emphasized to ensure that flows are not interrupted by downtime
or malfunctioning equipment.
• It involves periodic inspection and repair designed to keep a
machine reliable.
• Operators perform much of the maintenance because they are
most familiar with their machines and because machines are easier
to repair, since lean operations favor several simple machines
rather than one large complex one.
© McGraw Hill, LLC 19
Lean Concepts
 Lean requires the plant layout to be designed to ensure balanced
workflow with a minimum of work-in-process inventory. Each
workstation is part of a production line, whether or not a physical line
actually exists.
 Capacity is balanced using the same logic for an assembly line, and
operations are linked through a pull system.
 In addition, the system designer must visualize how all aspects of the
internal and external logistics system tie to the layout.
 Preventive maintenance
• is emphasized to ensure that flows are not interrupted by downtime
or malfunctioning equipment.
• It involves periodic inspection and repair designed to keep a
machine reliable.
• Operators perform much of the maintenance because they are
most familiar with their machines and because machines are easier
to repair, since lean operations favor several simple machines
rather than one large complex one.
© McGraw Hill, LLC 20
Lean Concepts 2

Group technology
• A philosophy in which similar parts are grouped into families, and the processes
required to make the parts are arranged in a manufacturing cell.
• Instead of transferring jobs from one specialized department to another, group
technology considers all operations required to make a part and groups those
machines together.
• Exhibit 12.5 illustrates the difference between the clusters of different machines
grouped into cells versus departmental layouts.
• The group technology cells eliminate movement and queue (waiting) time between
operations, reduce inventory, and reduce the number of employees required.
• Workers, however, must be flexible to run several machines and processes. Due
to their advanced skill level, these workers have increased job security.

Exhibit 12.5

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© McGraw Hill, LLC 21
• JIT Production
Lean Concepts Producing what is needed when needed and no
• Anything over the minimum amount necessary is
Quality at the source
viewed as waste because effort and material
• means do it right the first time and, expended for something not needed now cannot
when something goes wrong, stop be utilized now.
the process or assembly line • This is in contrast to relying on extra material just
immediately. in case something goes wrong.
• Factory workers become their own JIT is typically applied to repetitive
inspectors, personally responsible for manufacturing, which is when the same or similar
the quality of their output. Workers items are made one after another.
concentrate on one part of the job at • JIT does not require large volumes and can be
a time so quality problems are applied to any repetitive segments of a business
uncovered. regardless of where they appear.
• If the pace is too fast, if the worker • Under JIT, the ideal lot size or production batch is
finds a quality problem, or if a safety one. Although workstations may be
issue is discovered, the worker is geographically dispersed, it is important to
obligated to push a button to stop the minimize transit time and keep transfer quantities
line and turn on a visual signal. small—typically one-tenth of a day’s production.
• People from other areas respond to • Vendors even ship several times a day to their
the alarm and the problem. Workers customers to keep lot sizes small and inventory
are empowered to do their own low.
maintenance and housekeeping until • The goal is to drive all inventory queues to zero,
the problem is fixed. thus minimizing inventory investment and
shortening lead times.
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Inventory Hides Problems
• When inventory levels are low, quality
problems become very visible.
• Exhibit 12.6 illustrates this idea. If the
water in a pond represents inventory, the
rocks represent problems that could occur in
a firm.
• A high level of water hides the problems
(rocks). Management assumes everything is
fine, but as the water level drops in an
economic downturn, problems are
• If you deliberately force the water level
down (particularly in good economic times),
you can expose and correct problems before
they cause worse problems.
• JIT manufacturing exposes problems
otherwise hidden by excess inventories and
staff. Exhibit 12.6
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© McGraw Hill, LLC 23

Lean Supply Chains
Lean supply chain design Specialized Plants
principles • Small specialized plants rather than large
• Building a lean supply chain vertically integrated manufacturing
involves taking a systems facilities are important.
approach to integrating the • Large operations and their inherent
bureaucracies are difficult to manage and
not in line with the lean philosophy.
• Supply must be coordinated • Plants designed for one purpose can be
with the need of the production constructed and operated more
facilities, and production must economically.
be tied directly to the demand of • These plants need to be linked together
the customers for products. so they can be synchronized to one
another and to the actual need of the
• The importance of speed and market. Speed and quick response to
steady, consistent flow that is changes are keys to the success of a
responsive to actual customer lean supply chain.
demand cannot be

