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(Assistant Professor)

 Khanak Gupta- Narrator, Mrs. Oberoi

 Shatakshi Tomar- Rahul
 Anmol Shukla- Mr. Oberoi
 Harsh Jain- Mr. Sharma
 Aditi
 Aryan Rawat
 Tushar Sharma
 Bhoomika Nagpal
 Isha Garg
 Anshika Mangla

The case is all about a customer (Mr. Oberoi) and devox sports
shoes and sportswear store where the customer walks in the
showroom and demands for return of his shoes which he
purchased from that showroom a week ago. As soon as Mr.
Oberoi enters the showroom he is greeted by Rahul (sales
executive), and they have a communication regarding the
return of shoes where Rahul tells Mr. Oberoi that he can’t take
them back as its against company's policy.
The agenda of this presentation is-
We are going to discuss the problem and solutions of this case
along with some questions related to the case study.

 Didn’t ask about the return policy of the  Segmentation of customers on the basis
company while purchasing. of rich and poor.
 Casual approach at the time of purchase.  Rigid Policies
 Aggressive personality.  Consumer feedback
 Pre-conceived expectations.
 Careless, came without receipt.
Ques 1) Describe the important characteristics of a successful communicator with
example ?

Important traits of an effective communicator

 Discretion
 Completeness
 Has a keen ear
 Courtesy, composure, flexibility, and persuasion
 Accuracy, Confidence, Respect, and Integrity
Bad Example - Mr. Oberoi- He jumps from one argument to another. First he brings up the manufacturing defect, then the
seconds issue, and, finally, his own desire to not wear something that looks old. Mr. Oberoi's argument that he had noticed the
"defect" at the time of making the purchase, but did not "bother about it much" is not very convincing. He says, almost like a
helpless child, "Anyway, I want to return them!". when he fears failure, he raises his voice simply dropping them on the floor
and saying, "Please do what- ever you want to do with them"
Good example - Rahul behaves as a professional salesperson He knows what, when, and how much to say. Rahul's first reason
for not taking back the shoes-"We can't take these back. Our policy is not to take back goods that have been sold". Rahul
observes this principle by eventually convincing the reluctant Mr. Oberoi to keep the shoes till they hear from the head office.
Rahul also assurance that he would get back to Mr. Oberoi over the phone. He also insists, "in case we are not able to get
through to you, you could also try calling us".
Ques 2) How do language skills contribute to the effectiveness of communication?

Language is a vital part of human connections. One of the very basic dimensions of effective communication is the
knowledge and use of proper language for a specific purpose.
Language skills are the abilities that enables you to express your thoughts coherently and communicate with
others. These skills provide structure and relevance to the information you wish to convey to the recipient.
Reading, writing, listening and speaking are four essential skills that contribute to the effective communication.
Moreover, language skills can help you to-
1. Communicate better with clients and colleagues.
2. Work effectively with people from different cultures.
3. Builds solid relationship.
4. Reduces frustrations.
For example- Mr. Sharma, as a communicator, is more successful than others. He clearly tells Mr. Oberoi that
there was no design or manufacturing defect in the shoes and that was how those shoes were made to look. He is
clear, both about his role and his purpose. He is polite, firm and a good listener.
Ques 3) Based on your study of the case ,discuss the strong points of Rahul and Mr Sharma
as communicators.

 Strong points of Rahul, as a communicator are-

 Courteous- A communicator should be polite in his/her written, verbal and non-verbal communication which
can ensure that your intentions are clear.
 Factual Reporting - A good communicator knows the accurate accounts of incident, chronologically organized
paragraph is important in a written communication while reporting it.
 Concise- A Good communicator always make their message being prim and proper . They stick to one point -
what they are trying to communicate and do not beat around the bush.
Here, Rahul greets Mr. Oberoi politely, sticks to the point and follows company's policies and reports the whole
incident to Mr. Khare respectively.
 Strong points of Mr. Sharma, as a communicator are-
 Observant- A good communicator observes a situation first and intervene when required.
 Strategic communicator- A strategic communicator knows how and when to mold words. He knows the
strategies of effective communication and doesn't directly contradict.
 A good listener- A good communicator knows that speaking and listening go hand in hand and both are equally
important to have an effective communication.
Here, Mr. Sharma intervened when required and strategically conversed with Mr. Oberoi.
Ques 4) Discuss the importance of tone in oral communication.

When speaking with others, your tone clarifies and conveys meaning. It conveys emotions
such as happiness, gloom, anger, frustration and more. The tone of your voice affects the
interpretation of your message.
For example: Mr. Rahul was speaking politely with Mr. Oberoi whereas Mr. Oberoi was
showing anger to Mr. Rahul. If Mr. Rahul wouldn't have kept the tone in mind the situation
would have gotten worse. Therefore, one must keep in mind the tone of one's words.
Ques 5) Briefly discuss the part you think personality plays in communication.

Personality plays a vital role in communication. It determines how fruitful your conversation can be. Basically, there
is a correlation between personality and communication.
Personality of a communicator is a combination of-
 Dressing
 Gestures, body language
 Tone, clarity of approach
 Understanding of subject matter
 Silence, humour and aggressiveness
For instance, if you have a confident personality, carry yourself well and have a good understanding of the subject
matter, then others will take you seriously and your conversation will be effective. But on the other hand, if you are
fearful and doesn't have an understanding of the subject matter, others won't take you seriously thus resulting in an
ineffective communication.
Here, in this case study, the characters show the following personality traits-
 Rahul- Polite gesture, calm composure
 Mr. Oberoi- Aggressive
 Mr. Sharma- understands the matter, polite, firm, good listener
 Mrs. Oberoi- Uses silence to indicate her actions/thoughts
 Mr. Khare- Clarity, decisive, authoritative
Ques 6) Discuss what have you perceived about the characters in the case through their
non- verbal mode of communication?

The speaker uses verbal and non-verbal communication for sharing or exchanging of information,
ideas or feeling. Non-verbal communication is the communication with the use of gestures, tone of
voice, expressions, body posture, and so on to send a message. There are many gestures being
portraited in the case study by different characters-
1) Rahul: When Mr. Oberoi entered, he greeted him politely. It shows welcoming nature of Rahul as
a sales employee.
. When Mr. Oberoi was telling him about the defect of the product he was trying to handover
shoebox to Rahul but he didn’t take that box once this shows he was following the organizational
policies strictly.
2)Mr. Oberoi: The action of dropping the pair on the floor represents the angry nature of him.
.When Mr. Oberoi was telling about the defect of shoes he was trying to handover the pair to Rahul.
It represents his eagerness for returning the pair of shoes.

 Should have been careful and brought  Should have flexible policies that would
receipt. be beneficial for both the company and
the customer.
 Should have paid attention while buying
shoes.  Should take consumer feedbacks
regarding designs and make the
 Could have communicated in a better
necessary changes.
and polite manner instead of being
aggressive.  Should provide better post purchase
 Ask about the return policy of the
company before hand while making the

Communication is successful only when purpose is fulfilled. Purpose of communication may

be to inform, persuade or something else.
From the case study we can conclude that verbal and non verbal modes of communication
plays an important role in effective communication.
• Verbal communication is the words and sound that we pronounce.
• Non-verbal communication is the communication with use of gestures and facial
• These both (verbal and non-verbal) make communication effective.
In this case study, if both the parties had a better approach, the situation would have been way
better. Such a fuss could have been avoided.

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