Marketing Business Plan - Sirto Technologies

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Marketing Business Plan

Sirto Technologies Inc.

A vendor of content management and digital experience
software targeting businesses across industries
Table of Contents

✚ Market Context
 Understanding the Buyer
 Portfolio Segment Size & Growth Rate
 Business Issues & Technology Implications
 Competitive Dynamics
 Ecosystem & Business Partner Landscape
 Technology & Regulatory Impacts
 Summary and Key Implications

✚ Targets & Priority Roles

✚ Marketing Plan

✚ Investments
Understanding the Buying Group (Users, Buyers, Influencers)
Portfolio Influencers
Users Buyers Shifts Priority
Segments (Internal & External)
 CIO  Emergence and rapid
Customer  Marketing  CMO
 Digital Marketing adoption of internet and  First
experience  Sales  Sales Head
Head mobile devices
 HR Head  Employees valuing
Employee  CHRO  CIO
 Comms. engagement in par with  Second
Experience  COO  Strategy
Head monetary benefits
 IT Manager  CMO  Increasing influence from
DX on Cloud  Systems  CSO LOBs on IT Purchase  Third
Head  Strategy decision
Portfolio Segment Size, Growth Rates & Market Position
A. Understand the market opportunity for your portfolio segments, and how fast they are growing

Portfolio Segments 2015 2016 2017 ’15-17 CGR 2016 YTY

Customer experience 3523 3537 3523 0% 0%

Employee Experience 524 445 371 -5% -15%

DX on Cloud 2010 2523 3155 25% 26%

Total 6058 6507 7048 8% 7%

B. Understand the market position of your portfolio segments

Portfolio Segments Market Share
Customer experience 24%

Employee Experience 24%

DX on Cloud 0%
Industry Size & Growth Dynamics
Top 10 Industries
2014 2015 2016 2017 ’15-17 CGR 2016 YTY
Banking 693 742 803 873 8% 8%
Telecommunications 517 566 605 664 8% 7%
Central Government 478 484 481 499 2% -1%
Wholesale & CPG 414 435 464 499 7% 7%
Industrial Products 403 428 460 496 8% 8%
Insurance 359 382 407 439 7% 7%
CSI 333 362 396 433 9% 9%
Retail 284 307 341 378 11% 11%
Media & Entertainment 256 274 306 339 11% 11%
Electronics 260 278 304 332 9% 9%
Other Industries 1696 1799 1938 2096 8% 8%
Total 5693 6058 6507 7048 8% 7%

• Banking, Telecom and Central Government are the leading industries with largest market opportunity across 2014- 2017
• Retail & M&E expected to grow the fastest among the industries at 11% CAGR (2015-2017)
• This opportunity includes served and not served spending
Business Issues & Technology Implications

Buyers/Users Key Business Issues Technology Implications
Coping up with changing customer behavior and
Analytics to help predict customer behavior
market dynamics

Customer CMO/Digital Attracting and retaining customers by

Mobile and social conversations to engage better
Experience Marketing continuously engaging

Delivering unique and personalized customer

Digital, responsive platforms to serve clients better
experience in multiple devices

Attracting and retaining talent by engaging

Digital branding and Analytics to secure talent

Employee CHRO/HR Enabling collaboration to spur better Mobile and Social platforms to change way of
Experience Manager/COO productivity and innovation work

Partnering with IT in modernizing workplace for Integration with diverse applications to work
Millennials and Gen Z better

Justifying cost-efficiency and effectiveness of

SaaS based computing to offer savings and results
the organization

Partnering with LOBs to improve productivity

DX On Cloud CIO/LOB Self-service platforms like WCM, FORMs to help
and innovation

Securely do business and adhering to changing

Flexible, secure & scalable tools to swiftly adapt
regulatory compliances
Competitive Dynamics
Portfolio Segment – Customer Experience
Competitor Strategy & Focus Implications
 Adobe has recently strengthened their integration,  could target and tackle as Adobe lacks integrated
context awareness, personalization and content CRM and Social Capabilities.
Adobe targeting capabilities to be well-suited for those with  Though IBM is cited as leader in all Digital
a heavy digital marketing or e-commerce component. Experience offerings, Adobe’s brand image as a
 Focus Segments: Portal, Web Content Management “Cool Vendor” attracts marketers and Millennials

