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LU 7: Late Adolescent

and Adulthood Career


Dr Edris bin Aden

Counselling Program, FCSHD UNIMAS

Role Salience

Adult Life Stages

Life Stages of Women

Learning Outcomes

Students should be able to:

1- explain what is role salience
2- discuss different life stages accoring to Super Stages of
Career Development.
3- provide examples on events or experineces that take place
in each of Super’s stage.
4- list and elaborate the patterns of life stages of women
career development
Focus on two major
concepts: life role and life

Roles: studying, working,

Introduction community services etc.

Interaction: participation in
an activity, commitment to
the activity, and how the
activity is valued.
• Stages:
• Exploration: crystallization, specification and
• Establishment: stabilizing, consolidating and advancing.
• Maintenance: holding, updating, and innovating
• Disengagement: deceleration, retirement planning and
retirement living
Work can vary in
importance to an
individual at different
life points.

Role Salience
For example: adults
value works as
important than
leisure, studying and
community service.
Life Roles

1- Studying

2- Working

3- Community services

4- Home and Family

5- Leisure activities
Indicators of the Salience of Life
1- Participation- spending time on something, being active
in organization

2- Commitment- a desire to be involved or be active

3- Knowledge – a cognitive aspects of role importance

4- Value– opportunity for various roles to meet a variety of

value needs.
Values Expectation under Salience Inventory

Ability Social
utilization Prestige interaction Autonomy

Creativity Economic Lifestyle Physical

rewards activities

Risk Variety conditions Achievement

Both age related and not age related

Adult Life One can be involved in several stages at

Stages one time

Minicycle is term to describe the

growth, exploration, establishment,
maintenance and disengagement that
can occur in any of the stages in the
Efforts that individuals make to get a better
idea of occupational information, choose
career alternatives, decide an occupations,
and start to work.
Crystallizing: people clarify what they want to

(15-25) Specifying: early 20s, seek employment
directly after high school graduation

Implementing: last phase prior to working;

making plans to fulfill their career objectives.
Establishment (25-45)

01 02 03
Stabilizing: is concerned Consolidating: person Advancing: after
with settling down in a starts to become more stabilizing and
job and being able to comfortable with his/her consolidating take place;
meet job requirements. job and wishes to moving ahead into a
become dependable position of more
producer. responsibility with high
pay, and higher authority.
Maintenance (45-65)

This can vary between Holding: learning new

individuals depending upon things to adapt to changes
physical abilities, company that take place in the
policies, personal financial position and being aware
situation, and motivation around them

Innovating: similar to
Updating: meeting people
updating, but is not
and attending programmes
focusing on updating only
that can update one’s
but to make new
contributions to the field.
Disengagement (50s-60s)

1 2 3
Decelerating: slowing Retirement planning: like, Retirement living: leisure,
down one’s work financial planning, health home and family, and
responsibility; finding financing, talk to community services may
easier way of doing or counsellor, volunteer become more important,
spending less time doing work. and work will be less
work. significant.
Super emphasizes that
not every individual
follow the stages in
Most do not and they
reassess their career
plans at various points.
Life Stages of Women
1- Stable homemaking
Super (1957) proposed career pattern: married
seven career patterns for after finishing education,
women: and significant work

2- Conventional career 3- Stable working career

pattern: enter work pattern: after school,
after school or college, women continuously
and stop work to focus at work throughout the life
home. span.
4- Double track career pattern: combine career and homemaking roles
throughout their life spans

5- Interrupted career pattern: enter into work, then marriage and full
time homemaking, later return to career, often after children can care

6- Unstable career pattern: women drop out of the work force, return to
it, drop out and return-repeating the cycle..

7- Multiple trial career pattern: a woman works but never establish a

career. May have number of different unrelated jobs during her lifetime.
Discussion: A
case study
• Haslina is a 38 year old Malay woman who is married to a truck driver. She
has three teenage children in school. For the past four years, Haslina has
been attending classes at local community college. She now wishes to
enroll to a four year university but is unsure whether she wants a
teaching curriculum or one in business.
• She has slight preference for teaching but afraid that if she cannot find job
later. Her husband tolerates with her wishes but he complains about her
lack attention to children. Haslina continuously focus on her studying and
want to finish studying , so her husband will not annoy her anymore.
• What are the life
roles and stages
• Complicated and vary between
individual experiences.
• Recycling will take place in person

Conclusion lifetime on their career


Zunker, V.G. (1990). Career

Sharf,R. (2013). Applying
counseling: Applied
career development theory
concepts of life planning.
to counseling (6th Ed).
Pacific Grove, CA:
Cengage Learning
Brooks/Cole Publishing.
Thank You

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