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Lean Supply Chains
Collaboration with Suppliers Building of a Lean Supply Chain
• Just as customers and employees are key A supply chain is the sum total of the
components of lean systems, suppliers are organizations involved—from raw materials
also important to the process. firms through tiers of suppliers to original
• If a firm shares its projected usage equipment manufacturers, onward to the
requirements with its vendors, they have a ultimate distribution and delivery of the
long-run picture of the demands that will be finished product to the customer. Womack
placed on their production and distribution and Jones, in their seminal work Lean
systems. Some vendors are linked online Thinking, provide the following guidelines for
with a customer to share production implementing a lean supply chain:
scheduling and input needs data. • Value must be defined jointly for each product
• This permits them to develop level family along with a target cost based on the
production systems. Confidence in the customer’s perception of value.
supplier or vendor’s delivery commitment • All firms along the value stream must make an
adequate return on their investments related to
allows reductions of buffer inventories.
the value stream.
Maintaining stock at a lean level requires • The firms must work together to identify and
frequent deliveries during the day. eliminate muda (waste).
• Some suppliers even deliver directly to a • When cost targets are met, the firms along the
location on the production line and not at a stream will immediately conduct new analyses
receiving dock. When vendors adopt quality to identify remaining muda and set new targets.
practices, incoming receiving inspections of • Every participating firm has the right to
examine every activity in every firm relevant to
their products can be bypassed.
the value stream as part of the joint search for
© McGraw Hill, LLC 25
Lean Services
 Many lean techniques have been successfully applied by service
firms. Just as in manufacturing, the suitability of each technique and
the corresponding work steps depend on the characteristics of the
firm’s markets, production and equipment technology, skill sets, and
corporate culture.
 Service firms are no different in this respect. Here are 10 of the more
successful techniques applied to service companies:
1. Organize problem-solving groups.
2. Upgrade housekeeping.
3. Upgrade quality.
4. Clarify process flows.
5. Revise equipment and process technologies.
6. Level the facility load.
7. Eliminate unnecessary activities.
8. Reorganize physical configuration.
9. Introduce demand-pull scheduling.
10. Develop supplier networks.
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Lean Services
1. Organize Problem-Solving Groups Honeywell 3. Upgrade Quality The only cost-effective
is extending its use of quality teams from way to improve quality is to develop
manufacturing into its service operations. reliable process capabilities. Process
Other corporations as diverse as First quality is quality at the source—it
Bank/Dallas, Standard Meat Company, and guarantees first-time production of
Miller Brewing Company are using similar consistent and uniform products and
approaches to improve service. British Airways services.
used quality teams as a fundamental part of its McDonald’s is famous for building
strategy to implement new service practices. quality into its service delivery process.
2. Upgrade Housekeeping Good housekeeping It literally “industrialized” the service
means more than winning the clean broom delivery system so that part-time, casual
award. It means that only the necessary items workers could provide the same eating
are kept in a work area, that there is a place experience anywhere in the world.
for everything, and that everything is clean Quality doesn’t mean producing the
and in a constant state of readiness. The best; it means consistently producing
employees clean their own areas. Service products and services that give the
organizations such as McDonald’s, customers their money’s worth.
Disneyland. Their dedication to housekeeping
has meant that service processes work better,
the attitude of continuous improvement is
easier to develop, and customers perceive
that they are receiving better service.

© McGraw Hill, LLC 27

Lean Services
4. Clarify Process Flows Clarification of 5. Revise Equipment and Process
flows, based on JIT themes, can Technologies Revising technologies
dramatically improve the process involves evaluation of the equipment
performance. Here are three examples: and processes for their ability to
First, FedEx Corporation changed air meet the process requirements, to
flight patterns from origin-to-destination process consistently within
to origin-to-hub, where the freight is tolerance, and to fit the scale and
transferred to an outbound plane capacity of the work group.
heading for the destination. This Speedi Lube converted the standard
revolutionized the air transport industry. service station concept to a
Second, the order entry department of specialized lubrication and
a manufacturing firm converted from inspection center by changing the
functional subdepartments to customer- service bays from drive-in to drive-
centered work groups and reduced the through and by eliminating the hoists
order processing lead time from eight to and instead building pits under the
two days. Finally, Super Maids sends in cars where employees have full
a team of house cleaners, each with a access to the lubrication areas on
specific responsibility, to clean a part of the vehicle. A hospital reduced
each house quickly with parallel operating room setup time so it had
processes. Changes in process flows the flexibility to perform a wider
can literally revolutionize service range of operations without reducing
industries. the operating room availability.

