Seagrass Presentation

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Assessment of Seagrass

Habitat in Barangay
Cayucyucan, Mercedes,
Camarines Norte
A wide variety of organisms, including different fish species, invertebrates like
crabs and snails, and countless forms of algae, can be found in seagrass
ecosystems. Seagrasses are flowering plants that thrive in marine environments.
These underwater meadows, known as seagrass beds, are crucial for the marine
ecosystem, providing food and shelter for various marine life. They also help
stabilize coastlines by reducing erosion and filtering pollutants. However, human
activities like pollution and coastal development may cause negative impacts on
the marine environment. Invertebrates, such as crabs and snails, play a crucial role
in seagrass ecosystems. The study by Unsworth et al. (2007) emphasizes the
significance of invertebrates in nutrient cycling and their contribution to the
overall health of seagrass habitats. Seagrasses, with their submerged blades and
intricate root systems, create complex habitats that support diverse communities
of marine life.

This study aims to assess the seagrass habitat

to identify the various organisms that inhabit
the particular seagrass ecosystem in Barangay
Cayucyucan, Mercedes, Camarines Norte.
Specific Objectives

Examine the specific location of seagrass habitat in Barangay

Cayucyucan, Mercedes, Camarines Norte.
Identify the different kinds of aquatic organisms that
thrive in seagrass habitats.
Evaluate the functional roles of different organisms within
the seagrass habitat.
Significance of the Study

Community. This study provides valuable scientific insights and

offers tangible benefits to the community. By enhancing
knowledge, promoting sustainable practices, and empowering
community involvement, this study can contribute to the long
term health of the seagrass ecosystem and the well being of the
people who depend on it.
Fisheries Student. This study will provide fisheries
students with an insight into the seagrass community
Barangay Cayucyucan, Mercedes, Camarines Norte. This
could serve as a reference of the possible challenges
that they may encounter at this stage of the fisheries
Future Researcher. This study will serve as a basis for
the researchers and studies in the future that are
related to this field.
Scope and Limitation of the
The focus of this study is to investigate the diversity of
seagrass at Barangay Cayucyucan, Mercedes, Camarines
Norte. It is focused on the investigation of what kind of
aquatic organisms inhabit that specific location. It will
not undergo identification of possible impacts of the
aquatic organisms to the ecosystem of the seagrass and is
only limited to the 10 meter by 10 meter diversity of
seagrass which will only take place in Barangay
Cayucyucan, Mercedes, Camarines Norte.
Review of Related Literature
and Studies
Related Literature
● As stated by Brazas Jr. and Lagat (2022) Seagrass is an important
aquatic plant in the ecosystem. It contributes nutrients to aquatic
environments that provide food and shelter to every marine
organism and supports local economies.
● Seagrass Ecosystems have various levels of biodiversity in different
aspects, the species' genotypes, functional groups, and habitat
which greatly contribute to seagrass ecosystems to be stable for
various organisms, a great source of useful resources, and be
productive (Duffy, 2006).
● Seagrasses use the energy from light to fix carbon dioxide, much
like any other photosynthetic organism, and convert it into organic
carbon to support seagrass development and biomass output. As
a consequence of photosynthesis, high rates of biomass
production also indicate high rates of oxygen production, which is
released into the nearby seas. Certain seagrass species, like
Posidonia oceanica, store a substantial quantity of carbon in the
sediment for extended periods of time, and other seagrass species
degrade their biomass more slowly (Borum et al., 2004).

