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-Diet friendly
Restaurant with
01 customizable menu.

• The problem is a problem worth solving / opportunity worth pursuing (high pain intensity for the customer)

• The problem statement is well defined - crisp and succinct

• Problem validation done with verifiable evidence - 25 customers under b2c and 2 customers under b2b.

• The venture has identified and defined it's niche

• The venture has created a customer persona / multiple customer personas

• The persona captures the customer profile & behaviors - demographic, geographic, psychographic, buying behaviors etc.

• The venture can identify how the customer solves the problem today and the gaps in the existing alternatives.

• The venture has identified a market segment and the niche therein

• The venture has identified the competition - direct and indirect competitors

WADHWANI FOUNDATION | Entrepreneur Place your
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Introduction And Team Composition

Business Name: Ambrosia Restaurant PV
Team members names Strengths and abilities Role/Position



JASON SAMUEL J Survey sampling CFO/CMO

NATHAN KOSHY CHANDY Research Market Analyst

What makes us a good team to solve the problem we chose?


Picture Picture Picture

Creating Jobs. Changing Lives.
Problem Statement
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When does the problem occur? What is the root cause of the problem? What do customers do now to fix the
Dietary issues can be resolved via a simple visit to the The root cause of the problem lies on the food related intolerances that people may or may not possess in
doctor’s or following a meal plan. However, enjoyment Tamil Nadu. This may be a genetic trait or an environmental influenced one, wherein people’s existing diet - Customers generally seek medical aid (i.e
may be sacrificed to maintain health, since a restricted is the sole reason for the problem. dietician).
diet eventually reduces a person’s accessibility to possibly - They avoid certain foods by going to
a plethora of food options. Hence, the problem of specific types of restaurants and ordering
accessibility to delicious food reduces for such people, specific items from their menu.
which thereby adds value to Ambrosia in terms of - They purchase products that substitute
creating an all in one hub for customizing meals to suit intolerant foods like replacing milk with a
people’s diet preferences at an affordable cost, since plant based variant, red meat with white
existing services in today’s world can only be seen meat, etc.
minimally in 5 star hotels or restaurants for the upper
Who has the problem most often? How does the customer feel? What are the disadvantages of the
This issue occurs in people with diet related People who can access diet friendly restaurants with customizable menus may 4 feel: alternatives?
issues, which make them cautious and in Relief: People with dietary restrictions are often anxious or stressed since they must exercise caution
some cases, untrusting towards restaurants. when finding areas to eat. Therefore, this restaurant solves the issue by providing relief to such - Seeking medical aid on the basis of diet
that serve set menus. customers. will only offer advice on what to
Empowered: A good meal uplifts the mood of the customers. Giving customers with certain food consume and what to avoid, without
Furthermore, this problem is largely evident
intolerances with the same food excluding the problematic ingredients empower them and satisfies them. guaranteeing the taste of said food.
amongst the 40+ population in which the perils
Joy: Eating a delicious meal without worrying about - Searching for restaurants to eat that
of old age strike such as:
repercussions to the customers’ own body will fill them with joy. Therefore, the existence of a restaurant abide by the customers diet preferences
- The susceptibility to health issues.
that welcome customers with dietary restrictions can help reduce stigma(if any) and promote acceptance can undoubtedly be time consuming
- Gastric related issues such as Gastritis due
of people with food related medical issues. since restaurants generally aim to satisfy
to varied levels of spice or diabetes due to
carbohydrate-rich Tamil Nadu food. the palates of the population of an area
QUANTIFIABLE IMPACT as a whole instead of focusing on
What is the measurable impact (include units)? individual preferences.
- Reduce the prevalence of dietary issues in Tamil Nadu. - Firstly, food products that serve as a
- Nutritional status improvement of Tamil Nadu as a whole. substitute generally comes with a higher
- Increased life expectancy followed by reduced healthcare cost since diets can be regulated by price due to the amount of processing
restaurants such as Ambrosia. required to replicate the desired food,
- New job opportunities arise that target the well being of customers with food related issues. which the customer may not be able to
The above statements may alter Tamil Nadu by: consume.
- Reducing obesity by 10% in 5 years.
- Increase the amount of people taking in fruits and vegetables to 50% in 5 years.
- Reduce risk of type 2 diabetes by 5% in 5 years.
- Create 100 new jobs in restaurant industry in 5 years.
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Customer Interviews And Surveys

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Details of the survey Results

How many customers did you interview? (At least 25 for B2C and 2 for B2B) 30

How many of them agree this is a problem that needs to be solved? 30

How many of them said they can already solve this problem and don't need a new solution? None

Note: Insert link to the survey and results:


Creating Jobs. Changing Lives.

