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Nama : Muhammad Dias

Nim : E010320017

1. Meaning Of Effective and Efficient Work ?

2. Plan the process work Effectively and Efficiently ?

3. What is the attitude implementation work Effectively and Efficiently ?

4. The end we are discuss abaout work Effectively and Efficienly for Entrepreuner !
First Meaning Of Effective and Efficient Work

1. Effective is work that can be completed on

time, according to a predetermined plan.

2. Efficiency is everything that is done efficiently

or everything can be done correctly, quickly,
economically and safely.
Second Discuss Is Plan the process work Effectively and Efficiently

1. Can Organize and Manage time

2. Make work priorities
3. Good Communication
4. Sharpening Expertise and skills
Next attitude implementation work
Effectively and Efficiently

- Application of job opportunities (Entrepreneurs are expected to

be active and creative instead of thinking critically and can
change the habit of looking for work by creating jobs).
- Trust and courage at work (this can be applied by coaching and
developing work, counseling guidance and work supervision,
motivating workers to want to work more actively, creatively and
- Characteristics of a good work attitude (For example, namely:
Hard work, dedication, prudence, versatility, responsibility, crafts
and skills)
- Motivation at work (the need for appreciation, the need for
physiology such as drinking/eating/resting/sleeping etc., the need
for self-actualization and the need for security and free).
The last disscuse Effective and Efficient work for entrapreneurs

Day 1

- Understand the background and purpose of the

work done.
- Making work plansincluding how much time is
- For big jobs become 1 small job.
- The spirit of not giving up and strengthening
each other.
Thank You
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