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The ACE Team

How to plan your

assignments and manage
your time
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The ACE Team

Today’s topics

• Tools for time management

• Prioritising tasks
• Tips for self-study
• Maximising your research time
• Using the assignment brief to plan your
The ACE Team
Benefits of good time management at

Helps prioritise tasks and activities effectively

Increases your productivity and academic performance

Reduces stress and enables you to maintain a work/life


Do you use any tools or strategies for The ACE Team

effective time management?

Tools for effective time management The ACE Team

Diaries, calendars and schedules are essential for structuring

your time effectively

Apps like Trello, Evernote and Microsoft OneNote have useful

time management functions

Apps like Offtime and Flipd can restrict access to distractions

(Rosen and Samuel, 2015)
Prioritising tasks The ACE Team

The Eisenhower Matrix categorises tasks as:

• Urgent and Important

• Not Urgent but Important

• Urgent but not Important

• Not Urgent and Not Important

The ACE Team

(Clear, 2021)
An Eisenhower Matrix in Trello The ACE Team

(Moon, 2019)
Self-Study Tips The ACE Team

Focused Study Sessions (FSS):

• Plan (1-2 minutes)

• Study (30-50 minutes)

• Break (5-10 minutes)

• Recap (5 minutes)

(Adapted from Louisiana State University, Center for Student Success, 2015)
Self-Study Tips The ACE Team

Space Out Your Study Sessions

• Work for a short time on each

module/project every day

• Be specific and realistic with

your planning

• Spacing out your study sessions

reduces procrastination

(The Learning Center, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2021)
Managing your time for assignments The ACE Team

• Essential to plan how you will use your time for each assignment
• Don’t underestimate the time needed for reading and editing!
• Work backwards from deadline
• Break assignments down into chunks (different sections) and allocate time to each (use
the assignment brief!)
• Don’t forget to consider other commitments (other modules/assignments, work, family,
leisure, etc)
• Get help ASAP if needed (ACE Team!!)

Understanding the assignment brief The ACE Team

• How the brief can help your


• Elements of the brief

• Understanding the task

How can the brief help you plan and write The ACE Team

a good assignment?

How can the brief help you plan and write The ACE Team

a good assignment?

• Gives the topic of the assignment

• Specifies the focus
• Sets out the task and instructions as to how it should be
• Provides details regarding format, word count,
referencing style, etc
• Specifies criteria for different levels of achievement (i.e.

Elements of the assignment brief The ACE Team

Write the letter of the description in the correct box:

1. Submission criteria
a. What you need to do

2. Task description b. What you need to do to get a good score

3. Learning outcomes c. When and how to submit the assignment

4. Assessment criteria d. How to lay out the assignment and which style of
referencing to use

e. Which module outcomes are being assessed in the

5. Other (referencing, formatting, etc) assignment
Elements of the assignment brief The ACE Team

1. Submission criteria c. When and how to submit the assignment

2. Task description a. What you need to do

3. Learning outcomes e. Which module outcomes are being assessed in the


4. Assessment criteria b. What you need to do to get a good score

5. Other (referencing, formatting, etc) d. How to lay out the assignment and which style of
referencing to use
Elements of the task description The ACE Team

TOPIC The broad phenomenon under examination

FOCUS The specific “what about” the broad phenomenon

What angle / perspective?