Problem Definition
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Clear & Succinct Problem Definition:
- People with dietary restrictions or preferences in Tamil Nadu often face challenges when trying to find restaurants that accommodate their
needs. They may have to spend a lot of time researching menus and calling restaurants to inquire about ingredients and preparation methods.
Even when they find a restaurant that seems to have something they can eat, they may not be able to customize their meal to their liking, which
can be frustrating as well as time consuming. It can make it difficult for people with dietary restrictions to enjoy eating out.
- According to a recent survey we obtained from 30 people, 37% of the people possess dietary restrictions or intolerances. This includes people
with food allergies, intolerances, sensitivities, etc. This gives rise to the problem of malnutrition and other health issues, because among the
37%, there might be people who are unable to find food that meets their dietary needs.
- A recent study by the National Restaurant Association of India shows that over 60% of the population are interested in finding healthy and
nutritious food options. The study also shows that over 40% of Indian customers are interested in finding restaurants that can accomodate their
dietary restrictions or preferences. Furthermore, the results of customer interviews mainly included the customer’s frustration in restaurants that
do not consider those with dietary issues, followed by the compromise they have to do on their needs when eating out. Some even added that
they would be willing to pay more for a restaurant to accommodate their needs.
- The preferred solution, as per the results of the surveys conducted, is to install a solution akin to Ambrosia, a restaurant (or rather a series of
restaurants) that focuses on providing customizable menus that include variations of the same food for people who have diet restrictions. The
customer can choose a set of options that range from common ingredients used, avoid common allergens as well as choosing the presence of
any plant based food item. This way, the customer will be well versed in what the food contains and will be confident about his/her choice. To
appeal to the younger audience, the restaurant will also implement a ‘surprise me’ menu consisting of a randomised dish creation ( that also
goes through ingredient choice filtering via options.). On the other hand, the chefs can hone their skills well in Ambrosia due to the random
combinations of diet choices in each set menu.
- This, in our opinion provides the diet restricted population with food items of their wishes as well as giving access to other customers to
customize their food to their heart's’ content. Furthermore, the customers will be given more control over their meals which may increase
demand in diet-friendly and customizable food. This in turn will help reduce some of Tamil Nadu’s diet related issues by giving people more
access to such services.In addition, there will be more job opportunities for entrepreneurs in the food industries.
Market Analysis
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1.Key Players
The key players of Ambrosia can be divided into
two categories: Internal and External.
Internal key players include:
- Owner/operator:The owner or operator of the restaurant is responsible for the overall
success for the business. They must set the vision for the restaurant,develop the menu,and
manage the day to day operations.
- Chef:The chef is responsible for creating and prepare the food . They must have a deep understanding of different diets and
dietary restrictions,as well as the ability to create delicious and nutritious meals
- Kitchen staff:The kitchen staff is responsible for preparing and creating a food. They must be familiar with the different dietary
restrictions and be able to follow the chefs instructions carefully.
- Front-of-house staff:The front-of -house staff is responsible for greeting and seating customers,taking orders,and serving food.They
must be knowledgeable about the menu and be able to answer customers questions about dietary restrictions.
External Key players include:
- Suppliers:The restaurant’s suppliers provide food and other ingredients that are used to prepare meals. Its important for the restaurant
to have relationships with reliable suppliers who can provide high quality ingredients.
- Customers: The restaurant’s customers are the most important key players. The restaurant must focus on providing its customers with
a positive dining experience, including delicious and nutritious food, friendly service, and a comfortable atmosphere.
In addition to these key players, there are a number of other stakeholders who may be involved in the success of a diet-friendly restaurant
with a customizable menu. These stakeholders may include:
- Investors: Investors provide the financial resources that are needed to start and operate the restaurant.
- Government agencies: Government agencies are responsible for regulating the food industry and ensuring that restaurants are
operating safely and hygienically.
- Industry associations: Industry associations provide support and resources to restaurants, including information on new trends and
2. Recent Innovations
- The use of technology: Many diet-friendly restaurants are now using technology to make it easier for customers to
order and customize their meals. For example, some customers have mobile apps that allow them to browse the
menu, select their dietary restrictions, and place their orders online. Other restaurants have kiosks in the restaurant
where the customers can place their orders and customize their meals
- The focus on fresh and local ingredients: Many restaurants are now focusing on using fresh and local ingredients
in their dishes to match the increased interests of customers in today’s world; those who aim for healthy and
sustainable food. Such examples include restaurants that grow their own produce and restaurants with ties to local
farmers and suppliers.
- Vegan and Vegetarian options: A growing demand on vegan and vegetarian options urge restaurants to make
variants of popular foods with the use of vegan or vegetarian ingredients.(e.g Cauliflower steak, vegan lasagna, etc.).
- The use of alternative ingredients: Many diet-friendly restaurants are now using alternative ingredients to create
healthy and delicious dishes. For example, some restaurants use cauliflower to make pizza crusts and rice. Other
restaurants use almond flour to make pancakes and muffins.
- The focus on personalization: Diet-friendly restaurants are increasingly focusing on personalization. This means that
they are offering customers more options to customize their meals to meet their individual needs and preferences.
For example, some restaurants allow customers to choose the type of bread they want on their sandwich or the type
of dressing they want on their salad. Other restaurants allow customers to create their own bowls and wraps.
3. Sales Cycles
The sales cycle for a diet-friendly restaurant in Tamil Nadu can vary depending on the target market. For example, if the restaurant is targeting people
who are trying to lose weight, the sales cycle may be longer as these customers may need more time to research their options and make a decision.
However, if the restaurant is targeting people who have dietary restrictions, the sales cycle may be shorter as these customers may be more likely to
make a decision based on the restaurant's menu and location.
- Awareness: This is the first stage where the customer becomes aware of the restaurant and its offerings. This can be done through a variety of
channels, such as online marketing, social media, and word-of-mouth.
- Interest: Once the customer is aware of the restaurant, they need to become interested in its offerings. This can be done by providing the customer
with information about the restaurant's menu, its commitment to fresh and local ingredients, and its focus on personalization.
- Consideration: Once the customer is interested in the restaurant, they will begin to consider their options. This is when the restaurant needs to
convince the customer that it is the best option for their needs. This can be done by offering a free consultation or by providing the customer with
testimonials from other customers.
- Decision: Once the customer has considered all of their options, they will make a decision about whether or not to visit the restaurant. This is when
the restaurant needs to make it easy for the customer to make a reservation or to place an order online.
- Post-purchase: Once the customer has visited the restaurant, the restaurant needs to focus on providing them with a positive experience. This
includes serving delicious and nutritious food, providing friendly service, and creating a comfortable atmosphere.
Additional sales cycles:
- Offer a variety of options: Customers should have plenty of options to choose from, including vegan, vegetarian, gluten-free, and keto options.
- Use fresh and local ingredients: Customers are increasingly interested in eating food that is healthy and sustainable. Using fresh and local
ingredients is a great way to meet this demand.
- Focus on personalization: Allow customers to customize their meals to meet their individual needs and preferences.
- Provide excellent customer service: Make sure that your staff is knowledgeable about the menu and can answer customers' questions about
dietary restrictions.
- Create a comfortable atmosphere: Customers should feel comfortable and relaxed when they are dining at your restaurant. Create an atmosphere
that is welcoming and inviting.
4. Adoption Rates
The adoption rate of such health-centric restaurants in Tamil Nadu is increasing. This is due to a number of factors, including:

