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Java Programming Language

lecture 01
lecturer : Kamaluddin Behzad
Kamaluddin Behzad 1
Roadmap of today

• Welcome to Introduction and practical of computer science(programming language)

• Administrative Issues
• Course Contents, Text Book, Exams, Office Hours, Homework, Grading, etc.

• Course Description
• What material will we cover?

• Introduction to Programming Languages and Java

Kamaluddin Behzad 2
Kamaluddin Behzad 3
Course Text Book

• Introduction to Java Programming (10th Edition)

• Lecture notes will follow the book.
• Please keep up with the reading!

Kamaluddin Behzad 4

• For the course, you may use any IDE you are comfortable using. I will use one or more of the
following in the classroom:
• Notepad++ and JDK
• Eclipse
• Netbeans
• All these products can be downloaded from the web for free.
• The next presentations will include instructions on downloading and installing these programs.
• If you do not have your own computer, the computer labs on campus have the software.

Kamaluddin Behzad 5

• Your grade will be determined as follows:

• First Midterm (20%)
• Homework , Project (possible quizzes) (20%)
• Final Exam (60%)
• Class participation will help your grade!!!!

Kamaluddin Behzad 6
Student Civility

In an effort to make this class enjoyable for everybody…

Please be on time to class!

• Please do not talk to your friends and neighbors in class! It disturbs everyone, and makes it
hard to concentrate. If you have a question, just ask me at end time of class!
• Please turn your cell-phones off!
• Please be on time in the class other ways you will be absent.

Kamaluddin Behzad 7
Help is available

• Kamaluddin Behzad
• Bachelor of Computer Science from India
• 0747080407 ( Telegram,Whatsapp )

Kamaluddin Behzad 8
Course Description

Kamaluddin Behzad 9
Course Prerequisites

• Prerequisites:
– No prior programming experience required
• Who should be taking this course:
– students who want to switch to a computer science major
– students who want a computer science minor or a computer applications minor
– students who are just interested in programming.
• You must get a score of 55 or better in this class to take further computer science

Kamaluddin Behzad 10
What the class is really about

• There are two main goals of this course:

• Learn the Basics of Java Programming
• Learn the Core Concepts of Programming Languages

Kamaluddin Behzad 11
1. Learn the Basics of Java Programming

• Java is a popular programming language, widely used in industry.

• We will cover the fundamentals of java programming language like the following:

Data Type, Variables, Arithmetic, Decisions, Loops, Arrays, Methods, etc.

Kamaluddin Behzad 12
2. Learn the Core Concepts of all High level

• There are many programming languages available:

Pascal, C, C++, Java, Ada, Perl, PHP, ASP, ASP.NET, etc.

• All of these languages share core concepts.
• By focusing on these concepts, you are better able to learn any programming language.
• Hence, by learning Java, you are poised to learn other languages, such as C++ or Perl.

Kamaluddin Behzad 13

• By learning the core concepts, you are also much more marketable as you are able to learn new
technologies quicker.
• Java has a construct called a for loop that enables a program to repeat actions over and over.

Most other languages also have a for loop.

• Hence, by learning about for loops in Java, you can easily learn for loops in C,C++, Ada,
PHP, Python, etc.

Kamaluddin Behzad 14
Introduction to Programming Languages and Java

Kamaluddin Behzad 15
Programming Languages

• Low Level Languages

• Machine Language
• Assembly Language
• High Level Languages
• Java
• C++
• Go
• Python
• C#.NET
Kamaluddin Behzad 16
Machine Language (1st Generation)

• Advantage
The only advantage is that program of machine language run very fast because no
translation program is required for the CPU.
• Disadvantages
It is very difficult to program in machine language. The programmer has to
know details of hardware to write program.
The programmer has to remember a lot of codes to write a program which
results in program errors.
It is difficult to debug the program.

Kamaluddin Behzad 17
Assembly Language programming 2 genration

to add two numbers:

Kamaluddin Behzad 18
High-level Languages 3 Generation rd

• Easy to learn and use.

• Use English and mathematical symbols like +, -, %, / etc.
• Has to be converted to machine language for the computer to understand.

Kamaluddin Behzad 19
Java program to add two numbers:

Kamaluddin Behzad 20
History of Java

A group of 13 Sun employees including James Gosling started the “Green Project” in
.1991 with the intention of planning for the next wave in computing

.To make a long story short, people at Sun decided to use this new language for the web
At the Sun World conference in May 1995, Marc Andreessen of Netscape announced an
agreement to integrate Java into its browser. This meant that webpages were no longer
.going to be static

Over the next few years, java became very popular for writing applets (small programs
included on webpages)

Kamaluddin Behzad 21

Today in addition to writing applets, Java is used for writing large applications as well
as applications for mobile devices
For more on the history of Java, check out:

Kamaluddin Behzad 22
Characteristics of Java

• Java is simple
• Java is object-oriented
• Java is distributed
• Java is robust
• Java is secure
• Java is portable
• Java’s performance
• Java is multithreaded
• Java is dynamic

Kamaluddin Behzad 23
That’s all for today

Kamaluddin Behzad 24

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