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Chapter 1

Software Requirements

Software Analysis and Design


Before we start..
What is ..
•Software Engineering?
•Software Process?

Enas Naffar, 2020

Before we start..
What is
•Software Engineering?
A systematic approach to develop a high quality
software, on time and within budget.

• Software Process ?
A set of activities to develop a software.
These activities include:
Requirements Engineering – Design – Implementation – Testing – Deployment –
Enas Naffar, 2020
Before we start..
• Requirements Engineering

Enas Naffar, 2020

Software Requirements

• Software requirement is a capability or a condition that

must be possessed or met by the system.

• Requirements engineering is the process of finding out,

analyzing, documenting and checking requirements.

Software Requirements

• Why is it important to have a requirements

document (RD or SRS) ?

• Who uses the requirements document ?

Types of Requirements

• Functional requirements: services provided by the system.

o The following questions help us identifying functional

- What inputs the system should accept ?
- What outputs the system should produce ?
- What computation the system should perform ?
- What data the system should store?

Types of Requirements

• Non-functional requirements: characteristics or quality

attributes of the system.

Examples: Performance, security, usability, reliability, etc.

Non-functional requirements are essential and critical, as well

as functional requirements.

Requirements Artifacts

• During Requirements, a Use-Case Model is developed

that describes what the system will do.
• A Use-Case Model serves as a contract between the
customer, the users, and the system developers.
• A Use-Case Report is the document where all of the use
properties are documented (e.g., brief description, use-
case flows of events, etc.).

Requirements Artifacts

• Supplementary Specifications complements the use-case

model, because together they capture all requirements
(functional and nonfunctional) that need to be described to
serve as a complete system requirements specification.

• A Glossary defines a common terminology for all models and

contains textual descriptions of the required system.

Case study : Eastern State University (ESU)
• The process of assigning professors to courses and the registration of students is a
frustrating and time-consuming experience.
• After the professors of ESU have decided which courses they are going to teach
for the semester, the Registrar's office enters the information into the computer
system. A batch report is printed for the professors indicating which courses they
will teach. A course catalog is printed and distributed to the students.
• The students currently fill out (mulitpart, multicolor) registration forms that
indicate their choice in courses, and return the completed forms to the Registrar's
office. The typical student load is four courses. The staff of the Registrar's office
then enters the students' forms into the mainframe computer system. Once the
students' curriculum for the semester has been entered, a batch job is run
overnight to assign students to courses. Most of the time the students get their
first choice; however, in those cases where there is a conflict, the Registrar's office
talks with each student to get additional choices. Once all the students have been
successfully assigned to courses, a hard copy of the students' schedule is sent to
the students for their verification. Most student registrations are processed within
a week, but some exceptional cases take up to two weeks to solve.
• Once the initial registration period is completed, professors receive a student list
for each course they are scheduled to teach.

Case study : Eastern State University (ESU)

• At the beginning of each semester, students may request a course catalog

containing a list of course offerings for the semester. Information about each
course, such as professor, department, and prerequisites will be included to help
students make informed decisions.

• The new system will allow students to select four course offerings for the coming
semester. In addition, each student will indicate two alternative choices in case a
course offering becomes filled or canceled. No course offering will have more than
ten students or fewer than three students. A course offering with fewer than three
students will be canceled. Once the registration process is completed for a
student, the registration system sends information to the billing system so the
student can be billed for the semester.

• Professors must be able to access the online system to indicate which courses
they will be teaching, and to see which students signed up for their course

• For each semester, there is a period of time that students can change their
schedule. Students must be able to access the system during this time to add or
drop courses.
Requirements activities

1. Domain understanding and elicitation.

2. Evaluation and agreement.
3. Specification and Documentation.
• Capture functional requirements : The straightforward approach to
identify system requirements is based on use case
• Capture non functional requirements : Described in a use case and
supplementary requirements. Some nonfunctional requirements are
more generic and cannot be connected to a particular use case.
4. Requirements validation.

Capturing Requirements as

Activity 1 : Finding actors and use Cases

• Outline who and what (actors) will interacts with the system,
and what functionality (use cases) is expected from the
• This activity consists of four steps
 Finding actors
 Finding use cases
 Briefly describing each use case
 Describing the use-case model as a whole

1.1 Finding Actors

The following questions may be used to help identify actors

• Who is interested in a certain requirement?
• Where in the organization is the system used?
• Who will benefit from the use of the system?
• Who will supply the system with this information, use this information,
and remove this information?
• Who will support and maintain the system?
• Does the system use an external resource?
• Does one person play several different roles?
• Do several people play the same role?
• Does the system interact with a legacy system?