- The growing awareness of health and wellness: There is a growing awareness of health and wellness in Tamil Nadu, and more people are
looking for healthy and diet-friendly food options.
- The increasing prevalence of dietary restrictions: More people in Tamil Nadu are now living with dietary restrictions, such as gluten
intolerance and lactose intolerance. This is due to a number of factors, including the changing diet and lifestyle of people in Tamil Nadu.
- The growing popularity of online food delivery: The growing popularity of online food delivery has made it easier for people to access diet-
friendly food options.
According to a study by the National Restaurant Association of India, the sales of diet-friendly food in India are expected to grow by 20% in the next
five years. This growth is expected to be driven by the increasing demand for healthy and diet-friendly food options from millennials and Gen Z
While the adoption rate of diet-friendly restaurants with customizable menus is increasing in Tamil Nadu, there is still room for growth. This is
because many people are still not aware of the existence of these restaurants or they may not be sure about what to expect.

Therefore, such restaurants can increase their adoption rate by:

- Educating the public about their offerings: Many people are not aware of the existence of diet-friendly restaurants with customizable menus
or they may not be sure about what to expect. These restaurants can educate the public about their offerings through marketing campaigns,
social media, and word-of-mouth.
- Partnering with other businesses: Diet-friendly restaurants with customizable menus can partner with other businesses, such as gyms and
fitness studios, to reach a wider audience. These partnerships can help to increase awareness of the restaurants and their offerings.
- Offering discounts and promotions: Diet-friendly restaurants with customizable menus can offer discounts and promotions to encourage
people to try their food. This can help to increase the adoption rate of these restaurants.
- Providing excellent customer service: Diet-friendly restaurants with customizable menus need to provide excellent customer service to
ensure that their customers have a positive experience. This includes being knowledgeable about the menu and being able to answer
customers' questions about dietary restrictions.
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Market Sizing
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• Bottom-up approach

1. Start with the customer: The first step is to understand the needs and preferences of target
customers. This can be done through surveys, interviews, and focus groups. Once a good
understanding of the customers' needs is obtained, a menu can be developed that meets those
TAM $240 Million
2. Offer a wide variety of options: The menu should offer a wide variety of diet-friendly options,
including vegan, vegetarian, gluten-free, and other specific ingredients that can be swapped, but SAM
retain the taste of the dish. A variety of protein options, such as chicken, fish, beef, and tofu.
3. Allow customers to customize their meals: The menu should allow customers to customize their $120 Million
meals to meet their specific dietary needs and preferences.
4. Use fresh and local ingredients: Customers are increasingly interested in eating food that is
healthy and sustainable. Using fresh and local ingredient is the viable option to meet this demand.
5. Provide excellent customer service: The staff should be knowledgeable about the menu and be $50Million
able to answer customers' questions about dietary restrictions. They should also be friendly and
welcoming, so that customers feel comfortable and relaxed when they are dining at your
Customer Persona Template
Resourceful Self-reliant Headstrong
- Wants to venture various eateries and experience new types of food.
- Wants to find affordable restaurants that can accommodate her spice and
Photo coconut milk intolerance.

Ethos: Compassionate, resilient, - Inability to pick a variety of food from restaurant menus.
quick thinker - Unable to access restaurant services that provide diet-
friendly options at an affordable cost
Age: 30
Occupation: High school teacher
Location: Chennai, Tamil Nadu Bio
Name: Sheeba Esther
Personality Background: Sheeba Esther is a resident of Chennai, Tamil Nadu. Being a highschool
teacher, her daily life comprises of a strict routine to prepare herself to teach students.
The lack of time for food preparation makes eating out the only viable option.
However, Sheeba experiences intolerances to foods with excess spice and coconut
milk, which are staple ingredients in Chennai’s food culture.
Solution description:
We offer a diet-based, customer-specific solution designed to accommodate mostly the population that struggle with controlling
their diets due to medical issues, food intolerances or preferences. This is known as the Ambrosia Restaurant. Placev your
Currently the customers are addressing the problem by accessing different restaurants to eat specific types of food or seeking logo here
professional aid. While this may seem like a viable solution that focuses entirely on their physical health, their satisfaction is
ignored and their anxiousness will still linger when choosing a food.Not to mention, the price of the services may be costly.
Our solution offers customers the benefit of customising their meals to their heart's content, maintaining their dietary health as
well as satisfying their palates and their minds all in a cost-effective manner.
The details of our offering consist of:
1. Including a comprehensive menu with multitudes of food ingredient customization options that engages customers to pick
their preferences.
2. Including plant-based or vegetarian variants that can seamlessly replicate non-vegetarian dishes in the region, retaining their
flavors and diet-friendliness.
3. A ‘surprise me’ dish, which elevates the thrill of trying new experiences for customers willing to experiment new flavours
4. A well organized team trained to respond to the different combinations of food options selected by customers, which elevates
the chefs’ skill greatly compared to the norm in terms of cooking innovative dishes that directly complement the needs of the
customer accurately.
5. Potential tie ups to HoReCa industries that may view Ambrosia as a potential restaurant to build networks with, increasing our
reach to areas outside of Tamil Nadu.