 With 3.7% share in the Portal market, Liferay is the  Remains a small company competing among some
#4 vendor in this space. They gained 0.8% share in of the largest vendors in the enterprise software
2014 with their Java-based portal, increasing market market and may draw questions about their
Liferay momentum with a focused, agile and maintaining a viability in comparison with other portal market
faster pace of development leaders. Some customers cite difficulty finding
adequate skills and professional services to support
 Focus segments : Open Source Portals their efforts across geographies.
Experience  Oracle had 21% share up by 0.2% YTY in 2014, in
the Portal Products and User Interaction Tools  could target customer dissatisfaction with changes
segment. With recent investments in WebCenter in product direction due to Oracle's highly
Portal entail supporting digital experiences, enabling acquisitive strategy. Some customers complain
mobile channel delivery, empowering business users about lack of foresight into the product road map
and broadening options for cloud deployment. and licensing complexity that accompanies a
continually evolving portfolio
 Focus segments : Portal, Web Content Mgmt.
 Sitecore is an emerging vendor with focus on
marketing-centric portals and invests heavily into  could aggressively target Sitecore’s customers as it
Mobile and Social technologies to expand their relies heavily on their Partners to implement. Also,
business outside major markets like Europe and it is extremely easy to get started with IBM DX
Asia with key partnerships. and WCM.
 Focus segments: Portal, MCCM, WCM
Competitive Dynamics
Portfolio Segment – Employee Experience

Competitor Strategy & Focus Implications
 Rated as the # 1 vendor in the Portal Products and
User Interaction Tools segment with 36% share (up
0.6% yty) in 2014, Microsoft urges customers  SharePoint's popularity has given rise to an
toward cloud-based offering as part of the broader unmatched ecosystem of partners, system
Office 365 push while encouraging hybrid integrators, third-party software vendors and
Microsoft approaches for leveraging existing SharePoint communities to support SharePoint's use for a wide
Server investments. variety of business processes and industries,
making it difficult for IBM to penetrate their install
 Focus segments : Portal, Enterprise document and base.
Content management, search, collaboration, social
networking and workflow
 Oracle had 21% share up by 0.2% YTY in 2014, in
Employee the Portal Products and User Interaction Tools  could target customer dissatisfaction with changes
Experience segment. With recent investments in WebCenter in product direction due to Oracle's highly
Portal entail supporting digital experiences, enabling acquisitive strategy. Some customers complain
mobile channel delivery, empowering business users about lack of foresight into the product road map
and broadening options for cloud deployment. and licensing complexity that accompanies a
continually evolving portfolio
 Focus segments : Portal, Web Content Mgmt.

 With 3.7% share in the Portal market, Liferay is the  Remains a small company competing among some
#4 vendor in this space. They gained 0.8% share in of the largest vendors in the enterprise software
2014 with their Java-based portal, increasing market market and may draw questions about their
Liferay momentum with a focused, agile and maintaining a viability in comparison with other portal market
faster pace of development leaders. Some customers cite difficulty finding
adequate skills and professional services to support
 Focus segments : Open Source Portals their efforts across geographies.
Competitive Dynamics
Portfolio Segment – DX on Cloud

Competitor Strategy & Focus Implications
 Adobe has recently strengthened their integration,
 Could target and tackle as Adobe lacks
context awareness, personalization and content
integrated CRM and Social Capabilities.
targeting capabilities to be well-suited for those
 Though IBM is cited as leader in all Digital
Adobe with a heavy digital marketing or e-commerce
Experience offerings, Adobe’s brand image as
a “Cool Vendor” attracts marketers and
 Focus Segments: Portal, Web Content
 Rated as the # 1 vendor in the Portal Products
DX on Cloud and User Interaction Tools segment with 36%
share (up 0.6% yty) in 2014, Microsoft urges  SharePoint's popularity has given rise to an
customers toward cloud-based offering as part of unmatched ecosystem of partners, system
the broader Office 365 push while encouraging integrators, third-party software vendors and
Microsoft hybrid approaches for leveraging existing communities to support SharePoint's use for a
SharePoint Server investments. wide variety of business processes and
industries, making it difficult for IBM to
 Focus segments : Portal, Enterprise document and penetrate their install base.
Content management, search, collaboration,
social networking and workflow
Ecosystem & Business Partner Dynamics
Portfolio Partner/Ecosystem
Partners Strategy, Shifts & Trends Implications
Segment Member