© McGraw Hill, LLC 28

Lean Services
6. Level the Facility Load Service firms synchronize 8. Reorganize Physical Configuration
production with demand. They have developed Work area configurations frequently
unique approaches to leveling demand so they require reorganization during a lean
can avoid making customers wait for service. implementation. Often, manufacturers
McDonald’s offers a special breakfast menu in accomplish this by setting up
the morning. Retail stores use take-a-number manufacturing cells to produce items
systems. The post office charges more for next- in small lots, synchronous to demand.
day delivery. These are all examples of the These cells amount to microfactories
service approach for creating uniform facility inside the plant. Most service firms are
loads. far behind manufacturers in this area.
However, a few interesting examples
7. Eliminate Unnecessary Activities A step that does
do come out of the service sector.
not add value is a candidate for elimination. A
Some hospitals—instead of routing
step that does add value may be a candidate for
patients all over the building for tests,
reengineering to improve the process
exams, X-rays, and injections—are
consistency or to reduce the time to perform the
reorganizing their services into work
tasks. A hospital discovered that significant time
groups based on the type of problem.
was spent during an operation waiting for an
Teams that treat only trauma are
instrument that was not available when the
common, but other work groups have
operation began. It developed a checklist of
been formed to treat less immediate
instruments required for each category of
conditions like hernias. These amount
operation. Speedi Lube eliminated steps, but also
to microclinics within the hospital
added steps that did not improve the lubrication
process but did make customers feel more
assured about the work being performed.
© McGraw Hill, LLC 29
Lean Services
9. Introduce Demand-Pull Scheduling Due 10. Develop Supplier Networks The term
to the nature of service production and supplier networks in the lean context refers
consumption, demand-pull (customer- to the cooperative association of suppliers
driven) scheduling is necessary for and customers working over the long term
operating a service business. Moreover, for mutual benefit. Service firms have not
many service firms are separating their emphasized supplier networks for
operations into “back room” and materials because the service costs are
“customer contact” facilities. This often predominantly labor. Notable
approach creates new problems in exceptions include service organizations
coordinating schedules between the like McDonald’s, one of the biggest food
facilities. The original Wendy’s products purchasers in the world, which
restaurants were set up so cooks could has been developing lean practices.
see cars enter the parking lot. They put Manpower and other employment
a preestablished number of hamburger agencies have established lean- type
patties on the grill for each car. This pull relationships with a temporary employment
system was designed to have a fresh service and a trade school to develop a
patty on the grill before the customer reliable source of trained assemblers.
even placed an order.

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Value Stream Mapping
 Value stream mapping (VSM) is a special type of flowcharting
tool that is valuable for the development of lean processes.
 The technique is used to visualize product flows through
various processing steps. The tool also illustrates information
flows that result from the process, as well as information used
to control flow through the process.
 To create a lean process, one needs to have a full
understanding of the business, including production
processes, material flows, and information flows.
 VSM is not limited to this context and can be readily applied to
service, logistics, distribution, or virtually any type of process.
 ln the context of a production process such as a
manufacturing plant, the technique is used to identify all of the
value-adding, as well as non-value-adding, processes that
materials are subjected to within a plant, from raw material
coming into the plant, through delivery to the customer.
© McGraw Hill, LLC 32
Manufacturing Process Map
Exhibit 12.2 is a sample
map that depicts a
production process. With
this map, identification of
wasteful processes and
flows can be made so that
they can be modified or
eliminated, and the
manufacturing system
made more productive.

Exhibit 12.2
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Manufacturing Process Map
Exhibit 12.2
• Starting from the left, we see that material is
supplied on a weekly basis and deposited in a raw
material inventory indicated by the triangle. The
average level for this inventory is 2,500 units.
• This material is run through a five-step process
consisting of machining, drilling, cleaning,
inspection, and packaging.
• The machining, drilling, inspection, and packaging
processes all use a single operator. Under each of
these process symbols is the activity cycle time
(CT), changeover time (C/O time to switch from
one type of item to another), lot size, available
number of seconds per day, and percent uptime.
• The cleaning activity is a multistep process where
items are handled on a first come, first served
basis. In between each process are inventory
buffers with the average inventory in these buffers
depicted in the exhibit.
• Material flows through the process at an average Exhibit 12.2
rate of 504 pieces/day over 20 days of operation Access the text alternative for slide images.
each month.
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Manufacturing Process Map
Exhibit 12.2
• Information flows are shown on the
• We see that production control issues
monthly demand forecasts, weekly
orders to the supplier, and a weekly
production schedule that is managed by
the supervisor on a daily basis.
• Monthly forecasts are provided by the
customer and they place their order on
a weekly basis.
• The time line at the bottom shows the
processing time for each production
activity (in seconds) together with the
average inventory wait time.
• Adding these times together gives an Exhibit 12.2
estimate of the lead time through the Access the text alternative for slide images.
entire system.
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Value Stream Mapping
Value stream mapping (VSM) – a special type of flowcharting
tool used to analyze where value is or is not being added as
material flows through a process.
• Useful for developing lean processes.
Creation of lean processes requires a full understanding of
the business, including production processes, material flows,
and information flows.