Why this business will work in Tamil Nadu:
Ambrosia as a business will work in Tamil Nadu due to the reasons:

- Increases awareness about healthy eating: People in Tamil Nadu are becoming increasingly aware of the importance of healthy eating.
This is due to a number of factors, including rising levels of obesity and chronic diseases, as well as the growing availability of
information about healthy eating habits.
- Changing dietary habits: Dietary habits in Tamil Nadu are changing, with people consuming more processed foods and sugary drinks.
This is leading to an increase in the number of people with dietary restrictions, such as diabetes, gluten intolerance, and lactose
intolerance. Thus, Ambrosia can minimise this issue by offering people healthier alternatives at a cost effective
- Demand for healthy and convenient food options: People in Tamil Nadu are busy and on the go, and they are looking for healthy and
convenient food options. A diet-friendly restaurant with a customizable menu can meet this demand by offering a variety of healthy
dishes that are tailored to individual dietary needs.
Here are some details on the health conditions regarding the population of Tamil Nadu:

- According to the National Health Mission, Tamil Nadu has the highest prevalence of diabetes (14.2%) and obesity (18.9%) in India.
- According to the National Family Health Survey-5, Tamil Nadu has the highest prevalence of lactose intolerance (49.7%) in India.
- According to the Indian Institute of Public Health, Hyderabad, Tamil Nadu has the highest prevalence of gluten intolerance (3.8%) in
All in all, Ambrosia reduces the diet related issues that the a portion of the people of Tamil Nadu experience by providing them the
necessary tools (options) to customize their menu according to their preferences, which they know the best. In fact, this applies to the
rest of the population as customizing food options exercises people’s creativity, thereby increasing their experience in eating in the
restaurant. This eventually leads to increased customer satisfaction, be it for the people with diet irregularities or for people with specific
diet preferences.
• The problem is a problem worth solving / opportunity worth pursuing (high pain intensity for the customer)
• The problem statement is well defined - crisp and succinct
• Problem validation done with verifiable evidence - 25 customers under b2c and 2 customers under b2b.
• The venture has identified and defined it's niche
• The venture has created a customer persona / multiple customer personas
• The persona captures the customer profile & behaviors - demographic, geographic, psychographic, buying behaviors etc.
• The venture can identify how the customer solves the problem today and the gaps in the existing alternatives.
• The venture has identified a market segment and the niche therein
• The venture has identified the competition - direct and indirect competitors

• The venture has identified the customer needs, pains and gains (Well made VPC)
• The venture has a compelling value proposition (See comment)
• Identify your customer's main problem.
• Identify all the benefits your product offers.
• Describe what makes these benefits valuable.
• Connect this value to your buyer's problem.
• Differentiate yourself as the preferred provider of this value.
• The venture has employed the right format of the Canvas and the the business model tells a comprehensive story

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Value Proposition Canvas

I would LOVE it if:

🡪What do you offer that makes the customers happy?

You have validated your original idea or your new MVP
🡪? What would make the customer happy?
Diet-friendly food that adheres to the customers palate 🡪Customers have access to whatever they feel like eating
preferences as well as their body’s preferences. without giving them adverse effects,especially in terms of
dietary health.
🡪? What do the clients want when facing the problem?
🡪Customers find eateries with food items that perfectly suit
their needs at an affordable price.

What is the product or service that you are offering? I would WANT:
A diet friendly restaurant with customizable menu that
serves meals for all age groups at an affordable rate GAIN CREATORS GAINS 🡪What do the clients do (actions) when facing the
when compared to existing places that contain similar problem?
services. 🡪Customers to visit a dietician and obtain advice on
PRODUCT/ food intake.
SERVICE JOBS 🡪Customers shortlist certain restaurants or cafes
that provide gut-friendly and palate-fulfilling food
🡪Customers do fair bit of research to understand
food names so as to be aware of what to eat and
what not to eat.

🡪Which features of your offering relieve the

customer's pains?
The presence of food items that cater to customer’s I would HATE it if:
dietary needs or specifications; allergen free options
and ingredient replacing options all in a delicious dish. 🡪What are the pains of the clients when facing the problem?
This gives those with specific, difficult to handle food - Customers feel worried and anxious when choosing food
restrictions chances to enjoy food free of worries. items.
- Customers are unable to feast on their food preferences
due to health issues or diet issues.
- Customers are unable to access the above two points due
02 to inability to afford such services.
Creating Jobs. Changing Lives.
Competition Analysis
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Direct competitors are other diet friendly restaurants with customizable menus: These restaurants offer similar menus to Ambrosia, with a
variety of healthy and diet-friendly options that can be customized to meet individual dietary needs. Some examples include:

o The Diet Kitchen: This restaurant offers a variety of healthy and diet-friendly meals, with options for all dietary needs.

o The Health Plate: This restaurant offers a variety of healthy and delicious meals, with many that are gluten-free, dairy-free, and vegan.

o The Skinny Kitchen: This restaurant offers a variety of healthy and low-calorie meals, with many that are gluten-free and dairy-free.