 ISVs
 BP’s ability to leverage LOBs’
increased influence on IT buying  Offerings and incentives must
decisions be attractive and readily
IBM Partners  SIs  IBM’s DX Offerings’ capability available based on Partners’
to integrate with leading feedback from market to
solutions from partners and eliminate competition
Customer competitors
 Service Providers

 Technical Sales Community

 Developers are in tremendous
and User Group
pressure to deliver evolving
Other  Developers Administration should join
business applications based on
Ecosystem  IT Managers hands in facilitating technical
emerging business models that
Members  CTOs audience in developing
integrates cloud, social, mobile
solutions on top of DX
and analytics
Ecosystem & Business Partner Dynamics
Portfolio Partner/Ecosystem
Partners Strategy, Shifts & Trends Implications
Segment Member

 ISVs/Resellers  BPs will sell where the money

is at
 IBM Focus on CAMSS is
 Develop industry specific
pushing BPs from Middleware to
messages/ use-cases to
IBM Partners  SIs CAMSS
resonate better with clients
 Customers demanding Industry
 Perceived IBM’s Scale, Size
specific applications
Employee and Price poses a mind block
Experience  Service Providers among customers

 Creating thought leadership

materials and sales collaterals
Other  HR Managers  Positioning HR as a strategic
around specific employee
Ecosystem  Recruitment Managers function and not a support
engagement use cases would
Members  Learning Managers function anymore
be imperative in order to
capture these LOB buyers
Ecosystem & Business Partner Dynamics
Portfolio Partner/Ecosystem
Partners Strategy, Shifts & Trends Implications
Segment Member
 Market move to Cloud and SaaS
 Move from perpetual license to
 Need to educate BPs on how
subscription model
IBM Partners  ISVs they can make money by
 Customers willing to take a
selling Cloud and SaaS
chance on lighter weight
solutions with quick ROI
 Focus segments
 IBM Technical Sales
Community and User Group
DX on Cloud Administration should join
hands in facilitating technical
 Developers are in tremendous
audience in developing
pressure to deliver evolving
Other  Developers solutions on top of DX
business applications based on
Ecosystem  IT Managers platforms
emerging business models that
Members  CTOs  IBM should swiftly publicize
integrates cloud, social, mobile
its DX on Cloud offerings and
and analytics
capitalize the SaaS
opportunity by positioning
the low-cost entry and
scalable advantage
Technology, Regulatory & Other Market Shifts
Shift Impact Implications
Siloed and not-so-optimal
Proliferation of device and business applications for all
Organizations are given a new
cloud driven technology devices and platforms is self-
mandate to adopt technology in
Technology adoption by consumers of all sabotaging for businesses. Sirto
analyzing newer consumer
Shifts age group in Millennial and has the unique advantage in
behavior and build relationships
Gen Y generation that enabling clients with horizontal
demands more and vertical tech specialization to
build client relationships faster.
Emergence of newer To safeguard branding, avoid Due to its vast presence, past
regulatory bodies in the getting penal actions and sustain experience in serving diverse
Regulatory Globe that dictates relationships with customers, industries, Sirto is positioned
Shifts Organizations in how they organizations need to comply with well to recommend and
educate, attract and transact growing number of regulations in implement global best practices
Customer with consumers this globalization era to organizations of any size.
Sirto has a greater advantage
than any other competitor with
Gartner predicted that In Integration, risk, compliance and closer alignment with
2017, CMOs will spend more customer experience should be Middleware and Smarter Process
money in IT than CIOs addressed together. portfolio. However, IBM Sales
Other Shifts force need to develop CMO
that Impact Relationships.
Segment Technology has nulled the With consultative sales and
Time to adapt to newer dynamics,
balance in segment level delivery model, Sirto has the
alter the business model and
competition as today a team breadth and depth to partner
continue to predict changes to leap
of freelancers could compete with clients in offering
ahead is key to organizations
against global technology personalized technology
regardless of size, industry
corporations. roadmaps for assured growth.
Technology, Regulatory & Other Market Shifts

Shift Impact Implications

HR Function needs to closely Having served clients from

Majority of the workforce that
align with CIOs in exploring diverse industries, Sirto could
are Millennials and Gen Y
Technology and incorporating technologies simply integrate DX platform to
demand an engaging employee
Shifts that offer on-the-go literally any HRMS, ERP and
experience beyond BYOD and
productivity with an engaging other business applications and
Social Intranets
user experience make it available 24/7 on the go