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Value Stream Mapping Symbols

VSM symbols are somewhat

standardized, but there are many
variations. Several common
symbols are depicted in Exhibit
12.3 . These are categorized as
Process, Material, Information,
and General symbols.

Exhibit 12.3

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Potential Areas for Improving a Process
• Value stream mapping is a
two-part process—first,
depicting the current state
of the process, and second,
a possible future state.
• Exhibit 12.4 depicts
another map of the same
process with suggested
• The map has been
annotated using Kaizen
bursts that suggest the
areas for improvement.

Exhibit 12.4
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Potential Areas for Improving a Process
• Kaizen is the Japanese philosophy that focuses
on continuous improvement.
• The Kaizen bursts identify specific short-term
projects (often referred to as Kaizen events)
that teams work on to implement changes to
the process.
• In this exhibit we see a totally redesigned
process where the individual production
operations have been combined into a workcell
operated by three employees.
• In addition, rather than “pushing” material
through the system based on weekly schedules
generated by production control, the entire
process is converted to a pull system that is
operated directly in response to customer
• Note that the lead time in the new system is
only 5 days, compared to the 34-day lead time
with the old system.

Exhibit 12.4
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Lean Production Schedules
• Level schedule – pulls material into final assembly at a
constant rate.
• Freeze windows – the period of time during which the
schedule is fixed and no further changes are possible.
• Backflush – calculation of how many of each part were
required to produce the actual quantity of finished products
• Uniform plant loading – smoothing the production flow to
dampen schedule variation.

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Lean Production Schedules
• Level schedule – pulls material into final assembly at a
constant rate.
• Freeze windows – the period of time during which the
schedule is fixed and no further changes are possible.
• Backflush – calculation of how many of each part were
required to produce the actual quantity of finished products
• Uniform plant loading – smoothing the production flow to
dampen schedule variation.

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Kanban Production Control Systems
• Kanban means “sign” or • Worker takes the first part A from a full
“instruction card” in Japanese. container.
• A signaling device used to • Worker takes the withdrawal Kanban for
control production or inventory. part A from the container, and takes the
• Cards or containers make up card to the machine center storage area.
the Kanban pull system. • In machine center, worker finds a
container of part A.
• Worker removes the production Kanban,
and replaces it with the withdrawal
• The freed production Kanban is placed on
a rack by the machine center, which
authorizes the production of another lot of
• The cards on the rack become the
dispatch list for the machine center.
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Flow of Two Kanbans

Exhibit 12.8
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Other Possible Approaches
Kanban squares
• Marked spaces on the floor to identify where material
should be stored.
Container system
• The container is used as a signal device.

Colored golf balls

• Each golf ball signals production of a different item.

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Number of Kanbans Needed
• Setting up a Kanban system
Expected demand during lead time + Safetystock
requires determining the k=
Size of the container
number of Kanban cards (or
containers) needed. DL 1  L 

• Each container represents C
the minimum production lot
k – Number of Kanban card sets
• An accurate estimate of the
lead time required to D – Average number of units
produce a container is key demanded over a given time period
to determining how many L – Lead time to replenish an order (in
Kanbans are required. same time units as demand)
S – Safety stock expressed as a
percentage of demand during

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C – Container size 45
Determining the Number of Kanban Card Sets
Example 12.1
• Average number of units
demanded over a given time 8  4 1  0.1
k  3.52
period, D = 8 per hour. 10
• Lead time to replenish an
order, L = 4 hours.
• Safety stock, S = 10%.
• Container size, C = 10 units. Round up to 4
Kanban card sets

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Minimized Setup Times
• Reductions in setup and changeover times are necessary
to achieve a smooth flow.
• Kanban significantly reduces the setup cost.
• The organization will strive for a lot size of one.

Exhibit 12.10
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