Fast food restaurants: Fast food restaurants are a major competitor for Ambrosia as they offer a variety of convenient and affordable food
options. However, fast food restaurants often lack the healthy options and the ability to customize orders to meet individual dietary needs that
diet friendly restaurants offer. Some examples of fast food restaurants include:

o McDonald's: This fast food chain offers a variety of burgers, fries, and other unhealthy food options. However, it also offers a few
healthier options, such as salads and grilled chicken sandwiches.

o KFC: This fast food chain offers a variety of fried chicken and other unhealthy food options. However, it also offers a few healthier
options, such as grilled chicken sandwiches and salads.

o Burger King: This fast food chain offers a variety of burgers, fries, and other unhealthy food options. However, it also offers a few
healthier options, such as salads and grilled chicken sandwiches.

Creating Jobs. Changing Lives.

Health food stores: Health food stores often sell a variety of healthy and diet-friendly foods, including prepared meals.
However, these stores typically do not have the same level of variety and customization options as health-centric restaurants.
Some examples of health food stores include:

o Naturopathy Centre: This health food store offers a variety of healthy and diet-friendly foods, including prepared meals.

o Organic Shop: This health food store offers a variety of organic and healthy foods, including prepared meals.

o Ayurveda Shop: This health food store offers a variety of ayurvedic and healthy foods, including prepared meals.
Online food delivery services: Online food delivery services offer a variety of restaurants and food options, including many that are
healthy and diet-friendly. However, these services typically charge a delivery fee, which can make them more expensive than dining at
a restaurant. Some examples of online food delivery services include:

o Swiggy: This online food delivery service offers a variety of restaurants and food options, including many that are healthy and

o Zomato: This online food delivery service offers a variety of restaurants and food options, including many that are healthy and

o Uber Eats: This online food delivery service offers a variety of restaurants and food options, including many that are healthy
and diet-friendly.
Secondary Competitors

Multi-cuisine restaurants with a focus on healthy options: These restaurants offer a wide variety of dishes, including many that are diet friendly.
They also allow customers to customize their orders to meet their dietary needs. Some examples include:

-The Flying Elephant: This restaurant has a wide variety of vegetarian and vegan options, as well as a selection of healthy non-vegetarian dishes.
-The Glass House: This restaurant offers a variety of healthy and delicious dishes, including many that are gluten-free, dairy-free, and vegan.
-The Green Hotel: This restaurant has a dedicated health food menu, with options for everything from breakfast to dinner.

Cloud kitchens: Cloud kitchens are restaurants that operate solely for delivery and takeout. They often offer a variety of healthy and diet-
friendly options. Some examples include:

-Diet Ninja: This cloud kitchen offers a variety of healthy and nutritious meals, with options for all dietary needs.
-Fitmeal: This cloud kitchen offers a variety of healthy and delicious meals, including many that are low-calorie, high-protein, and gluten-free.
-Salad Factory: This cloud kitchen offers a variety of healthy and delicious salads, as well as other healthy options such as wraps and

Home chefs: There are a number of home chefs in Tamil Nadu who offer healthy and diet-friendly meals for delivery and takeout. These chefs
often specialize in a particular type of cuisine, such as vegetarian, vegan, or keto. Some examples include:

Healthy Home Cooking: This home chef offers a variety of healthy and delicious meals, with options for all dietary needs.
Diet Chef: This home chef offers a variety of healthy and diet-friendly meals, with options for everything from breakfast to dinner.
Fit Chef: This home chef offers a variety of healthy and delicious meals, with a focus on high-protein, low-carbohydrate options.

In addition to these secondary competitors, Ambrosia will also face competition from traditional restaurants and street food vendors. However,
these businesses often lack the variety of healthy options and the ability to customize orders to meet individual dietary needs that diet friendly
restaurants offer.
Indirect Competitors
Indirect competitors of a diet friendly restaurant with customizable menu are businesses that offer alternative ways for customers to obtain healthy and diet-friendly
food. These businesses may not offer the same level of customization or variety as a diet friendly restaurant, but they may offer other benefits, such as convenience,
affordability, or access to home-cooked meals. Some examples of indirect competitors include:

Meal kits: Meal kits are delivered to customers' homes with all of the ingredients and instructions needed to cook healthy and delicious meals. Some examples of
meal kit companies include:
- HelloFresh
- Blue Apron
- Home Chef
Meal planning services: Meal planning services provide customers with weekly meal plans that are tailored to their dietary needs and preferences. Some examples of
meal planning services include:
- eMeals
- Mealime
- Plan to Eat
Grocery delivery services: Grocery delivery services allow customers to order groceries online and have them delivered to their homes. This can make it easier for
customers to access healthy and diet-friendly foods, especially if they do not have time to go to the grocery store themselves. Some examples of grocery delivery
services include:
- BigBasket
- Grofers
- Amazon Fresh
Home chefs: Home chefs offer healthy and diet-friendly meals for delivery or takeout. This can be a convenient option for customers who want home-cooked meals
without having to do the cooking themselves. Some examples of home chefs include:
- Diet Chef
- Fit Chef
- Healthy Home Cooking
Indirect competitors can also include businesses that offer alternative ways for customers to achieve their health and fitness goals. For example, a fitness studio or a
personal trainer may be considered an indirect competitor of a diet friendly restaurant, as they can help customers lose weight or gain muscle without having to
change their diet.
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Customer Value Statement


Clear and Succinct - Customer Value Statement Customer Value Statement – Suggested
For Ms. Sheeba Esther who wants to venture eateries and
experience new types of food in an affordable restaurant that can For [customer] who has [wants, needs,
accommodate her spice and coconut milk intolerance,Ambrosia - opportunities], the [product name], is a [product
which is an diet friendly/specific restaurant for customers, can be a category] that [compelling reason for the customer
good choice of place to fulfill our customers needs and resolve
to buy/key benefit for the customer].
their frustrations.