Organizations must be DX’s alignment with Social,

Stronger policies for equal
available to address any workforce analytics, and ability
Regulatory employment, safety and
distress and document such to incorporate newer regulatory
Shifts harassment are widely being
proceedings digitally to measures in few mouse clicks
facilitate and secure gives it a competitive advantage
Technology, Regulatory & Other Market Shifts
Shift Impact Implications
Cloud Marketplace is one such
Fusion of Cloud with digital, Educating LOBs to understand,
initiative that allows LOBs to
social and analytics accelerates compare, try and buy the most
learn, try and buy IBM Cloud
technology adoption largely by appropriate technology solution
Solutions online. This needs to be
Technology LOBs in simpler ways is imperative
promoted really well.
Packaging complex solutions DX has offerings to start from
Availability of multiple
that addresses difficult business initial adoption with very
alternatives for any
scenarios need to be sold in the minimal cost and to scale any
automation solution
most cost-effective manner extent.
technology security and
Including Sarbanes-Oxley, personalized regulatory
DX on Cloud Technologies should help
European Union Data compliance is widely recognized
organizations in strictly adhering
Regulatory Protection Act, PCI DSS and by leading analysts and clients
to these regulations and continue
Shifts HIPAA regulatory bodies are who benefit from that. However,
to swiftly accommodate newer
coming up with evolved this needs to be positioned
regulations strongly in the market to outrun
Organizations need to keep pace
Sirto has a prime advantage with
with new business models and
Economic Smarter Decision Making is a its breadth and depth of portfolio
perform by making better
uncertainty mandate to avoid uncertainties spanning around emerging
decisions through integrated
and volatility in a highly volatile world technologies to address evolved
business analytics, social, cloud
business needs of organizations.
and mobile technologies
Summary: Key Implications for Marketing

Impacts of
Role & Business Issues Competitive/Technology/Regulatory Implications
/Ecosystem Trends
 Microsoft, Adobe, Jive and Salesforce
Role: CMO are some of the leading competitors in Customers looking forward to help with
Client Priority: Deliver Digital Experience the transformation of siloed marketing
unique client experiences via  Most of the digital business drivers applications and their current mix of
digital and social are customer oriented legacy and new solutions to a modern
technologies  Enterprise and Mid sized firms are digital marketing/experience platform
focused on customer / user experience
 Adobe and Sitecore are leaping with
Customer threats from Microsoft’s move to
Experience cloud
Role: Digital Marketing
 Integration of Social and Mobile Sirto needs to increase the pace with
surges customer expectation to which it is releasing newer product
• Leveraging technologies
instantly address newer business capabilities and aggressively market new
for predicting and
requirements solutions/upgrades to customers before
attaining targeted
 Privacy concerns and intrusive competitors do.
marketing efforts are not so
appreciated with customers and
Summary: Key Implications for Marketing

Impacts of
Role & Business Issues Competitive/Technology/Regulatory/Ecosy Implications
stem Trends
No other vendor has
Role  Adobe and Microsoft are gaining momentum
embedded social, analytical
• CHRO in this space with Cloud
and cloud capabilities like
Priority  Multi-channel responsive environment to host
Sirto's Digital Experience.
• Delivering engaging and productivity and collaboration applications
Stronger integration
empowering employee  Integration with cross-functional applications
capabilities makes IBM
experiences need to adhere compliance
 Competitors see collaboration as only file-
sharing and version management systems,
while it is much more than that
• Learning Officer Sirto DX offerings integrate
 Legacy or 3rd Party solutions which might
Priority with native Workforce
Employee come in different platforms need to be
• Leverage collective expertise solutions, especially LCMS
Experience seamlessly integrated
and offering personalized to offer end-to-end learning
 Personalized data of employees talent
learning to meet individual and sharing experience
development, learning paths need to be
protected and compliant with standards like
Sirto DX offerings integrate
• Recruitment Manager
with native Workforce
Priority  Integration between hiring management
solutions, especially IBM
• Attracting potential talent and systems and intranets will improve hiring
Talentsuite and integration
making them productive from decisions
with leading hiring ERPs like
Day 1. Finding and retaining
top talent with data
Summary: Key Implications for Marketing

