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An Introduction


Submitted to : Submitted by :
Mamta maam Tanisha Jain
• System design is the process of defining the elements of a system such as the architecture,
modules and components, the different interfaces of those components and the data that goes
through that system. It is meant to satisfy specific needs and requirements of a business or
organization through the engineering of a coherent and well-running system.
• Systems design is the process of defining the architecture, components, modules, interfaces,
and data for a system to satisfy specified requirements. Systems design could be seen as the
application of systems theory to product development. There is some overlap with the
disciplines of systems analysis, systems architecture and systems engineering.
• Systems design is therefore the process of defining and developing systems to satisfy
specified requirements of the user .
• The objective of system design is to create a system that is:
• Functional: The system must meet all of its functional requirements. This means that it must be able
to perform all of the tasks that it is designed to do.
• Reliable: The system must be reliable and available. This means that it must be able to function
correctly even when faced with errors or unexpected events.
• Scalable: The system must be able to scale to meet the needs of its users and stakeholders. This
means that it must be able to handle increased traffic or data loads without sacrificing performance.
• Secure: The system must be secure. This means that it must be able to protect its data and resources
from unauthorized access, modification, or destruction.
• Maintainable: The system must be maintainable. This means that it should be easy to understand,
modify, and update.

1. Physical System Design

2. Architectural Design
3. Logical System Design

1.Physical Design

The Physical Design Relates To The Actual Input And Output Processes Of The
System.This Is Laid Down In Terms Of How Data Is Input Into A System, How It Is
Verified/Authenticated, How It Is Processed, And How It Is Displayed As In Physical

2. Architectural Design
The Architectural Design Of A System Emphasizes On The Design Of The Systems
Architecture Which Describes The Structure, Behaviour, And More Views Of That
3.Logical Design

The Logical Design Of A System Pertains To An Abstract Representation Of

The Data Flows, Inputs And Outputs Of The System.This Is Often Conducted
Via Modelling, Using An Over- abstract (And Sometimes Graphical) Model Of
The Actual System.In The Context Of Systems Design Are Included. Logical
Design Includes ER Diagrams I.E. Entity Relationship Diagrams.
• Servers:

Servers are the backbone of our system, responsible for processing requests and executing business logic.
We employ multiple servers to distribute the workload and ensure high availability.
Each server is designed to handle specific tasks, such as handling user requests, processing data, or managing
background jobs.
The distribution of tasks among servers optimizes system performance and resource utilization.

• Databases:

Databases play a critical role in data storage, retrieval, and management.

We utilize a relational database management system (RDBMS) to store structured data efficiently.
The schema design is carefully structured to meet the specific needs of our application.
We use database replication for data redundancy and failover mechanisms to ensure data reliability.
User Interfaces:

User interfaces are the points of interaction between the system and its users.
We offer multiple interfaces, including web-based interfaces for desktop and mobile devices.
The user interfaces are designed for ease of use and responsive to various screen sizes.
They provide access to the system's functionalities, such as data input, reporting, and data

Load Balancing:

Load balancing is a key architectural component to distribute incoming user requests evenly
among servers.
It ensures that no single server is overwhelmed and optimizes response times.
Load balancers are configured to monitor server health and automatically redirect traffic in the
event of a server failure.

Scalability is a fundamental aspect of our architecture, allowing the system to grow in response to
increasing demands.
Our architecture supports both vertical and horizontal scaling.
Vertical scaling involves adding resources (CPU, RAM) to individual servers.
Horizontal scaling involves adding more servers to the system to accommodate higher loads.

Redundancy and Failover:

To enhance system reliability, we implement redundancy and failover mechanisms.

Redundancy ensures that there are backup components in place in case of hardware or software
Failover mechanisms automatically switch to these backups, minimizing system downtime.

• User perspective: The system must be designed to meet the needs of its users. This means
that it should be easy to use and understand, and it should provide the features and
functionality that users need.
• Business perspective: The system must be designed to support the business goals of the
organization. This means that it should be efficient and cost-effective, and it should help
the organization to improve its operations and profitability.
• Technical perspective: The system must be designed using sound engineering principles.
This means that it should be scalable, reliable, and secure.

In conclusion, effective system design is the cornerstone of building efficient,

scalable, and secure solutions that meet the demands of today's dynamic
technological landscape. We've explored key facets of system design, from
architecture and design principles to security, performance optimization, and

System design is a complex and challenging task, but it is essential for

creating systems that meet the needs of their users and stakeholders. By
considering the important perspectives discussed above, system designers can
create systems that are functional, reliable, scalable, secure, and maintainable.

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