What competitive advantages will you build to keep the promise of your Unique Value Proposition?
The details of our offering consist of:
1.Including a comprehensive menu with multitudes of food ingredient customization options that engages customers to pick their preferences.
2.Including plant-based or vegetarian variants that can seamlessly replicate non-vegetarian dishes in the region, retaining their flavors and diet-
3.A ‘surprise me’ dish, which elevates the thrill of trying new experiences for customers willing to experiment new flavours
How will you defend your competitive advantage?
1.A well organized team trained to respond to the different combinations of food options selected by customers, which elevates the chefs’ skill
greatly compared to the norm in terms of cooking innovative dishes that directly complement the needs of the customer accurately.
2.Potential tie ups to HoReCa industries that may view Ambrosia as a potential restaurant to build networks with, increasing our reach to areas
outside of Tamil Nadu.
Business Model Canvas
Farmers and producers: Offer a variety of healthy and customizable
Ambrosia, a diet friendly restaurant with a 1. Personalize the experience · Health-conscious individuals: This Step 1: Customer enters the restaurant
-The Nilgiris Organic Farmers' Association food options. This will appeal to a wider range Know the customers and their dietary segment of customers is health-conscious
customizable menu is a unique and innovative The customer enters the restaurant and is greeted by a host or hostess. The host or hostess
-The Tamil Nadu Farmers' Association of customers and allow them to choose the
needs, giving them a valuable and may follow a specific diet.
foods that best meet their dietary needs. business idea that would be well-received in will seat the customer at a table or at the counter.
-The Coimbatore Vegetable Growers' experience. ·People with dietary restrictions: This
Provide clear and accurate nutritional Tamil Nadu. With its growing population of Step 2: Customer reviews the menu
Association 2. Offer a variety of options segment of customers has dietary
information for all of your dishes. This will help food intolerant people or consumers with The customer reviews the menu and chooses the items they would like to order. The menu
Nutritionists and dietitians: customers make informed choices about what Everyone can find something they restrictions due to allergies, intolerances, or
dietary issues(86.7%), there is a strong should include a wide variety of diet-friendly options, as well as the ability to customize items
-The Indian Dietetic Association (Tamil they eat. enjoy medical conditions. They may need to avoid
demand for restaurants that offer healthy and to meet the customer's specific needs.
Nadu Chapter) Highlight the health benefits of your food. Let 3. Be knowledgeable about dietary certain foods, such as gluten, dairy, or nuts.
delicious food options. A customizable menu Step 3: Customer places their order
-The Nutrition Society of India (Tamil Nadu customers know how Ambrosia’s food can help restrictions ·Athletes and fitness enthusiasts: This
them improve their health and well-being.
would allow customers to tailor their meals to The customer places their order with a server. The server will ask the customer any necessary
Chapter) their specific dietary needs and preferences, A knowledgeable staff is required to segment of customers is interested in eating
Offer cooking classes and workshops. This is a questions about their order, such as whether they have any allergies or dietary restrictions.
-The Coimbatore Nutritionists' Association making it an ideal choice for people with accommodate the customers’ needs. foods that support their athletic
great way to teach customers how to make
4. Be accommodating performance and fitness goals.
Step 4: Kitchen prepares the order
Fitness studios and gyms: healthy and delicious meals at home. diabetes, high blood pressure, food allergies,
Accommodate your customers' dietary · Families with young children: They may be The kitchen staff prepares the order according to the customer's specifications. They use
-Fitness First (Coimbatore) Partner with local health and wellness and other health concerns.
needs by substituting or modifying looking for restaurants that offer children's fresh, high-quality ingredients and follow strict food safety procedures.
-Gold's Gym (Coimbatore) organizations. This will help Ambrosia reach a Key Features
dishes. menus with healthy options, or restaurants Step 5: Order is served to the customer
-The Gym (Coimbatore) wider audience and promote as a healthy dining -Wide variety of healthy and delicious food
option. 5. Offer loyalty programs that have a variety of family-friendly dishes. Once the order is ready, it is served to the customer by their server. The server will check in
Corporate wellness programs: options
To reward customers for their repeat · Convenience seekers: They may be with the customer to make sure that they are satisfied with their meal.
-Infosys (Coimbatore) -Customizable menu to meet individual
business and encourage them to come interested in restaurants that offer quick Step 6: Customer pays for the meal
-Cognizant (Coimbatore) dietary needs and preferences
back. service, online ordering, or delivery. Once the customer has finished their meal, they pay for it with the server. The server will
-Wipro (Coimbatore) -Fresh, high-quality ingredients
-Knowledgeable and friendly staff 6. Collect feedback (Convenient and affordable dining) accept cash, credit cards, or debit cards.
Health insurance companies:
-Convenient location feedback helps identify areas for Revenue streams
-Star Health Insurance KEY RESOURCES improvement. EARLY ADOPTERS The restaurant can generate revenue from the sale of food and beverages, as well as from
-United India Insurance Fresh, local ingredients: Tamil Nadu has abundant Target Market
fresh produce, which is perfect for sourcing ingredients -Health-conscious consumers catering services and merchandise sales.
-ICICI Lombard General Insurance CHANNELS Early adopters are interested in new and
from local farmers and suppliers. This will ensure high -People with diabetes, high blood pressure, innovative food concepts. They are likely to be Cost structure
Local media outlets: quality food and multiple options food for customers. -Online ordering and delivery
food allergies, and other health concerns drawn to diet-specific restaurants that offer The restaurant's costs include the cost of food and beverages, labor costs, rent and utilities,
