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Evolution of Information Technology

Learning objectives;

After completing this lecture, you will be able to;

Understand the evolution Information Technology as an

academic discipline.

Have knowledge about the four ages that constitute the

history of I.T

Understand the term Information Technology, its functions

and benefits to organizations today.

Discuss the future of I.T.

BIT 1104


Evolution of Information Technology


But first, why should we spend time on recounting the events of the past? Why not just talk about what is happening in I.T now and what is going to happen in the future? If you do not learn from the history, you are condemned to repeat it.

BIT 1104


Why look at the past?


Recounting the events of the past provides an excellent opportunity to: learn lessons discover patterns of positive evolution, and use them in the future. If we learn from history well, we will: neither repeat the mistakes of the past nor would we waste time re-inventing what already has been invented.
BIT 1104 4/30/2012

Evolution of Information Technology


Information technology is an enormously vibrant field that

emerged at the end of the last century as our society experienced a fundamental change from an industrial society to an information age/society.

From its inception, Everyone is using Information Technology

Knowingly or unknowingly. It is growing rapidly and has become the defining technology of our age, changing how we live and work.

IT is used Everywhere in any field. A user can use IT, for

1104 4/30/2012 creating multimedia in BusinessBITor for creating different

Evolution of Information Technology


There are 4 main ages that divide up the history of

information technology.

Only the latest age (electronic) and some of the

electromechanical age really affects us today, but it is important to learn about how we got to the point we are at with technology today. The 4 ages include; Premechanical age Mechanical age Electro-mechanical age Electronic Age
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Ages that divide up the history of I.T


Premechanical age
The Premechanical age is the earliest age of information technology. It
can be defined as the time between 3000B.C. and 1450A.D.

We are talking about a long time ago. Humans would try to communicate using language or simple picture
drawings known as petroglyths.

Early alphabets were developed and as they became more popular, more
people were writing information down, pens and paper began to be developed.

Writing a lot of information down led to a need to keep it all in permanent

storage. This is where the first books and libraries were developed.

Numbering systems were created leading to the development of a

calculator which was the first information processor to be created.
BIT 1104 4/30/2012 The popular model of that time was the abacus calculator.

Ages that divide up the history of I.T


Mechanical age
The mechanical age can be defined as the time between 1450 and 1840. A lot of new technologies are developed in this era as there is a large
explosion in interest with this area.

Technologies like the slide rule (used for multiplying and dividing) were

There were lots of different machines created during this era and while
we have not yet gotten to a machine that can do more than one type of calculation in one, like our modern-day calculators, we are still learning about how all of our all-in-one machines started.

Also, if you look at the size of the machines invented in this time
compared to the power behind them it seems (to us) absolutely ridiculous to understand why anybody would want to use them, but to the people living in that time ALL of these inventions were HUGE.
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Ages that divide up the history of I.T


Electro-Mechanical age
Now we are finally getting close to some technologies that resemble our
modern-day technology.

The electromechanical age can be defined as the time between 1840 and
1940. These are the beginnings of telecommunication.

The telegraph was created in the early 1800s. The telephone (one of the
most popular forms of communication ever) was created by Alexander Graham Bell in 1876.

The first radio developed by Guglielmo Marconi in 1894. All of these were
extremely crucial emerging technologies that led to big advances in the information technology field. Later the advancement of the Black and

white TV.

The first large-scale automatic computer in the United States was the
Mark 1 created by Harvard University around 1940 which was very HUGE. 4/30/2012 It was from huge machines like this BIT 1104 people began to look at that

Ages that divide up the history of I.T


Electronic age
The electronic age is what we currently live in. It can be defined as the time
between 1940 to present.

The ENIAC was the first high-speed, digital computer capable of being
reprogrammed to solve a full range of computing problems.

Personal Computers like (Apple II) were developed with actual operating
systems, CPUs (central processing units) which contained memory, logic, and control circuits all on a single chip.

The graphical user interface (GUI)


for Personal Computers was also

There is a lot more to all of these generations and ages but all you really need is a rough overview.

The Electronic age came into existence based on four generations of digital
computing. Discuss these generations BIT 1104 4/30/2012 milestones that highlighting the

Significant developments in I.T Include;


The The

telegraph by Samuel Morse in 1837 telephone by Alexander Graham Bell in 1876 by Guglielmo Marconi in 1894



and white TV in the 1940s

Computer (ABC) between 1937-

The Atanasoff-Berry

The The

personal digital computer in the 1970s

BIT 1104 4/30/2012 world wide web (internet) in 1990s

What is Information Technology?


Having looked where we where and how far technology has

evolved, it is evident I.T is growing rapidly and everyone uses it knowingly or unknowingly. But, how can we define I.T in this era? Definition The term Information Technology refers to all forms of technology which enable the capturing or creation, processing, storage and distribution of data, information and knowledge in an electronic form.

I.T. can also be seen as the collection of tools that make it BIT 1104 4/30/2012 easier to create, use, manage, and exchange information.

Key terms in the definition


Technology = applying a systematic technique or method to solve a problem or a set of tools with a common purpose.

Much of todays technology involves the use of computers & mobile technology. Technology can also be seen as how we combine resources to solve a problem, fulfil a need or satisfy a want.

Data: Raw facts. Facts can be figures, characters and details.

Information: An organized, meaningful, and useful interpretation of data. Information is processed data that becomes of use to someone.
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Knowledge: An awareness and understanding of a set of

Data, information, knowledge (relationship)


Data leads to information, information leads to knowledge,

knowledge leads to wisdom, & wisdom is the key to existence of human civilizations.
Our need of accuracy & revolution towards processing of

information has led us to Information Revolution.