1.1 Finding Actors

• Actors of the ESU Course Registration System

Student wants to register for courses

Professor wants to select courses to teach
Registrar must create the curriculum and generate a catalog for
the semester
Registrar must maintain all the information about courses,
professors, and students
Billing System must receive billing information from the system

1.1 Finding Actors

•A brief description for each actor should be added to the

model. The description should identify the role the actor plays
while interacting with the system.

Student— a person who is registered to take classes at the University

Professor— a person who is certified to teach classes at the University
Registrar— the person who is responsible for the maintenance of the
ESU Course Registration System
Billing System— the external system responsible for student billing

1.2 Identifying use cases

• When the starting point is a business model, we find use

case from business model . A use case is suggested for
every role of each worker who participates in a business
use-case realization and who use the information system.

• Otherwise, the system analyst identifies the use cases

through workshops with the customer and users. The
system analyst goes through the actors, one by one, and
suggests candidates for use cases for each actor.

1.2 Identifying use cases

The following questions help identifying use cases for a

•What are the tasks of each actor?
•Will any actor create, store, change, remove, or read information in the
•What use case will create, store, change, remove, or read this information?
•Will any actor need to inform the system about sudden, external changes?
•Does any actor need to be informed about certain occurrences in the
•What use cases will support and maintain the system?
•Can all functional requirements be performed by the use cases?

1.2 Identifying use cases

The following needs must be addressed by the system:

• The Student actor needs to use the system to register for courses.
• After the course selection process is completed, the Billing System must
be supplied with billing information.
• The Professor actor needs to use the system to select the courses to teach
for a semester, and must be able to receive a course roster from the
• The Registrar is responsible for the generation of the course catalog for a
semester, and for the maintenance of all information about the
curriculum, the students, and the professors needed by the system.

1.2 Identifying use cases

• Use Cases in the ESU Course Registration System

Register for courses

Select courses to teach
Request students list
Maintain course information
Maintain professor information
Maintain student information
Create course catalog
1.3 Describing each Use Case briefly

• The brief description of a use case states the purpose of

the use case in a few sentences, providing a high-level
definition of the functionality provided by the use case.

o Example : The brief description of the Register for Courses

use case is as follows:
“This use case is started by the Student. It provides the
capability to create, modify, and/or review a student
schedule for a specified semester.“

1.4 Describing the use-case model as a whole

• It is not enough to understand each use case in isolation. We

also need to see the whole picture.
• We prepare diagrams and description to explain the use-case
model as a whole, particularly how the use cases related to
each other and to the actors.
• There is no strict rule for what to include in a diagram .
Instead, we choose the set of diagrams that will most clearly
described the system.
• For example, diagrams can be drawn to illustrate the uses
cases that are performed by one actor or perhaps to show
the use cases that participate in one business use case.

Activity 2: Prioritize use cases

• We need to prioritize use-cases to determine which of them

needed to be developed (i.e., analyzed, designed,
implemented, etc. ) in early iteration, and which can be
developed in later iteration.

Activity 3: Detail a use case

• Each use case is documented with a flow of events .

• The flow of events is written in terms of what the system
should do, not how the system does it. That is, it is written
in the language of the domain, not in terms of
• The flow of events should include:
-When and how the use case starts and ends
-What interaction the use case has with the actors
-What data is needed by the use case
-The normal sequence of events for the use case
-The description of any alternate or exceptional flows
Use-case description
Register for Courses Use Case
1.0 USE case name :
Register for Course
1.1 Brief description :
The use case is started by the student. It provides the capability to create,
review, modify, and delete a course schedule for a specified semester. All
pertinent billing information is sent to the Billing System.
1.2 entry condition
This use case begins when the student enters the student id number.
2. Flow of events:
2.1 Basic flow:
2.1.1 The system verifies that the student id number is valid ( if the
id number is invalid, Alternate Flow 2.2.1 is executed) and
prompts the student to select the current semester or a future
2.1.2 The student enters the desired semester (if an invalid semester is entered,
alternate flow 2.2.2 is executed).
2.1.3 The system prompts the student to select the desired activity:
- Create a schedule.
- Review a schedule.
- Change a schedule:
- Delete a course.
- Add a course.

2.1.4 if the activity selected is Create a Schedule,

• he system display screen containing a field for a course name and number.
• The student enters 4 primary course offering numbers and 2 alternate course
offering numbers. The student then submits the request for courses.
• The system then:
* Checks that prerequisites are satisfied for the requested course.
* Adds the student to the course offering if the course offering is
open( if not then alternate flow 2.2.3)
The student indicates that the activity is complete.