-The Hindu Knowledgeable staff: Knowledgeable staff can
-Social media:
accommodate customers in terms of different diets Families with young children unique and creative dishes. marketing and advertising costs, and other expenses such as insurance and permits.
-The Times of India and dietary restrictions leading to personalized meals -People who are looking for a healthier -Email marketing Key success factors
-The Indian Express creation
A flexible menu: Is a menu which complements alternative to fast food. -Public relations (PR) Early adopters are willing to pay a premium -Offers a wide variety of diet-friendly menu items to meet the needs of a variety of
Social media influencers:
different dietary needs such as gluten-free, dairy-free, Benefits -Community outreach for healthy and sustainable food. They are also customers.
-Nutrition By Nithya (@nutritionbynithya) vegan, and vegetarian options. Furthermore various -Convenience: Customers can order meals that likely to be interested in restaurants that use -Allow customers to customize their meals to meet their specific dietary needs and
-The Healthy Foodie (@thehealthyfoodie) cooking methods are available, such as grilling, baking,
meet their specific dietary needs and
and steaming. high-quality ingredients and that source their preferences.
-FitFoodieIndia (@fitfoodieindia) preferences without having to cook at home.
A transparent ordering system: The ordering system is ingredients ethically. -Use fresh, high-quality ingredients and following strict food safety procedures.
Delivery platforms: transparent so that customers know exactly what they -Variety: Customers have a wide variety of
are getting in their meals. This involves listing the Providing excellent customer service.
-Swiggy healthy and delicious food options to choose Early adopters are active on social media and
ingredients and nutritional information for each dish. -Marketing and advertising the restaurant effectively to reach potential customers.
Zomato A supportive environment: The restaurant can create a from. are keen to share their experiences with
supportive environment for customers who are
Value proposition
-Quality: The restaurant uses fresh, high- others. This can help to generate buzz and Ambrosia offers customers a convenient and affordable way to eat healthy and delicious food.
following a diet. This means being understanding and
quality ingredients in its dishes. excitement around a new diet-specific
accommodating, and avoiding judgment. Customers can choose from a wide variety of menu items and customize them to meet their
-Expertise: The staff is knowledgeable about restaurant. specific dietary needs, without having to cook at home. The restaurant also uses fresh, high-
nutrition and can help customers make
REVENUE STREAMS quality ingredients and follows strict food safety procedures, so customers can be confident
COST STRUCTURE healthy choices.
-Accessibility: The restaurant is conveniently
that they are eating healthy food.
Food costs: Rs. 3.5 lakhs located and offers a variety of dining options,
-Food sales: This is the most obvious source of revenue for diet-specific Competitive advantage
restaurants. Restaurants can generate revenue from food sales by selling
Labor costs: Rs. 3 lakhs including dine-in, takeout, and delivery meals, snacks, and beverages to their customers.
The restaurant's competitive advantage is its focus on diet-friendly and customizable food.
There are very few restaurants in Tamil Nadu that offer this type of food. Additionally, the
Marketing and Sales Strategy
Rent and utilities: Rs. 1.5 lakhs -Develop a strong online presence, including a
· Catering: Diet-specific restaurants can also generate revenue from catering restaurant uses fresh, high-quality ingredients and follows strict food safety procedures. This
events. This could involve providing food for weddings, corporate events, or gives the restaurant a significant advantage over other restaurants in the area.
Marketing and advertising costs: Rs. 1 lakh website and social media pages.
other special occasions. Growth strategy
-Partner with local health and fitness
Other costs: Rs. 1 lakh businesses to cross-promote each other's · Meal kits: Diet-specific restaurants can also sell meal kits to their customers. Ambrosia’s growth strategy is to expand into other cities in Tamil Nadu. The restaurant also
services. Meal kits are pre-portioned bags of ingredients and recipes that customers can plans to launch a mobile app that will allow customers to place orders and customize their
-Offer discounts and promotions to attract use to cook healthy meals at home. meals. The restaurant also plans to partner with local businesses to offer discounts and
Total Cost = 10 lakhs. new customers. · Merchandise: Diet-specific restaurants can also sell merchandise such as promotions.
-Run educational workshops and seminars on branded clothing, cookbooks, and kitchen gadgets.
healthy eating. · Delivery and takeout: Diet-specific restaurants can also generate revenue
-Offer catering services for corporate events from delivery and takeout orders. This is a convenient option for customers
and other special occasions.
who are short on time or who prefer to eat at home.
Business Model diagram
• The problem is a problem worth solving / opportunity worth pursuing (high pain intensity for the customer)
• The problem statement is well defined - crisp and succinct
• Problem validation done with verifiable evidence - 25 customers under b2c and 2 customers under b2b.
• The venture has identified and defined it's niche
• The venture has created a customer persona / multiple customer personas
• The persona captures the customer profile & behaviors - demographic, geographic, psychographic, buying behaviors etc.
• The venture can identify how the customer solves the problem today and the gaps in the existing alternatives.
• The venture has identified a market segment and the niche therein
• The venture has identified the competition - direct and indirect competitors
• The venture has identified the customer needs, pains and gains (Well made VPC)
• The venture has a compelling value proposition (See comment)
• Identify your customer's main problem.
• Identify all the benefits your product offers.
• Describe what makes these benefits valuable.
• Connect this value to your buyer's problem.
• Differentiate yourself as the preferred provider of this value.
• The venture has employed the right format of the Canvas and the the business model tells a comprehensive story