BIT 1104


The Functions of Information Technology


Flavia Namagembe BIT 1104


What exactly can IT do?


Capture: The process of compiling detailed records of activities. It is performed when you expect the data will be useful later. Processing: A process that involves the use of a computer programs to summarize, analyze or otherwise convert data into usable information.

Data processing involves recording, analyzing, sorting, summarizing, calculating, data. Because data is most useful when well-presented and actually informative, data-processing systems are often referred to as information systems.

Flavia Namagembe process of retaining Storage: Storage is the computer BIT 1104 4/30/2012

Functions contd

Retrieval is the process by which a computer locates and copies stored data or information for further processing or for transmission to another user. Transmission: The computer process of distributing information over a communications network. Electronic Mail, or E-Mail Voice Messaging, or Voice Mail

Flavia Namagembe BIT 1104


The Opportunities of Information Technology


Helping People How can I be more effective? More productive? More creative? And how can I help other people? Solving Problems Problem: A perceived difference between an existing condition and a desired condition. Problem Solving: The process of recognizing a problem, identifying alternatives for solving it, and successfully implementing the chosen solution
Flavia Namagembe BIT 1104 4/30/2012

Information Technology today:


I.T Is All around us & everywhere, Improving Our Lives in all sectors;

Education Health Transport Tourism Entertainment Sports Banking

Flavia Namagembe BIT 1104 4/30/2012

The Responsibilities of Using Information Technology


To be informed: Users have to know how computers and network can be applied In different situations, and capability and limitation of IT in those situations. To Make Proper Use of IT: Users need to take responsibility for employing IT in desirable and ethical ways that help people and do not violate on their privacy, rights or well being. To Safeguard: Users must take responsibility for protecting data and information that are in the computer or transmitted over a network against Flavia Namagembe or 1104 4/30/2012 damage or intentional BIT accidental

The future of Information Technology: where are we going?


The field of IT is evolving and developing everyday. New technologies in computers and mobile devices are shaping the way the world communicates with one another, gets work done, and spends free time. There is a growing need for individuals with a love for the field, a curiosity for the future, and a desire to be a force in it. Jobs in the fields are on the rise, and employers are on the look-out for fresh talent; those who want to play a part in ITs future have no limits on their potential or on the Flavia Namagembe BIT 1104 4/30/2012 potential of their specific field.

Supplementary notes..

Future of IT 1. 29/Technology-in-the-next-100-years-thefuturologists.htm

Technology in the next 100 years: the futurologists view

Flavia Namagembe BIT 1104 4/30/2012



Components of I.T systems and their interrelationships

Learning objectives;

After completing this lecture, you will be able to;

Identify the basic components of I. T systems

Understand how the identified components inter-relate with each


BIT 1104



From the previous slides in Lecture 1, we defined the term


We are now aware that the word Information Technology is

a combination of two words. One is information and other is technology. Information means knowledge, it can be a bit or a paragraph or a page.

IT therefore is science of information handling, particularly

using computers & mobile technology to support the communication of knowledge in technical, economic and BIT 1104 4/30/2012 social fields.

Components of information technology


The components of Information Technology can be classified into four major areas; Computer Technology Reprographics technology Communicatio n technology People

Flavia Namagembe BIT 1104


Computer technology

There is no doubt that computer technology has had a great

impact on society and also brought many technical developments with it. It has brought many changes to the way we live as individual as well as members of societies and organizations. It has had major effects and changes on the economy, health, education, industry, agriculture and many other fields. The ability of computers in gathering, processing, presenting and sending large amount of information has had major changes in the way large organizations as well individuals organize their lives. Computers are at work, in schools and hospitals and many other places. We therefore need to have some basic 1104 4/30/2012 understanding of how they BIT function and the language associated with them in the next

Communications technology

Communication is the activity of conveying meaningful

information. Communication requires a sender, a message, and an intended recipient, although the receiver need not be present or aware of the sender's intent to communicate at the time of communication; thus communication can occur across vast distances in time and space. The communication process is complete once the receiver has understood the message of the sender. Examples of communication technologies today; Audio-Visual Technology (TV sets) Facsimile Transmission (Fax) Telephones BIT 1104 4/30/2012 Internet


There are very many different types of documents in

organization which need to be copied within e.g. Legal documents e.g. employee contracts Educational documents e.g. training manuals Memorandums; letters; notices etc

The process of copying documents is called reprography Reprographics therefore refers to the reproduction and
duplication of documents, written materials, drawings, photographs, designs.
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Reprographic equipment

Reprographic involves a number of tasks some of which may

be complex than others.

As a result, a variety of equipment in the reprographic

department is required to act as an efficient support function to the organization. Noted below are some of the reprographic equipments common in an I.T environment Photocopier Printers Scanners Binders BIT 1104 4/30/2012 Laminators.

Reprographic equipment

BIT 1104


Reprographic equipment

BIT 1104



People are the I.T operators, or users who actually use the technology or application to perform processes that yield end results. It can be argued that I.T systems cannot be complete without peoples involvement. Even if some I.T systems can do their jobs without a person seated in front of it, people still design, build, program and repair these systems.

BIT 1104


How do the four I.T components inter-relate


While the computer technology stresses on the processing aspect of information, the CDROM technology lays importance to its storage. The communication technologies such as telephone, cellular phone, Fax, Internet, E-mail, teleconferencing, computer networking, online search, etc. are closely related to the dissemination aspect of information. Reprographic technologies are also associated to the dissemination of information..
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The people are the over-all users and operators of the above

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