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Angle of

Candy May Castillo
Nelyn Mea Estuaria
Angle Of Depression

The angle of depression is formed when the observer is

higher than the object he/she is looking at. When an
observer looks at an object that is situated at a distance
lower than the observer, an angle is formed below the
horizontal line drawn with the level of the eye of the
observer and line joining object with the observer’s eye.
Example 1:
An observer is standing on the top of the a
vertical cliff spots a house in the adjacent
valley at 12degrees angle of depression . The
cliff is 60m tall. How far the house from the
base of the cliff?

Tan x=opposite/Adjacent
Example 2:

Given the height of the tower is 30 m and

the distance of the object from the tower is
10 m. Find the angle of depression when the
observer is in the tower and observing the
Example 3:

Mr. Toni, from the top of the building, is seeing

his friend lying on the ground to take a rest. The
height of the building is 70m. His friend is 30m
from the building. Find the angle of depression
between Toni's line of sight (when looking
downward) to his friend and the horizontal line
drawn from Toni's eyes.
Thank you!

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