Impacts of
Implications for
Portfolio Segment Role & Business Issues Competitive/Technology/Regulatory
Sirto Marketing
/Ecosystem Trends
• Swiftly deploying newer  Competitors are gearing up in moving  Sirto is indeed in a strong
functionality to adopt to newer technologies and extending position over any of its
new business models horizontal integrations competitors in terms of
• Implementing optimal  Adhering to multiple regulations for portfolio, integration and
solutions at the least different industries has become an compliance standards. That
DX on Cloud
possible cost unique differentiator only needs to be better
• Partnering with IT and  Partnering with technology vendors in positioned in the market
other LOB teams to related business functions and and capture new customers
consolidate siloed systems offering bundled value propositions is than relying larger on
and introduce integrated key to succeed existing clients.
Table of Content: Pre-Gameboard
✚ Market Context

✚ Targets & Priority Roles

 Identifying Your Targets
 Aligning Targets to Prioritized Roles

✚ Marketing Plan

✚ Investments
Identifying Revenue Targets
A. Identify the revenue targets for your portfolio segments

Targets 2015 2016 2017 ’15-17 CGR

Customer Experience $221M $238M $257M 8%

Employee Experience $72M $73M $73M 0%

DX on Cloud $7M $9M $11M 25%

Total $300M $319M $341M 7%

B. Buyer Type Mix (Determine how your total revenue target above is broken out by the 3 buyer types below)

2014 2015 2016 2017 ’15-17 CGR

New 2% 9% 11% 12% 23%

Cross-Sell/Up-Sell 31% 31% 33% 35% 13%

Retain/Renew 67% 60% 56% 53% 0%

Identifying Revenue Targets
C. Buyer Type Mix (Determine how your MCR target is broken out by the 3 buyer types below)

2014 2015 2016 2017 ’15-17 CGR

New 2% 9% 11% 12% 23%

Cross-Sell/Up-Sell 31% 31% 33% 35% 13%

Retain/Renew 67% 60% 56% 53% 0%

D. Target by Industry
2014 2015 2016 2017 ’15-17 CGR
Public 35% 30% 25% 25% -3%

SMB 54% 50% 45% 45% 1%

FS 3% 10% 12% 12% 17%

Other 8% 10% 13% 13% 22%

Total 100% 100% 100% 100% %

Note: Assume MCR is 35% of total revenue target

Aligning Targets to Prioritized Roles
Buyer Type Role Cohort
CMO and Marketing LOB
Cohort 1: New Way to Engage $ 12
CHRO and Operations LOB
New Customers Buyers
Cohort 2: New Way to Work $7

Cohort 3: Accelerate Speed to Market

CIO and Cross-LOB Buyers $8
with DX on Cloud
CMO and Marketing LOB
Cohort 1: New Way to Engage $ 43
CHRO and Operations LOB
Cross-Sell/Up-Sell Buyers
Cohort 2: New Way to Work $ 22

Cohort 3: Accelerate Speed to Market

CIO and Cross-LOB Buyers $ 28
with DX on Cloud
CMO and Marketing LOB
Cohort 1: New Way to Engage $ 82
CHRO and Operations LOB
Renew/Retain Buyers
Cohort 2: New Way to Work $ 43

Cohort 3: Accelerate Speed to Market

CIO and Cross-LOB Buyers $ 55
with DX on Cloud
Total $ 300M

Cohort = a grouping of rigorously identified buyer roles, to be targeted with an

umbrella message or theme that relates to buyer needs
Table of Contents: Post-Gameboard
✚ Market Context

✚ Targets & Priority Roles

✚ Marketing Plan
 Routes To Market Plan
 Sales Plays
 Marketing Actions
RTM Plan
% Revenue by Route
Buyer Type Role Cohort Route 1
Revenue Route 2 (LDR) Route 3 (BPs)
CMO and Marketing Cohort 1: New Way to
$ 12 50% 20% 30%
LOB Buyers Engage
CHRO and Operations Cohort 2: New Way to
New Customers $7 50% 20% 30%
LOB Buyers Work
Cohort 3: Accelerate
CIO and Cross-LOB
Speed to Market with $8 50% 20% 30%
Buyers DX on Cloud
CMO and Marketing Cohort 1: New Way to
$ 43 45% 20% 35%
LOB Buyers Engage
CHRO and Operations Cohort 2: New Way to
Cross-Sell/Up-Sell $ 22 45% 20% 35%
LOB Buyers Work
Cohort 3: Accelerate
CIO and Cross-LOB
Speed to Market with $ 28 45% 20% 35%
Buyers DX on Cloud
CMO and Marketing Cohort 1: New Way to
$ 82 60% 10% 30%
LOB Buyers Engage
CHRO and Operations Cohort 2: New Way to
Renew/Retain $ 43 60% 10% 30%
LOB Buyers Work
Cohort 3: Accelerate
CIO and Cross-LOB
Speed to Market with $ 55 60% 10% 30%
Buyers DX on Cloud