• The business plan/basic financial plan (activate) instills confidence on the financial viability of the venture
• The venture has created a showcase-able prototype

Full product/service description:

Starters: ₹100 - ₹200
Main Courses: ₹200 - ₹300
Desserts: ₹100 - ₹150
Drinks: ₹50 - ₹100

Ambrosia’s service options:

- Starters: Soups, salads, appetizers
- Main Courses: Rice dishes, noodle dishes, curries, grilled meats and vegetables
- Desserts: Cakes, pastries, ice cream, fruit
- Drinks: Fresh juices, smoothies, coffee, tea

Characteristics and benefits:

- Affordability: Ambrosia's prices are designed to be affordable for the common person in Tamil Nadu.
- Diet-friendliness: Ambrosia offers a wide variety of diet-friendly options, including vegetarian, vegan, gluten-free,
low-fat dishes, lactose-free and other options that aid people with diet restrictions.
- Allergy-friendly: Ambrosia can accommodate most food allergies and sensitivities.
Insert a picture/link video/website link
- Informative menu description: Customers will be thoroughly informed about the contents of the menu via detailed
nutritional information
- Customizable menu: Customers can customize their meals to their liking, choosing different ingredients and cooking
- Surprise me menu: Customers who cannot decide what to eat can choose the "surprise me" menu, where they will
be given a randomized dish to enjoy.

Description and process

1. Customers will arrive at Ambrosia and be seated by a host.
2. A server will bring the customer a menu and explain the ordering process.
3. Customers will choose their starters, main courses, desserts, and drinks.
4. If the customer has any dietary restrictions or allergies, they will let the server know.
5. If the customer wants to customize their meal, they will let the server know which ingredients they would like to
6. If the customer wants to order from the "surprise me" menu, they will let the server know.
7. The server will communicate the customer's order to the kitchen.
8. The kitchen will prepare the customer's meal according to their dietary restrictions, allergies, and customizations.
9. The server will serve the customer's meal and check back to make sure that everything is to their liking.
10.Once the customer has finished their meal, the server will bring them the bill.
Other features:
- Ambrosia will be open from 12pm to 10pm, seven days a week.
- It will be located at city centres and populated areas to improve accessibility to a large number of
the population of Tamil Nadu.
- It offers a variety of additional services, including catering, delivery, and take-out.
- It also includes online delivery options.

Below shows a sample meal pricing that Ambrosia will offer:

- Veg Thali: ₹250
- Chicken Biryani: ₹275
- Paneer Tikka Masala: ₹285
- Kulfi: ₹120
- Mango Lassi: ₹80

This sample pricing is intended to make Ambrosia nearly affordable to the common person in Tamil
Nadu. The prices are slightly higher than street food, but they are still very reasonable for a sit-down
restaurant with a customizable menu and a variety of diet-friendly and allergy-friendly options.
For the diet specific customers:

Ambrosia's kitchen staff is trained to accommodate most food allergies, sensitivities as well as diet
specificities. Customers can let their server know about their dietary restrictions or menu changes
when they place their order. The server will then communicate the customer's needs to the kitchen.

The kitchen will then prepare the customer's meal according to their specific needs. For example, if a
customer is allergic to nuts, the kitchen can substitute another ingredient, such as seeds or dried
fruit. If a customer requires gluten-free food, the kitchen can use gluten-free ingredients, such as rice
flour or quinoa.

We at Ambrosia strive to provide a safe and enjoyable dining experience for everyone, regardless of
their dietary restrictions, allergies or specific wants.
Brand Framework

Vision What does my organization aspire to become? Write here…..

Mission What does my organization stand for and what do we value? - Meeting customer’s choice.
- Health and wellbeing of customers.
- Inclusivity - Welcoming all customers, including
those with dietary restrictions.
- Sustainability - Fresh ingredients moulded into
food via environmentally friendly cooking

Promise What do we promise to customers at the most fundamental - the ability to eat healthy and nutritious food,
level? regardless of their dietary restrictions or
- The power to choose ingredients in the menu.
- Maximum, anxious-free environment with a
comfortable dining experience.
Brand Values What are the core values your brand believes in and stands - Customer’s choice of ingredients.
for? - Health and wellbeing of customers
- Inclusivity of all types of customers (diet wise)
- Transparency of food contents to customers
- Education on types of diet as well as health
benefits of different foods to both customers and
- Convenience of means of consuming food from
Brand What are the human characteristics associated with your brand? - Health consciousness
Personality - Control over food options
- Personalization
- Convenience
- Open - mindedness towards new
cuisines and foods.

Attributes What makes us distinctly valuable to our customers? How do we achieve over - Variety of food options that
and over? complement people with diet
restrictions or preferences.
- Personalization of menu down to its
- Presence of a ‘surprise me’ menu for
the purpose of thrill and enjoyment
- Convenience and affordability,
especially for a service like this that
would typically be more expensive.
- Constantly innovative to include
trendy food items.

Emotion What does it feel like to engage with us? - Empowering

- Liberating - No need to worry about
finding something that fits customer’s
needs. They can just order what they

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