● According to Rizqydiani et al. (2018) One coastal environment that

offers numerous biological advantages to other marine biota, such
as fish, shrimp, and shells, is seagrass beds. Seagrass beds benefit
those marine biotas by providing a home for their communities.
According to Titioatchasai et al. (2023) due to habitat loss and the
need to restore the ecosystem services that seagrasses offer;
restoration efforts are being carried out in many regions of the
world where seagrass ecosystems have been declining. Monitoring
the degree of biodiversity between the donor and transplanted
sites is necessary for assessing the success of transplants.
According to Genito et al. (2010) The observed “kaingin”
practices in the uplands pose the greatest threat to the seagrass
ecosystems of the area because of the long-term domino effect of
erosion and sedimentation on the seagrass beds.
● The ecosystem of the Gulf of Mexico depends heavily on seagrass
beds because they stabilize sediments and absorb carbon dioxide
from the atmosphere. Throughout their lives, they also act as
essential feeding grounds and nurseries for a wide variety of
marine animals, such as fish, crab, and shrimp. Brown (2022).
● According to Twomey (2021) Shallow coastal regions, either inside
or between the tides, are the most typical locations for seagrass, a
blooming plant that grows well in marine conditions. Seagrass is
important because it influences the movement of silt, which helps
safeguard coastal areas. This effect aids in preserving coastal
habitats by stabilizing the coastline, encouraging sediment
accumulation, and lowering erosion
Coastal seascape ecosystems like seagrasses, corals, mangrove
forests, tidal flats, and salt marshes have been more recently
touted as nature-based solutions for reducing and adapting to the
climate-related consequences. This is owing to their capacity to
absorb and store vast quantities of carbon from the atmosphere.
Traganos (2020).
Deforestation, farming, and urbanization are examples of land-
based activities that worsen inland and coastal water quality,
increase erosion, and destroy or destroy downstream coastal
marine habitats. In order to assess the economic viability of
implementing land-based conservation measures that would
benefit the ocean, we require quantitative techniques that link
sediment loads from catchments to assessments of the health of
downstream marine ecosystems. Saunders et al. (2017).
The world's largest variety of seagrass species may be found in the
Indo-Pacific region, which is also thought to be the cradle of the
Hydrocharitaceae family. Halophila ovalis and its closely related
taxa in the Hydrocharitaceae provide a major taxonomic problem
because of their amazing morphological flexibility. Nguyen et al.
The calculated recovery rates derived from the spatial cover
development of seagrass were lower than the observed rates of
natural growth. Crucially, the period to baseline recovery could be
much longer than three years and longer than the typical
monitoring schedule. Bell et al. (2008).
Site of the Study
Figure 1 Study Site

Figure 1 shows the site of the study. The coastline is located at

Barangay Cayucyucan, Mercedes, Camarines Norte. The red line
represents the sampling site and quadrat, quadrat measures
about 10 meters by 10 meters.
Scientific name: Halimeda spp.
Scientific name: Enhalus acoroides
Common name: Green algae,
English name: Tape seagrass, Eel Prostate sea cactus, Coralline alga.
Local name: Gulaman
Local name: Lusay
(Kingdom) Plantae, (Phylum) (Kingdom)Plantae, (Phylum)
Tracheophyta, (Class) Magnoliopsida, Chlorophyta, (Class) Ulvophyceae,
(Order) Alismatales, (Family) (Order) Bryopsidales, (Family)
Hydrocharitaceae, (Genus) Enhalus, Halimedaceae, (Genus) Halimeda.
(Species) acoroides
Scientific Name : Danafungia
Scientific Name : acropora muricata
English Name : Staghorn coral
English Name : Mushroom coral
Local Name : Guragba
Local Name : Plato plato
(Kingdom) Animalia, (Phylum)
(Kingdom) Animalia, (Phylum)
Cnidaria, (Class) Anthozoa, (Order)
Cnidaria, (Class) Anthozoa, (Subclass)
Scleractinia, (Family) Acroporida,
Hexacorallia, (Order) Scleractinia,
(Genus)Acropora, (Species) Acropora
(Suborder) Vacatina, (Family)
Fungiidae, (Genus) Danafungia,
(Species) Danafungia scruposa
Scientific Name :Protoreaster
nodosus Scientific Name : Holothuria
English Name : Horned sea star
English Name : Black sea cucumber
Local Name : bituing-dagat
Local Name : kutibas
Echinodermata,(Class)Asteroidea, (Kingdom) Animalia, (Phylum)
(Order)Valvatida, Echinodermata, (Class)
(Family)Oreasteridae, Holothuroidea, (Order) Holothuriida,
(Genus)Protoreaster,(Species) (Family) Holothuriidae, (Genus)
Protoreaster nodosus Holothuria, (Species)leucospilota
Results and discussion
The distribution of the following species is shown by the data
gathered from the marine ecosystem survey:

Sea star: 12 individuals

Sea cucumbers: 4 individuals

Corals: 7 individuals

Seaweeds: 15 individuals

Seagrass: 20 individuals
Figure 1. Diversity indices
Statistical Tool
The diversity of aquatic organisms that inhabit
with seagrass was measured using a past app,
which involves the computation of Taxa_S,
Shannon_H, and Evenness.
Bell, S., Tewfik, A., Hall, M., & Fonseca, M. (2008). Evaluation of Seagrass Planting and
Monitoring Techniques: Implications for Assessing Restoration Success and Habitat Equivalency. The
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Borum, J., Duarte, C., Greve, T., & Krause-Jensen, D. (Eds.). (2004). European seagrasses: an
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