2.1.5 if the activity selected is Review Schedule,
• The student requests information on all course offerings in which the
student is registered for a given semester.
• The system displays all courses for which the student is registered
including course name, course number, course offering number, days of
the week, time, location, and number of credit hours.
2.1.6 if the activity selected is Delete a course,
• The student indicates which course offerings to delete.
• The system checks that the final date for changes has not been exceeded.
• The system deletes the student from the course offering.
• The system notifies the student that the request has been processed.

• The student indicates that the activity is complete.

2.1.7 If the activity selected is ADD a course
• The student indicates which course offerings to add.
• The system checks that the final date for changes has not been
• The system then:
- Verifies that the maximum course load for the
student has not been exceeded.
- Checks that prerequisites are satisfied for the
requested course.
- Adds the student to the course offering if the
course offering is open.
• The student indicates that the activity is complete.

2.2 Alternate flow
2.2.1 If an invalid id number is entered, the system will not allow access to the
registration system.
2.2.2 If an attempt is made to create a schedule for a semester where a schedule
already exists, the system will prompt for another choice to be made.
2.2.3 If a primary course offering is not available, the system will substitute an
alternate course offering.

3.0 Special Requirements

• There are no special requirements for this use case.
4.0 Preconditions
• 4.1 The Create Course Offerings subflow of the Maintain Course Information use
case must execute before this use case begins.
5.0 Post Conditions
• There are no post conditions.

Activity :Identify relationships among use cases
• An association relationship may exist between an actor and a use case.
This type of association is often referred to as a communicate
association (one direction, both direction).
• There are three types of relationships that may exist between use cases:
- include (functional decomposition, reuse existing functionality.
- extend
-Optional behavior
- Behavior that is run only under certain conditions such as
triggering an alarm
-Several different flows that may be run based on actor
-generalization .
You have common behavior among use cases and want to
factor this out.

Include/ Extend relationship

Generalization relationship

Use case Diagram

• A use case diagram is a graphical view of some or all of the actors,

use cases, and their interactions identified for a system. Each
system typically has a Main Use Case diagram, which is a picture of
the system boundary (actors) and the major functionality provided
by the system (use cases).
• Other use case diagrams may be created as needed. Some
examples follow:
- A diagram showing all the use cases for a selected actor
- A diagram showing all the use cases being implemented in an iteration
- A diagram showing a use case and all its relationships

Main use case Diagram for registration system

Try to update the previous diagram by
adding use case relationships

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Activity Diagrams

The flow of events of a use-case can be described graphically with the

help of an activity diagram. Such a diagram is used for capturing
workflow in an organiztion and shows:
•Activity node, which represent the execution of an activity or step
within the flow of events.
•Transitions between those activities.
•Decisions for which a set of guard conditions are defined.

Example: Activity Diagram

Check Check
Schedule Pre-requisites

[checks completed]
[checks failed]

Assign to
Course Resolve
[student added
to course]
Supplementary Specification
Functional requirements and non-functional requirements that are not
captured by use cases are included in supplementary specifications. The
Supplementary Specifications include constraints on the
•Functionality: List of the functional requirements that are general to
many use cases.
•Usability: Those requirements that relate to, or affect, the usability of
the system. Examples include ease-of-use requirements or training
requirements that specify how readily the system can be used by its
•Reliability: Any requirements concerning the reliability of the system.
Quantitative measures such as mean time between failure or defects per
thousand lines of code should be stated.
•Performance: The performance characteristics of the system. Include
specific response times. Reference related use cases by name.
•Supportability: Any requirements that will enhance the supportability
or maintainability of the system being built.
•Design Constraints: Any design constraints on the system being built. 41
The Glossary defines important terms used in the project.
•There is one Glossary for the system. This document is
important to many developers, especially when they need to
understand and use the terms that are specific to the project.
The glossary is used to facilitate communications between
domain experts and developers.
•The Glossary is primarily developed during the inception and
elaboration phases, because it is important to agree on a
common terminology early in the project.
•In Inception/Elaboration it is used by domain experts (e.g.,
business analysts) to explain all the domain-specific terminology
used in their use cases.
• In Elaboration/Construction, developers use the Glossary to
explain technical terms used in the other four models.
•A system analyst is responsible for the integrity of the Glossary,
ensuring that the Glossary is produced in a timely manner and is
continuously kept consistent with the results of development.
Summary of the Requirements workflow

• A business model or a domain model to set the context of the

• A use case model that captures the functional requirements and the
non functional requirements that are specific to the individual use
case. The use-case model is described by a survey description, a set
of diagrams, and a detailed description of each use.
• A supplementary requirements specification for the requirements
that are generic and not specific for a particular use case.


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