Total $ 300M 50% 20% 30%

Route 1 Plan (Direct)

Buyer Type Role Cohort Key Actions Assets/Support Needed
CMO and • Cohort Campaigns need to be drafted
Cohort 1: New Way to
Marketing LOB • Video:
Engage • Launch cohort-
Buyers End to End Customer Digital Experience
specific campaigns
• Video: Cloud Marketplace How
CHRO and • Get enabled on the
New Cohort 2: New Way to to create a website in 2 minutes
Operations LOB $14M DX-Middleware
Customers Work • Analyst Report:
Buyers Portfolio
Gartner MQ – Horizontal Portal
• Work with BPs and
Cohort 3: Accelerate • Video:
CIO and Cross- LDRs
Speed to Market with DX Creating engaging customer and employee
LOB Buyers experience with DX on Cloud
on Cloud
CMO and
Cohort 1: New Way to
Marketing LOB • Conduct digital
Buyers maturity • DX Maturity Assessment Tool (Link)
assessment • Whitepaper:
CHRO and
Cross-Sell/ Cohort 2: New Way to • Invite to Key DX Business Value of IBM Digital Experience
Operations LOB $42M Solutions
Up-Sell Buyers
Work Events’ and
Workshops • Event: DX Europe Conference
Cohort 3: Accelerate • Sell IBM Forms 2015 – Oct 13-16
CIO and Cross- Experience Builder • ROI Calculator: FEB
Speed to Market with DX
LOB Buyers
on Cloud
CMO and • Conduct digital
Cohort 1: New Way to
Marketing LOB maturity
Buyers assessment
• Upgrade clients
CHRO and from on-premise to • DX Maturity Assessment Tool (Link)
Renew/ Cohort 2: New Way to
Operations LOB $108M DX On Cloud • IBM Cloud Market Place
Retain Buyers • Customer Panel in • DX Customer References Wiki
DX Events
Cohort 3: Accelerate • Walk through
CIO and Cross-
Speed to Market with DX relevant case
LOB Buyers
on Cloud studies

Route 2 Plan (LDR)

Buyer Type Role Cohort Key Actions Assets/Support Needed
CMO and
Cohort 1: New Way to • Get thorough training with
Marketing LOB Engage
Buyers LDR Tools & Processes • LDR Enablement Webinars
• Get enabled on the DX- • Digital IBMer Trainings
CHRO and Middleware Portfolio • DX Portfolio Training
New Customers Cohort 2: New Way to $5M • Work with Performance • DX - Sales Talk
Operations LOB Work
Buyers Marketing Team on specific • Tele-Call guide (Link)
campaigns • Blitz Day
Cohort 3: Accelerate • Support BP Blitz Day Calendar/Contacts
CIO and Cross-
Speed to Market with Programs
LOB Buyers DX on Cloud
CMO and
Cohort 1: New Way to
Marketing LOB Engage • Tele-Call Guide
Buyers • Objection handling • Digital Maturity
• Assess Client Needs Assessment Tool
Cross-Sell/ Up- CHRO and • Leverage client facing • DX – External Asset
Cohort 2: New Way to $19M
Sell Operations LOB Work assets Inventory Wiki
Buyers • Pass the leads to • DX Portfolio Client
Cohort 3: Accelerate Opportunity owners Presentations
CIO and Cross- • ROI Calculator
Speed to Market with
LOB Buyers DX on Cloud
CMO and
Cohort 1: New Way to
Marketing LOB Engage
CHRO and • Pricing Guides
Renew/ Retain Cohort 2: New Way to $18M • Work with S&S Team
Operations LOB Work • Offering Data Sheets
Cohort 3: Accelerate
CIO and Cross-
Speed to Market with
LOB Buyers DX on Cloud

Route 3 Plan (Business Partner)