INSTRUCTION What you should do in the essay

(i.e. Discuss /Analyse / Outline etc.)
Elements of the task description The ACE Team


Discuss the Strategic Importance to a Business of the Operations

TOPIC ‘the operations function’

FOCUS ‘the strategic importance to a



(University of Middlesex, 2019)

Understanding the task The ACE Team

Write the letter of the description in the correct box:

1. describe a. Decide on the value of a theory or argument by

asking questions as to its relevance, reliability and
2. discuss b. Give the main features (omitting details)

3. critically evaluate c. Give all the facts

4. analyse d. Describe without going into detail

5. justify e. Consider all sides of an issue

6. outline f. Examine methodically and in detail in order to

7. summarise g. Provide satisfactory reasons
Understanding the task The ACE Team

1. describe c. Give all the facts

2. discuss e. Consider all sides of an issue

3. critically a. Decide on the value of a theory or argument by asking questions as to its

evaluate relevance, reliability and significance

4. examine f. Examine methodically and in detail in order to explain

5. justify g. Provide satisfactory reasons

6. outline b. Give the main features (omitting details)

7. summarise d. Describe without going into detail

Getting a good score The ACE Team

Which part of the brief helps you understand how to get a good score?

1. Submission criteria

2. Task description

3. Learning outcomes

4. Assessment criteria

5. Other (referencing,
formatting, etc)

Extracts from the marking criteria The ACE Team

Highlight the parts of the extracts which differentiate between levels of

attainment as regards linking ideas:

Adequate / basic management literature and theories identified. The association of the
identified literature to the topic/aims is unclear.

Good management literature and theories identified. An attempt to associate identified

literature with the topic/aims is made but requires sound justification.

Very good management literature and theories identified. Clear link established to the
proposed topic/aims and the key management literature.
Extracts from the marking criteria The ACE Team

Highlight the parts of the extracts which differentiate between levels of

attainment as regards linking ideas:

Adequate / basic management literature and theories identified. The association of the
identified literature to the topic/aims is unclear.

Good management literature and theories identified. An attempt to associate identified

literature with the topic/aims is made but requires sound justification.

Very good management literature and theories identified. Clear link established to the
proposed topic/aims and the key management literature.
The ACE Team
Getting started
What’s difficult? What can help?

Getting started The ACE Team

• Make sure you understand the task. Discuss it with your peers and/or tutors

• What information do you need? Where can you access it?

• Spend time reading and highlighting important/interesting ideas. Make sure
Inf you understand key concepts.

• Make a rough outline of your assignment

Out • Make notes about each section as you think of ideas

• You don’t have to write from start to finish.

Wri • Highlight things and make notes as you work
General tips The ACE Team

• Start with the task – make sure you understand the topic, focus and instruction
• Don’t worry about starting at the beginning – just start somewhere!
• Writing often helps to clarify your ideas
• Talk through your ideas with someone else (for clarity and to generate more ideas)
• Once you have worked out your main ideas, think about how to sequence them logically
• Make a plan – you can always change it later if necessary
• Keep revisiting the brief to ensure you keep on topic
• Keep a track of sources you want to use
Review: What would you like to remember from The ACE Team

today’s session?

You might also like… The ACE Team

ACE Resources:
ACE’s Quick Guide to Time Management
Time Management and Self Study Video Guide
Reading Assignment Briefs Video Guide
Planning Your Assignment Video Guide
Planning Your Assignment Quick Guide
Building an Argument Video Guide

Trello Offtime Flipd
Microsoft OneNote
The ACE Team
Clear, J. (2021) How to be More Productive and Eliminate Time Wasting Activities by Using the “Eisenhower Box”. Available
at: (Accessed: 9 February 2021)
Louisiana State University, Center for Student Success (2015) The Study Cycle: The Path to Improving Study Techniques.
Available at: (Accessed: 17 February 2022)
Moon, L. (2019) The Top 5 Blockers To Your Productivity (And How To Hack Each One). Blog.Trello. 20 November. Available
at: (Accessed: 9 February 2021)
Rosen, L. and Samuel, A. (2015) Conquering Digital Distraction. Available at: (Accessed: 8 February 2021)
The Learning Center, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (2021) Studying 101: Study Smarter Not Harder. Available at: (Accessed: 12 February 2021)
UCL Institute of Education (2020) Evaluating Resources: CRAAP Test. Available at: (Accessed: 12 February 2021)

The ACE Team

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Time Management workshop today.
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