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Riu Shandy Lintar Pratama (X-2/30)
Greetings and

We use greetings and introductions in our first-time interaction with

people however it is important that we don’t forget that some greetings apply only to
formal situations and other greetings are more suited to informal situation such
when you meet a friend at school or university.

Learning how to introduce ourselves and how to show interest by asking

personal information questions is also a goal to reach since most conversations tend
to go beyond a simple greeting and introduction.
Greetings Vocabulary
These are some of the most common phrases to greet people.
● Good Morning ● Howdy?

● Morning Josh ● How is it going?

● Morning , Guys ● Hey Matthew

● Good Afternoon ● Hey, What’s up

● Good Evening ● Hey, Buddy

● Hi ● Hey, Guys

● Hello ● Hey, What’s going on?

● How are you ? ● What’s new?

● How are you doing?

Useful Expressions • My name is Riu
for Introductions • Hi, I am Riu
• Hello, my name is Riu
• My full name is Riu Shandy
• My nick name is Riu
• Good evening. My name is Riu
These are some useful
• How do you do? My name is Riu
expression when the
moment to introduce • May I introduce myself? My name is Riu
ourselves come • Let me introduce myself. My name is Riu
• First of all, I would like to introduce myself. My
name is Riu
Introducing Others
Introduction Responses
• Do you know Ahmad? • No, I haven’t.
• Have you met Ahmad? • No, I don’t think so.
• He is my friend, Ahmad. • Hi, glad to meet you. I am
• Alif, this is Ahmad, my Alif.
friend. • Hello, Ahmad. Nice to meet
• May I introduce my friend, you.
Ahmad. • It is great to see you.
• Let me introduce you to • I am pleased to know you
Ahmad our new friend. • How do you do?
• Please allow me to • How do you do? It is very
introduce our new friend. glad to meet you.
• Mr. Alif. this is Mr. Ahmad
from Palembang.
Leave-Takings in English
These are some of the most common leave-taking
that we use in English

• Bye
• See you in a few
• Good-Bye

B ye
• See you around
• See you
• Later
• See You later
• Take care
• See you tomorrow
• Thank you so much.
• Thank you very much.
• I appreciate your
• I sincerely appreciate ….
• My sincere
• My thanks and appreciation.
• Please accept my deepest thanks.
• Thank you for your
Elementary Pre-intermediate

● I apologize ● my fault

● I'm really sorry ● (I'm) sorry if...
● I'm so sorry ● I (really) must apologize
● I'm sorry ● I hope you can forgive me
● I'm sorry but... (one day)
● Sorry ● I really am so sorry
● I wasn't doing my job
● I'd like to apologize
● Please forgive me

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