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A Comparison of the plot structure of the

two selected short stories by Oscar Wilde

Submitted by Literature Group

Mg Nay Thu Ko
Ma Hsu Hsu Hlaing
Ma Ei Myat Phyu
Ma Hsu Wut Yee
Ma Myat Hsu Yee Khaing

1. Introduction
2. Aim and Objectives
3. Literature Review
i. A Biography Sketch of Oscar Wilde
ii. The Literary Works of Oscar Wilde
iii. Theoretical Background
iv. Related Research
1. Introduction
 The plot structure outlines a series of events, each of which
unfold as a sequence of cause and effects across the
beginning, middle and end of the story.

 In analysing the plot structure, the framework of Gustav

Freytag’s plot structure is used.
Introduction (Contd.)
 Gustav Freytag’s five stages are as follow

• Exposition
• Rising Action
• Climax
• Falling Action
• Resolution

 To study the plot structure, the short stories The Happy Prince and The
Remarkable Rocket by Oscar Wilde are used as research material.
To compare the plot structures of the two selected short stories by Oscar

To find out the five basic elements of the plot structure of the selected short
stories by Oscar Wild

To observe how the writer creates the events of the stories systematically

To investigate the contrasts, connections and comparisons between these two
Literature Review
 A Biography Sketch of Oscar Wilde
 was born on October 16, 1854, Westland Row, Dublin, Ireland

 was regarded as one of the greatest playwrights of the Victorian Era

 studied at Trinity College in Dublin before leaving the country to study at Oxford
University in England

 was a married man with children, but his private life was as a homosexual

 died in November 30, 1900, Paris, France

Literature Review (Contd.)
 Literary Works of Oscar Wilde
 A gifted poet, playwright and wit, Oscar Wilde was a phenomenon in 19th-
century England

 published most of his work between 1880s and 1900s

 published his first volume of poetry, ‘‘Patience’’ in 1881

 won the Newdigate Prize for Poetry for his sixteen page poem "Ravenna'' in

 wrote his best known work " The Picture Of Dorian Gray" in 1980published
Novel "Picture of Dorian Gray“ in April 1891
Literature Review(Contd.)
Theoretical Background
 According to Gustav Freytag’s Pyramid(1863),he describes the five key
stages of a story, offering a conceptual framework for writing a story
from start to finish. These stages are:
• Exposition
• Rising Action
• Climax
• Falling Action
• Resolution
Here is the five-part structure of Freytag’s Pyramid in
diagram form.
• introduces the major fictional elements – the setting, characters,
style, etc
• to focus the writer’s sole on building the world in which the
story’s conflict happens
• exposition should end with the “inciting incident” – the event
that starts the main conflict of the story.
Rising Action
• explores the story’s conflict up until its climax
• the reader often gains access to key pieces of backstory
• the reader should learn more about the characters’ motives, the world of
the story, the themes being explored, and foreshadow the climax
• the story’s conflict peaks and learn the fate of the main characters

• climax isn’t just the turning point in the story’s plot structure, but
also its themes and ideas.

Falling Action

• the writer explores the aftermath of the climax

• If the rising action pushes the story away from “normal,” the
falling action is a return to a “new normal,” though rising and
falling action look dramatically different.
 Resolution

• involves tying up the loose ends of the climax and falling action

• also use the term “denouement” when discussing the resolution.

• a denouement refers to the last event that ties up the story’s loose ends,
sometimes expressed in the story’s epilogue or closing scene.
Related Research-1
Researchers : Ahmad syah ridho, Pipit Rahayu, Andri Donal (2016)
Submitted to : Faculty of Teacher Training Education, University of Pasir Pengaraian
Aim : To analyze the plot of the short story
Objective : To understand plot structure of short story “FRIENDS FOREVER”
To focus on the deep understanding of interaction between concepts
Theory : Hermeneutic theory, Paul Coeur (1981)
Finding : The plot of short story is progressive and the structure of plot is
exposition, rising action, conflict, climax, falling action and resolution
and it does not have moment of crisis because the story have resolution of
the complication
Related Research-2
Researchers : Yeni Septina, Afrianto
Submitted to : Teknokrat Indonesia University
Aim : To analyze the plot elements contains in the novels
Objective : To describe and identify the elements of plot contains in the novel
Theory : Plot Theory of Richard Gill (1995) in Mastering English Literature Book
Finding : The study in the literature review above, Gill(1995) explains that a
complete and good plot has 5 important elements namely: The situation,
Disjunction, Trajectory, Proleptic Events, and the last is Reversal and

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