Buyer Type Role Cohort Key Actions Assets/Support Needed
CMO and Marketing Cohort 1: New Way to
LOB Buyers Engage • Execute DX Sales Play
• Walk through Analyst • DX Sales Play
New CHRO and Operations Cohort 2: New Way to Research Reports • IDC Report: "The Business
LOB Buyers Work $8M • Master Fast Start Essentials Value of Exceptional Digita
• Work with BP Marketing l Experience Solutions"
Cohort 3: Accelerate • DX Fast Start Essentials
CIO and Cross-LOB Teams
Speed to Market with DX • Blitz Days (link needed)
Buyers on Cloud
CMO and Marketing Cohort 1: New Way to
LOB Buyers Engage • Understand Opportunities
• Webinar:
from IBM Middleware
How to sell DX into Middle
Cross-Sell/ CHRO and Operations Cohort 2: New Way to Portfolio ware Portfolio
LOB Buyers Work $33M • Register for key BP
Up-Sell Webinars • Portal:
Cohort 3: Accelerate • Sell Forms Experience
CIO and Cross-LOB IBM Partnerworld Resourc
Speed to Market with DX Builder e Center
Buyers on Cloud • ROI Calculator: FEB
CMO and Marketing Cohort 1: New Way to
LOB Buyers Engage
• BP Certifications
CHRO and Operations Cohort 2: New Way to • Leverage Branding
Renew/ • Event:
LOB Buyers Work $54M • Offer Discounts at Key
Retain IBM DX Events
DX Europe Conference
Cohort 3: Accelerate – Oct 13-16
CIO and Cross-LOB
Speed to Market with DX
Buyers on Cloud

Sales Plays

Buyer Type Role Cohort Sales Play Targeted Industries

#Road2SuccesswD • Banking
CMO and Marketing LOB X: OI & White
Cohort 1: New Way to Engage • Telecom
Buyers Space • Retail
HR execs: • Central Government
New Customers CHRO and Operations LOB #fasttrack your
Cohort 2: New Way to Work • Banking
Buyers deal • Media
Cohort 3: Accelerate Speed to Market X: OI & White
CIO and Cross-LOB Buyers • Cross-Industries
with DX on Cloud Space
• Banking
CMO and Marketing LOB CFO
Cohort 1: New Way to Engage #opensthedoor • Telecom
• Retail
Cross-Sell/ HR execs: • Central Government
CHRO and Operations LOB #fasttrack your
Up-Sell Cohort 2: New Way to Work • Banking
Buyers deal • Media
Cohort 3: Accelerate Speed to Market CFO
CIO and Cross-LOB Buyers #opensthedoor • Cross-Industries
with DX on Cloud
• Banking
CMO and Marketing LOB CFO
Cohort 1: New Way to Engage #opensthedoor • Telecom
• Retail
Renew/ HR execs: • Central Government
CHRO and Operations LOB #fasttrack your
Retain Cohort 2: New Way to Work • Banking
Buyers deal • Media
Cohort 3: Accelerate Speed to Market CFO
CIO and Cross-LOB Buyers #opensthedoor • Cross-Industries
with DX on Cloud
Marketing Actions

Buyer Type Role Cohort Leadership + Lead Generation Marketing Offers
CMO and Marketing Cohort 1: New Way to
LOB Buyers Engage • Whitepapers • Search
• Demo Videos
• Infographics • Webinars
CHRO and • Analyst Reports
Cohort 2: New Way to • Blogs • Paid Media Campaign
New Operations LOB • Sirto and 3rd Party Events
Work • Keynote Speeches • DX Maturity Assessment
Customers Buyers • Digital Media Campaigns
in Events • Digital & Social Tiles
• Cloud Marketplace
Cohort 3: Accelerate • Social Media • Analyst Relations
CIO and Cross-LOB • Content Marketing
Speed to Market with Marketing • Tele-call guides (LDRs)
DX on Cloud
CMO and Marketing Cohort 1: New Way to
LOB Buyers Engage
CHRO and • Videos
Cohort 2: New Way to • User Groups • Events
Cross-Sell/ Operations LOB • Events
Work • Developer Forum • 3rd Party Events
Up-Sell Buyers • Webinars for Clients and
• Demos • Campaigns
Cohort 3: Accelerate
CIO and Cross-LOB
Speed to Market with
DX on Cloud
CMO and Marketing Cohort 1: New Way to
LOB Buyers Engage
CHRO and
Cohort 2: New Way to • Whitepapers
Renew/ Operations LOB • ROI Calculator
Work • Upgrades • Events
Retain Buyers • Subscription Marketing
• Campaigns
Cohort 3: Accelerate
CIO and Cross-LOB
Speed to Market with
DX on Cloud

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